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SNK making multiple new games

Posted Dec 30 2017 at 10:25 (Fri)

With the year-end only days away, Japanese game developers are making their new year resolutions for the year 2017 and 4Gamer interviewed them to hear what they have in mind. One of them was SNK's KOFXIV producer Yasuyuki Oda, who revealed that his company is already working on a number of new titles aside from their flagship 3-on-3 fighting game franchise.

"We've got other games aside from KOF already well into development! As I said, multiple games! We'll all be working to make some sort of announcement in 2017! Also, Metal Slug Attack will be getting a major update!", says Oda in the interview.

Oda reconfirmed that for KOFXIV, the Athena KOF98 DLC costume was just the tip of the iceburg. Additional announcements will be made on a timely basis, and the team is also considering new ideas while already working on some of them.

The interview also went on to having Oda pick his top games for the year 2016, which were Broforce, Uncharted. and Watch Dogs 2. As his MVPs of the year, he picked the ex-SNK developer SWERY as well as Fatal Fury animator Masami Obari(50), who married a 23-year-old girl after getting to know her through their hobby- Gunpla (Gundam plastic scale models).

Aside from SNK's Oda, The 4Gamer interview covers a whopping total of 149 Japanese developers including the top staff at Arc System Works; Ishiwatari, Mori, and Pachi. While they didn't release any new info on Guilty Gear, Mori commented on Blazblue that while he may be done with its scriptwriting, he's still going to keep supporting the franchise and promoting it.

SWERY, named by Oda as his man of the year

News from: 4Gamer

Thanks to Gatoray for the news.

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