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Capcom Ad shows Japan's 1990's FG fad

Posted Jan 17 2017 at 02:01 (Tue)

If you ever wanted to know how big fighting games in Japan were back in the 1990s, check out Capcom's awesome new ad for Ultra Street Fighter II on the Nintendo Switch. The ad shows glimpses of Akihabara and other locations in Japan and how popular the game was back in the fighting game golden era.

The Japanese version of the trailer is slightly different from the English trailer and uses a May n' cover of the memorable Street Fighter II the Animated movie theme song, Itoshisa to Setsunasa to Kokoro Tsuyosa to. It also has some extra footage in the first half; around the 52 second mark, you'll get to see a short cut of former Gamest chief Zenji Ishii cosplaying as Ryu.

Capcom CEO Kenzo Tsujimoto are in both the Jp and En trailers-- he was still young back then, and not hooked on making wine in California.

But what's really striking about the trailer is the age of the players back in those days. Check out the arcade scenes and how young they all are.

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