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In memory of NeoRyu, our eternal fighter

Posted Dec 26 2017 at 22:16 (Tue)

It is with great sadness that the Madman's Cafe must bid a sudden farewell this month to another old member of its BBS, NeoRyu (Cory Joseph Staats).

NeoRyu has been with the MMCafe since 2000 as a BBS member, and posted regularly for almost a decade up to late 2009.

Suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy since the age of 5-- which we didn't know about until in recent years, NeoRyu faced many tough situations in his life and went through a particularly dangerous state in late 2015. He had since recovered enough to have his sister post a message this spring, but things took a turn this winter. We are sorry to hear that he passed away on December 14, 2017.

Like a true fighter, NeoRyu battled until the very end, and will always remain with us by heart. His love for J-pop, K-pop and C-pop can be seen in his blog site Crippled Otaku and Twitter account.

NeoRyu, may you rest in peace.

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