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Blazblue Cross Tag roster is 50% DLC

Posted Jan 14 2018 at 15:18 (Sun)

The ARC SYSTEM WORKS FIGHTING GAME AWARDS 2017 took place this weekend to honor high-level players, but the bigger headline which made waves for consumers was the company's announcement on their upcoming title, BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle.

Arc System Works disclosed through a press release that the full roster for BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle will be 40 characters and that half of the cast, or 20 characters, will become playable through DLC purchase.

The characters can be purchased individually, in a fixed pack of three, or as an All-in-One bundle. The first DLC character for the game will be Blake Belladonna from RWBY. DLC Prices have not yet been announced.

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle will be released on May 31 in Japan and retail at 5,800 JPY (+tax). The first shipment will come with a soundtrack CD as bonus.

Additionally, Arc System Works also announced that Guilty Gear Xrd REV2 will receive an update after EVO Japan which will include balance changes for all characters, improvements surrounding versus battle, and various bug fixes.

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