For the Gameboy, a new add-on which makes the machine into a
digital camera has been announced. Named "Pocket Camera", this digicam
can snapshot monochrome photos. The Digicam has different snapshot options
such as "Timer" and "split screens". The display on the gameboy can be
used to confirm the picture before it will be snapped, and basic graphics
editing such as text input can be done via the Gameboy. Data of snapshots
can be transferred with the use of the Gameboy's cable. In addition, the
digicam package comes with 3 games where the captured graphics can be used
as characters.
There is also a printer for Pocket Camera, adequately named
"Pocket Printer". The Pocket Camera has been priced at 5500Yen
retail, and the Pocket Printer at 5800Yen. Neither one has been confirmed
for sales in the US or other countries.