Another new chracter for Street fighter Ex has been announced.
Names Sharron, this red headed lady is a Spy. Her moves are similar to
those to Blairs, such as the lightning Knee and Sliding Arrow. Although
she has a gun for her victory pose she does not use it during her fights.
Another confirmed chracter from the old SFEX is Zangief. He
seems to have all his moves from the previousincluding the stomping feet
Arika and Capcom revealed their second character revived character
from the Original Street Fighter 2 to Street Fighter Ex 2. Known as Balrog
in the East hemphisphere and Vega in the West, the Spanish Ninja seems
to be back with both his flying attacks and the roll claw.
In addition, two chearcters from Street Fighter EX 1 have been
confirmed: Hokuto and Crackerjack.
EX2's Cracker Jack
EX2's Hokuto
Thus so far there have been seven characters confirmed in Street
Fighter Ex 2:
Cracker Jack
Doctorine Dark
It seems that the Guard cancel system is still present and "Super
Cancels" in which special or super moves can be comboed into another special
-is also alive.
From sources external to the net, the existance of totally new
chracters (not revived from the past) are also in the game. So far a "female
chracter with long red hair" has been spotted by an Advertizement illustrator
who had been to Arika.
Street Fighter EX 2 Copyright Arika & Capcom Co., 1998