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on 2/22/99-
*****Addition***** to Madman's Final Fantasy VIII Review Copyright Henry Moriarty, 1999 |
There are a few items which need to be added and revised. Some are a weenie bit of spoilers though. Here---> Please
Click Here For the Addentum.
on 2/22/99-
Madman's Final Fantasy VIII Review Copyright Henry Moriarty, 1999 |
Apologies as the link on the "Final Fantasy VIII Review" was.. dead. No real spoilers, don't worry. Please Click Here For the Review.
<--- Here.
on 2/19/99-
News in Sales of Final Fantasy VIII Copyright Square, 1999 |
On 2/11, Square's latest sequel to their Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy VIII was released. While no major chaos was seen on the day of its release due to tis wide distribution to sales not only in games stores and electronic stores but Convenience stores nationwide, lines over 400 customers were seen in some areas.
Square announced sales of over 2 Million copies from reservation, and additional copies on from the store shelves as well. The effect of Final Fantasy VIII can even been seen in the streets of Tokyo such as one of the Madman's local hangout: Shibuya, where flags were hanged outside for the occasion. For "Madman" Henry Moriarty's review of Final Fantasy VIII answering quesitons such as - "Is it worth the buy? Is it all it's hyped to be? Is it better than FFVII?" Click Here. |
on 2/19/99-
Information on Last Blade 2 NeoCD Version Copyright SNK, 1999 |
Information on the NeoGeo CD version of Last Blade 2 has been released by SNK.
While only available in versus mode, the middle boss from its prequel- Akatsuki Musashi is useable in the NeoGeo CD version of LB2.
A multiple-choice quiz game consisting of sections for Game System questions, Charcater questions, and difficult "cult" questions are available.
The character demos which take place in the 7th battle for each character is now done with full voice in addition to the text. In addition to the extras mentioned above, the "Kyoku" fighting mode for each character is playable with no use of codes. The usual "Survival Mode" and "Demo Viewer" is available as well.
on 2/19/99-
Private poll of Tokyo Mayor selects Sega Celebritie Copyright Sega, 1999 |
In a recent servey for the next Tokyo mayor done by Nippon Radio to 3000 middle schoolers and highschoolers, Sega Dreamcast's mascot celebrity: Yukawa Senmu was ranked at 6th place. In additional note, actor "Beat Takeshi" (Johnny Neumonic, Hana-bi, etc) was ranked at first place, and celebrity "Kimura Takuya" from the group "Smap" ranked second. Comemrcial advertizement clips of Yukawa Sennmu are available at Sega's Homepage- http://www.sega.co.jp. |
on 2/17/99-
Street Fighter 3 -Third Strike Announced Copyright Capcom, 1999 |
Capcom released images of their next upcoming Street Fighter sequel, Street Fighter 3 -Third Strike "Fight for the Future". Starting with Chun-li, 3rd Strike will have 4 other new characters as well as the previous characters from its prequel "2nd Impact", making a total of 19 characters to be included in the game. The game is expected to be shown in some form at the upcoming AOU show. The New Characters
The original queen of the Street Fighter series is back in 3rd Strike with what seems to be her original costume. The images shown at right above are presumed to be her "parry" and "leap" attacks.
A Japanese character who has apparent looks like a Karateka. However it is not definite as to whether Makoto is male or female since the name can go both ways.
A man in a long coat, wearing a hat. Apparently it is a mask that he is wearing since not all his body is gray.
Has a fashionable and neutral-sex look. Not definite if male or female.
Looks un-human, similarly as to Necro. However Twelve can reshape the ends of his body when attacking opponents.
![]() Additional Images: Character Select Screen | Super Art Select Remy | Q | Twelve | Makoto | Elena | Akuma / Gouki |
on 2/6/99-
SCE & Sega accounces joining in NeoGeoPocket Color Copyright SNK, 1999 |
Sony Computer Entertainment revealed their decision to join in SNK's NeoGeoPocket Color as a third party. While not much official word has yet been released to public, Sony schedules to have their relation with SNK only as a software distributor at the moment. Sony currently declines on the possibility of the NeoGeoPocket Color to be connectable to their Playstation. In related news, Compile, BPS, Takara, and Taito are joining in with SNK's NGPColor. Sega and Namco also announced their joining with SNK for the NGPColor as a license distributor. Namco's first licenses are scheduled as Pacman and Family Stadium (RBI Baseball). Sega's first license will be "PuyoPuyo", NeoGeoPocket Color thus makes the first portable machine with two major game hardware corporations to join as third parties. |
on 2/17/99-
Persona 2 for Playstation announced at Velfare Copyright Atlus, 1999 |
The sequel to Atlus' popular Role Playing Game "Persona" was announced at Tokyo's Roppongi Velfare on 1/31. It was revealed at the time that the keyword in Persona2 is "rumors".
on 2/17/99-
Fatal Fury- First Contact, KOFR-2, Samurai Shodown! 2, etc. Copyright SNK, 1999 |
SNK released more information on games for their new portable machine, NeoGeo Color.
The NGPColor version of Fatal Fury includes such traditional characters like Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui, but also new characters like Rick and Xiang-fei. The battle takes part in one plane unlike the traditional Fatal fury.
The sequel to SS!1 includes characters from the alternate 3D version of the series, such as Asura. By using a character often, they level up gaining more moves and power. Characters grown can be battled head to head with friends
More news on the "Making mode": Characters in KOF-R2 can find new moves while being played. Other than engaging in fights, special moves can also be traded with other game players.
The NGPColor version of the arcade hit also known as "Bust a move".
The NGPColor version of Magical drop, now celebrating its 5th anniversary. ![]() Additional Images: Fatal Fury | Samurai Shodown!2 | Magical Drop | Puzzle Bobble KOF R-2
on 2/17/99-
Sentimental Graffiti 2 Announced for Dreamcast Copyright NEC InterChannel, 1999 |
The sequel to NEC Interchannel's popular game "Sentimental Graffiti" has been announced on 2/3. The game's storyline is to take place 2 years after its prequel, with the death of the main character from SG1. Sentimental Graffiti 2 is scheduled for 1/27/2000. |
on 2/6/99-
Sakura Wars Announced for GameBoy Color Copyright Malegal Management, 1999 |
Malegal Management announced the cooperation of Red Company and Nintendo in creation of Sakura Wars for the GameBoy Color. Malegal Management is a company which acts as the middle-market of game companies and creators, in a similar manner to how a movie company contracts with an agency to find actors, script writers and other necessary human resources. Malegal Management is known for their association work in "Pikachu genki de chu", a voice recognition game for the Nintendo 64. Sakura Wars has been scheduled for on port to the GameBoy Color due to the decision that the game's rights belong to its production company "Red Company" and its producer Ooji Hiroi. In related note, Malegal Management also plans to release Columns for the GameBoy Color, Derbie Stallion for the Nintendo 64, and a new game for the Nintendo64 currently in development under the code name "DT", with Capcom and the director of the animation series "Gundam". |
on 2/5/99-
Additional Information on Final Fantasy VIII Copyright Square, 1999 |
Additional information on Final
Fantasy VIII has been revealed.
The first is the special fighting abilities of Laguna's two partners, Kiros and Ward. Kiros uses his two hand blades named "Katar" and slices away his opponent in his move called BloodPain. The second is Ward's special ability named Mash Bunker. In his special, Ward throws his gigcantic harpoon into the air and quickly follows it by jumping high. Ward catches the harpoon in the air and pierces on the top off the opponent. Strip Image of Kiros' BloodPain | Strip Image of Ward's Mash Bunker ![]()
The third is information on how some characters gain their special abilities. In the field screen of the game, the player can find periodicals/magazines of their interest. In the case of Rinoa, her interest would be a magazine on pets since she has a dog named Angelo. By reading the magazine, Rinoa would learn new moves for her dog. Likewise, Zel would learn new moves by reading magazines on martial arts. Magazines can be found in many places such as book shelves and sold in stores. In a similar note, Quistis learns enemy moves Aka Blue Magic as her special ability, but she does not gain it while she fights. Instead, Quistis learns enemy moves by using items which can sometimes be obtained by defeating enemies. ![]()
Also, two additional images of Laguna has been obtained, one where he is slipping and another where he is explaining to the woman that his leg gets strained when in tense situations. The woman he is with is the same lady from previous images in a bedroom. Tripping Laguna | Old Bedroom Image |
on 2/5/99-
The House of the Dead 2 Announced for DreamCast Copyright Sega, 1999 |
Sega announced the port of their zombie shooting horror game "House of the Dead 2" to the Dreamcast. The game is scheduled for 3/25. Two versions will be available- a game only version and a Dreamcast Gun bundled version. The game only version is set at the price of 5800 yen and the Gun bundle version at 7800 yen. |
on 2/5/99-
Additional Information on FFVIII Chocobo Game Copyright Square, 1999 |
Additional information on Final Fantasy VIII's PocketStation PDS game, "Odekake Chocobo" has been revealed. By downloading game data into the Pocketstation from a Playstation machine with FFVIII, players can enjoy a Chocobo growing game. It the game the player gets to walk around a small chocobo "Cochocobo" throught 100 varieties of maps, either manually with the arrow buttons or automatically. The game as a number of events, 3 of which have been revealed yet thus far. Also, players with the Pocketstation can make their Cochocobos fight with each other. Event 1- Battle
Event 2- Item
Event 2- Mumba
![]() Additional Images: Pocket Station 1 | Pocket Station 2 | Pocket Station 3 |
on 2/5/99-
MMCafe's FFVIII Section in Creation Copyright Madman's Cafe, 1999 |
As the date of Square's Final Fantasy VIII nears by, the Madman's Cafe has decided on making the game its first topic of the Seasonal Specials. While the section is not yet opened, it will cumulatively grow in size as time goes by. The following are previews on some of the materials which will be used for the section. ![]() Game Images
Roughs and documents
Items & goods
on 2/5/99-
Street Fighter Zero 3 announced for Saturn and DreamCast Copyright Capcom, 1999 |
Capcom announced their decision to port the latest Street Fighter game "Street Fighter Zero 3" to the Saturn and DreamCast.
on 2/5/99-
BeatMania announced for WonderSwan Copyright Konami, 1999 |
Konami's arcade DJ stimulation game- BeatMania,has been announced for the WonderSwan. The music used in the WonderWan version is 10 songs from the Playstation version of "3rd Mix". BeatMania for the WonderSwan comes equipped with a miniature Turntable in order to have the record-scratching feeling or the arcade.
on 2/5/99-
Capcom's "Powerstone" to be animated Copyright Capcom, 1999 |
Capcom's new game for the arcade and Dreamcast "Powerstone" has been announced to be animated. Starting April the anime series will air in TBS broadcasting. The anime production will be done by Studio Pierrot and the music by Avex. |
on 2/5/99-
Additional Information on Bust-A-Move 2 Copyright Enix, 1999 |
The list of characters to be dancing in Bust-A-Move 2 has been released.
Note: The following 4 characters are missed in Bust-A-Move 2. Gas-O
on 2/5/99-
Two new Peripherals announced for the DreamCast Copyright Sega, 1999 |
Sega revealed two Peripherals for their new game machine DreamCast.
The first peripheral is called the "DreamCast Gun" and has a X-button at the end of its grip, allowing players to use the controller simultaneously while shooting. The Gun controller also has a socket for DreamCast's MemoryPDA. The second peripheral is a rod for playing fishing games. The controller has a sensor to detect how strong it is swung, and a vibration unit is also inside of the unit. The Dreamcast Gun is scheduled for compatibility with the upcoming "The house of the Dead 2", and the fishing rod with "GetBass". |
on 2/3/99-
Additional Information on Final Fantasy VIII Copyright Square, 1999 |
![]() Additional Images: Odin1 | Odin2 | Odin3 | Diablos Missiles1 | Missiles2 | Sabotage Operation |
on 2/3/99-
Additional Information on Final Fantasy VIII Copyright Square, 1999 |
Rinoa attacks with her partner Angelo (Sant' Angelo di Roma, age:2 Female), a rare tail-less dog. In Rinoa's specialty called "Combine", Angelo comes dashing after hearing Rinoa's whistle, jumps on top of her weapon and rushes into the opponent and blasts them away. Angelo then returns and gets rewarded by Rinoa with a doggie biscuit. Note however, that it is Angelo who learns new moves, not Rinoa.
After using the Fire magic and putting enemies to a disadvantage, Seifer powers up his sword with a green aura and shoots out a galewind slash. Seifer's finishing blow on this move seems to power up as he gets stronger. His first level attack of Finale Sword/Shimatsu-ken is known as "Zako-chirashi", roughly translated as "Thug splitter".
In example, Rinoa's circular boomerang edge can be upgraded to a Blaster Edge weapon with 2 Wind Cutting Feathers, 6 Dragon Scales and 200 Gils. Not only the attack point and hit percentage increases with a weapon's upgrade, but the upgraded weapons seems to have an effect on the using character as well. It is not certain if this includes any changes to the Special Abilities a character has. The graphic of the weapon changes in the fighting screen as well. ![]()
From the top, the menu reads as follows: Pet's NameTag Book of GF Pet House RenameCard G Potion G HighPotion G Returner ForgetGrass ![]() Additional Images: (Note: These two are strips of actions going from left image to right) Rinoa Specialty 1 | Rinoa Specialty 2 | Rinoa Specialty 3 | Rinoa Specialty 4 | Rinoa Specialty 5 | Rinoa Specialty 6 | Rinoa Specialty 7 Seifer Specialty 1 | Seifer Specialty 2 | Seifer Specialty 3 | Seifer Specialty 4 | Seifer Specialty 5 | Seifer Specialty 6 | Seifer Specialty 7 | Seifer Specialty 8 (Misc.) Squall Weapon -Before (Revolver) | Squall Weapon -After (Kia Straight) | Shop Locations Laguna 1 | Laguna 2 | Laguna 3 | Squall & Zel |
on 2/3/99-
Final Fantasy VIII Reserved at near 1,000,000 copies Copyright Digicube, 1999 |
The latest sequel to Square's hit series- Final Fantasy VIII (scheduled sale: 2/11), was announced by Digicube to have already cut 951,749 customer reservations at convenience stores nationwide in japan on 1/19.
on 2/3/99-
Jojo's Venture announced for the Playstation Copyright Capcom, 1999 |
The arcade fighter game Jojo's venture has been announced for release on the Playstation. No details have yet been revealed, however the "Stands" which each character possess are now semi-transparent with Playstation's abilities. |
on 2/3/99-
Parappa Rappa 2 / Unjara Rummy announced for the Playstation Copyright Sony, 1999 |
The sequel to Parappa Rappa, Unjara Rummy has been announced. While the basics of the game is the same as before, unlike its prequel which was mostly Hip-hop, Parappa2 is based mainly on Rock melodies.
The main characters in Parappa 2 are a group called the "Milkcan", consisting of three, members. The main character Rummy (a sheep) plays the Guitar, Katie (a Cat) plays the base and does the vocals, and Maa (a rat) plays the drums. Some old characters seem to make cameo appearances as well, as can be seen at the image at the top of this article. Parappa 2 is 90% in completion and is scheduled for release on March. It is compatible to DualShock vibration, and in addition, the game now supports two players.
on 2/3/99-
King Of Fighters R-2 announced for the NeoGeoPocket/Color Copyright SNK, 1999 |
The sequel to NeoGeo Pocket's King Of FightersR-1, King Of FightersR-2 has been announced for release on 3/19. 14 characters such as Kyo and Rugal are useable. In addition to the usual Team battle and head-to-head versus, an original mode called "Making", where the player can grow up a character is available. KOFR-1 is connectable to the Dreamcast for combined play with the DC version of King Of Fighters. The price is set at 4800 Yen.
Other SNK games scheduled for NeoGeoPocket Color: BaseballStars Color (3/19) Samurai Spirits! 2 (April) Metal Slug -First Mission (April) Fatal Fury- First Contact (April) NeoGeo Cup'98 Plus (May) Big Tournament Golf (May) Shang-hai (July) Last Blade (Oct.) Digital Primate (Sept.) ![]() Additional Images: Game Shot1 | Game Shot 2 | Game Shot 3 |
on 2/3/99-
NeogeoPocket Color announced for 3/19 Copyright SNK, 1999 |
SNK announced their new portable hardware NeoGeoPocket Color for release on 3/19. The price of NeoGeoPocket Color is 8900 yen. It is speculated by many that SNK is deciding to rival on Nintendo, as the price of NeogeoPocket Color and GameBoy color is identical. In addition NeoGeoPocket Color's sales phrase is " I'm not Boy" .
Also, Numerous third
parties have joined for software production:
on 2/3/99-
Bust-A-Move 2 announced for the Playstation Copyright Enix, 1999 |
Enix announced their sequel to the hit Dance and Rhythm action game, Bust-a-move/Groove. Bust-A-Move 2 is being created by the same staffs from its prequel, except for the music staff. However this does not mean a deterioration to the game, as the music seems to have improved and now has tracks from such artists as Maurice White of Earth Wind and Fire. The basics of the Bust-A-Move
2 is similar to its Prequel- press the arrows accurately as shown on the
screen, and dance better performances.
Thus so far Heat, Shorty,
Hiro, Kelly, Kitty-N and Strike are confirmed to be back in the game. Two
new additional characters have also been announced. One of the new
character's name is Comet, a waitress wearing RollerBlades and working
as a waitress in a Sushi bar. Comet is also a sister to Bust-A-Move 1's
Freeda. The second character is yet to be revealed,
but is said to be a traditional Japanese dancer (Nihon-buyou Dance).
Bust-A-Move 2 is scheduled for release in the Spring of 99. ![]() Additional Images: Shorty | Comet 1 | Comet 2 | Heat1 | Heat2 | Hiro1 | Hiro2 | Kelly Stage | Heat Stage | Comet Stage Hiro vs Comet 1 | Hiro vs Comet 2 | Shorty vs Comet 1 | Shorty vs Comet 2 | Shorty vs Heat (Kitty-N Stage) | Shorty Stage |
on 2/3/99-
Bust A Move announced for arcade Copyright Enix, 1999 |
The Dance and Rhythm action game Bust-a-Move has been announced for release at the arcades. The game is based on the playstation version with minor changes, but the music and characters are identical -hidden characters from the Playstation version such as Columbo the Dog and Capoiera will also be useable. At the end of each game, the player will be ranked from S, A, B, C, D, E -S being the highest and E being the lowest. Minor changes include the controls, where the "down" button has been changed to a foot pedal, and only one rhythm button is used in opposition of the two in the original.
In the game itself, the Dance command is different by each stage instead of character, and the "Jammer" button can only be used when a mark appears on the screen -however the opponent can no longer avoid the "jammer" like in the home version. Also, the groove meter on the bottom indicates how well the player is dancing. However if the player misses too often and the meter resolves to zero, the game will end. |
on 2/3/99-
Kojiro Sanada Revealed for PSX version Last Blade Copyright SNK, 1999 |
In the Playstation version of Last Blade, Kojiro Sanada- a character from its sequel Last Blade 2, has been revealed to be added in the game. However the Kojirou in Last Blade 2 and the Playstation's Last Blade is a different character by storyline. The Playstation version of Last Blade is set at 5800 Yen for sale on 2/25. ![]() Additional Images: Image1 | Image 2 | Advertisement poster |
on 2/3/99-
Marvel vs Capcom Announced for the DreamCast for 3/25 Copyright Capcom, 1999 |
Capcom announced their latest release of the "Vs" series, Marvels Vs Capcom for the Dreamcast. No details on any additions to the game have yet been released. Marvels Vs Capcom is scheduled for 3/25 at 5800 Yen. |
on 2/3/99-
Dance Dance Revolution Announced for the Playstation Copyright Konami, 1999 |
Konami announced their arcade Dance game DanceDanceRevolution to be ported to the Playstation. The game is scheduled for release on March. A special foot sensor controller mat will also be available for arcade-like play. |