I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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STM: badcp2016
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"I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Mon 29 May 03:44post reply

First of all, thanks to the Professor (the owner, I think), for keeping this site going for all these years. I'll never forget some of the breaking, mind-blowing PlayStation and DreamCast news from you and Gouki. I miss those times. There aren't many of us left from the primitive web...

I used to visit here years ago, lost touch, thought it was offline, and recently discovered MadMan's Café was still alive!

So, I am introducing myself and also trying to see who here was from GPOW.

Those who remember GPOW will know what I mean!

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever


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"Re(1):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Mon 29 May 04:09post reply

Oh, welcome! I started coming back recently. I miss the place.

I actually remember GPOW or at least the name. I forgot the content a long time ago. I also remember Chika-san's site (and I tried to base my site on the format even though I'm nowhere close to her art skills).

464th Post

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"Re(2):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Mon 29 May 05:26post reply

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a very long time.. got linked here from there back when I was a kid

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

Anyone still playing Phantasy Star Online 2?
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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(3):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Mon 29 May 07:41post reply

Hey BAD, long time no see!

I used to post on GPOW and was known as "Ishmael" even back then. I've been dragging this moniker around since the GeoCities days.

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"Re(4):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Mon 29 May 12:34post reply

"GPOW...now, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time..."

But the Force is weak in me in this miserable post-fanpage internet era, so I can't recall what used to go on there! Am I associating it with the venerable Norimao's Lovely Ladies (NLL) because that is how I want to lovingly recall all 1990s geocities pages, or is there something more there?!


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PSN: SeizyaHakase
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"Re(5):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Mon 29 May 13:32post reply

"GPOW...now, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time..."

But the Force is weak in me in this miserable post-fanpage internet era, so I can't recall what used to go on there! Am I associating it with the venerable Norimao's Lovely Ladies (NLL) because that is how I want to lovingly recall all 1990s geocities pages, or is there something more there?!

Oh, I remember that name also! I don't suppose it's still up?

5167th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Mon 29 May 19:44:post reply

Hello Bad, and welcome (back) to the MMCafe. Hope you enjoy your stay here!

Oh boy, GPOW-- aka Gouki's Page of Whatever. One of the few fighting game sites that were around before MMCafe... it sure brings back memories. I believe it was the first real Street Fighter news site on the web. I was actually good friends with the owner/Rolento and used to chat via ICQ about FF8 and PS1 Jojo amongst other things. I think about the only other individual game-related site that's still around from those days is the Magic Box?

Most of the sites from those days have gone by but MMCafe has stayed around almost like a heritage on the internet, or rather a quiet and cozy virtual cafe thanks to its members. Back in the old days, servers and bandwidth was so expensive... It was about 12 years ago year that the site finally split away from hosting servers like the Gamespy network and started running on its own.

Which sounds like a long time ago, but then again we need to bite on this: the Gurren Lagann anime series is 10 years old now. Yipes!

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 29 May 20:01]

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PSN: SeizyaHakase
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"Re(2):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Tue 30 May 01:25post reply

Hello Bad, and welcome (back) to the MMCafe. Hope you enjoy your stay here!

Oh boy, GPOW-- aka Gouki's Page of Whatever. One of the few fighting game sites that were around before MMCafe... it sure brings back memories. I believe it was the first real Street Fighter news site on the web. I was actually good friends with the owner/Rolento and used to chat via ICQ about FF8 and PS1 Jojo amongst other things. I think about the only other individual game-related site that's still around from those days is the Magic Box?

Most of the sites from those days have gone by but MMCafe has stayed around almost like a heritage on the internet, or rather a quiet and cozy virtual cafe thanks to its members. Back in the old days, servers and bandwidth was so expensive... It was about 12 years ago year that the site finally split away from hosting servers like the Gamespy network and started running on its own.

Which sounds like a long time ago, but then again we need to bite on this: the Gurren Lagann anime series is 10 years old now. Yipes!

I remember the name Magic Box also. It's still around, eh? Oh, and holy carp. "Gurren Lagann's" is 10.

Micky Kusanagi
697th Post

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"Re(1):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Tue 30 May 04:06post reply

Hi BAD, nice to meet you. I'm a lifetime news reader of the Cafe but I only started taking part in the BBS about a year ago. Sadly, I don't remember having ever visited GPOW, and it just takes its brilliant title to make me regret it. I tried and looked for some archived pages, but no luck.

I'm really happy to see all these comebacks by the way.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(2):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Tue 30 May 04:18post reply

Welcome back BAD. I do sort of remember GPOW though I don't think I ever posted there and I forgot what the 'W' stands for. Been here as long as I can remember though.

325th Post

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"Re(3):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Tue 30 May 05:55post reply


I remember the name Magic Box also. It's still around, eh? Oh, and holy carp. "Gurren Lagann's" is 10.

I was a long time visitor of magic box. I believe two years ago they decided not to post any more news that all news and information was going to be posted on the forums instead. That place was awesome. I may have come across GPOW at one point especially if it was at geocities. I would need to see a picture to unlock that memory if so.

Long Live I AM!

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PSN: SeizyaHakase
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"Re(4):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Tue 30 May 15:26post reply

Welcome back BAD. I do sort of remember GPOW though I don't think I ever posted there and I forgot what the 'W' stands for. Been here as long as I can remember though.


I was a long time visitor of magic box. I believe two years ago they decided not to post any more news that all news and information was going to be posted on the forums instead. That place was awesome. I may have come across GPOW at one point especially if it was at geocities. I would need to see a picture to unlock that memory if so.

Ohhh. My, I've missed so much since then. I think GPOW once was a Geocities site.

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"Re(1):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Wed 31 May 00:28post reply


So, I am introducing myself and also trying to see who here was from GPOW.

Those who remember GPOW will know what I mean!

Welcome back Bad!
I sure remember Gouki's Page of Whatever. It was what I believe was the first Street Fighter and SNK information site maintained by a real fan of the genre. As Professor mentioned above, Rolento was its keeper. I wonder what ever happened to him...

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

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"Re(1):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Wed 31 May 00:49post reply

First of all, thanks to the Professor (the owner, I think), for keeping this site going for all these years. I'll never forget some of the breaking, mind-blowing PlayStation and DreamCast news from you and Gouki. I miss those times. There aren't many of us left from the primitive web...

I used to visit here years ago, lost touch, thought it was offline, and recently discovered MadMan's Café was still alive!

So, I am introducing myself and also trying to see who here was from GPOW.

Those who remember GPOW will know what I mean!

I participated at GPOW, although like my early days at the Cafe I confess I don't recall the username I used. I didn't settle on Karasu until the very late 90's, and I'm sure I visited GPOW way before then.

As far as I can recall, my earliest resources for info about fighting games were the Cafe, GPOW, and Usenet (probably rec.games.video.arcade(.fighting?) but all of that is lost in the mists of time for me, quite honestly.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

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STM: badcp2016
New Customer

"Back!" , posted Thu 1 Jun 11:58post reply

Thanks, guys! I was looking through all your stories, and I can really remember it all vividly. The MagicBox, GPOW, and MMC were almost connected! Where does the time go?! There really is no news source quite like that holy trinity back then; the sources now are questionable and rely too much on mere leaks. Anyway, can't wait to talk some SFV with you guys, or even about all those PS and DC games from back then that we used to talk about! Yes, I still play all those old games amidst Street Fighter V, etc!

Professor: Thanks, again! Times have changed a lot, right?

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

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STM: badcp2016
New Customer

"Re(1):Back!" , posted Thu 1 Jun 12:00post reply

Thanks, guys! I was looking through all your stories, and I can really remember it all vividly. The MagicBox, GPOW, and MMC were almost connected! Where does the time go?! There really is no news source quite like that holy trinity back then; the sources now are questionable and rely too much on mere leaks. Anyway, can't wait to talk some SFV with you guys, or even about all those PS and DC games from back then that we used to talk about! Yes, I still play all those old games amidst Street Fighter V, etc!

Professor: Thanks, again! Times have changed a lot, right?

Oh, and Ishmael, it was you who cued me to do this when I saw your name on this board and the chatter about current fighters! How you been?

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(1):Back!" , posted Thu 1 Jun 12:12post reply

can't wait to talk some SFV with you guys

Luckily or unluckily for you, I've added your CFN to our Stockholm Syndrome list of SFV almost-fans in the SFV thread so you can join our lagfests. "GET IN THE RING!"

Shoryuken.com may be mostly links and leaks nowadays, but Professor still posts unique info on occasion. Quality over quantity here. Welcome (back)!


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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(2):Back!" , posted Fri 2 Jun 00:51post reply

Oh, and Ishmael, it was you who cued me to do this when I saw your name on this board and the chatter about current fighters! How you been?

I'm doing good, how about yourself? It's funny, a great deal has changed in my life over the years but I still get a kick out of fighting games. This has turned out to be a very long term hobby.

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STM: badcp2016
New Customer

"Re(3):Back!" , posted Mon 9 Apr 12:38post reply

Oh, and Ishmael, it was you who cued me to do this when I saw your name on this board and the chatter about current fighters! How you been?

I'm doing good, how about yourself? It's funny, a great deal has changed in my life over the years but I still get a kick out of fighting games. This has turned out to be a very long term hobby.

Sorry for the late reply! Moving and other things with work made me too busy! I need to add you on PSN, BTW!

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

0th Post

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"Re(4):Back!" , posted Fri 13 Apr 03:34post reply

Oh, and Ishmael, it was you who cued me to do this when I saw your name on this board and the chatter about current fighters! How you been?

I'm doing good, how about yourself? It's funny, a great deal has changed in my life over the years but I still get a kick out of fighting games. This has turned out to be a very long term hobby.

Sorry for the late reply! Moving and other things with work made me too busy! I need to add you on PSN, BTW!


1th Post

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New Customer

"Re(5):Back!" , posted Fri 13 Apr 03:35post reply

Damn, I was just getting a flashback and thought I'd give Gouki's page of Whatever a quick search and forgot about MMCafe.

Yea I was on there waaay back. I do believe mostly alpha and Sf3 was just coming out.
Only names that ring a bell off hand is Viscant, and there was a Sakura and Karin that would have a rivalry in the posts. Arturo Sanchez/Sabin I think might have been on there? I cant recall as I know I did meet up with him a few times and cant recall where initially making contact.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Back!" , posted Fri 13 Apr 23:49post reply

Damn, I was just getting a flashback and thought I'd give Gouki's page of Whatever a quick search and forgot about MMCafe.

Yea I was on there waaay back. I do believe mostly alpha and Sf3 was just coming out.
Only names that ring a bell off hand is Viscant, and there was a Sakura and Karin that would have a rivalry in the posts. Arturo Sanchez/Sabin I think might have been on there? I cant recall as I know I did meet up with him a few times and cant recall where initially making contact.

That's right, both those guys popped up on GPOW way back when. It's always surprising to see these names I knew from long ago continue to pop up in the current fighting game scene.

(While I've been around just as long I've never done anything of note in the FGC so my continued existence is of no particular interest.)

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STM: badcp2016
New Customer

"Re(7):Back!" , posted Sat 14 Apr 23:34post reply

Damn, I was just getting a flashback and thought I'd give Gouki's page of Whatever a quick search and forgot about MMCafe.

Yea I was on there waaay back. I do believe mostly alpha and Sf3 was just coming out.
Only names that ring a bell off hand is Viscant, and there was a Sakura and Karin that would have a rivalry in the posts. Arturo Sanchez/Sabin I think might have been on there? I cant recall as I know I did meet up with him a few times and cant recall where initially making contact.

That's right, both those guys popped up on GPOW way back when. It's always surprising to see these names I knew from long ago continue to pop up in the current fighting game scene.

(While I've been around just as long I've never done anything of note in the FGC so my continued existence is of no particular interest.)

Nonsense! You existence here is not defined by your worth in the tournament scene, but of your deathless support for Capcom and the genre. There's something to be said about consistence and loyalty to that which you support. Even if you don't agree with every decision Capcom (or SNK) has made, you're still here and still supporting. Your contribution of knowledge on forums and such has also helped a lot. The web seems like it has a lot of information, but in reality, a lot of the stuff we know from that time isn't available online because these days most sites just copy each other, so your forum contribution is valuable information that's hard to find anywhere else.

We're still here, man, and it's great to see old friends while making new ones!

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

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STM: badcp2016
New Customer

"Re(6):Back!" , posted Sat 14 Apr 23:40post reply

Damn, I was just getting a flashback and thought I'd give Gouki's page of Whatever a quick search and forgot about MMCafe.

Yea I was on there waaay back. I do believe mostly alpha and Sf3 was just coming out.
Only names that ring a bell off hand is Viscant, and there was a Sakura and Karin that would have a rivalry in the posts. Arturo Sanchez/Sabin I think might have been on there? I cant recall as I know I did meet up with him a few times and cant recall where initially making contact.

Looks like we found another one! I actually printed out some screens from GPOW back in the day from hilarious posts, so I can contribute a few more names from back then. Wonder if any more are here? Are you ready to take a trip down memory lane? Possibly cry? Hahaha, here we go...

DeSpider (MIA)
GouRyu (MIA)
The Great Dreamer (MIA)
Dash Taisen (I think)
PurpGuy (Still does PurpGuy's Pothole and write with me)
Ishmael (Located!)

BAD (was my name on there will always be that way)

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

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STM: badcp2016
New Customer

"Re(7):Back!" , posted Sat 14 Apr 23:41post reply

Damn, I was just getting a flashback and thought I'd give Gouki's page of Whatever a quick search and forgot about MMCafe.

Yea I was on there waaay back. I do believe mostly alpha and Sf3 was just coming out.
Only names that ring a bell off hand is Viscant, and there was a Sakura and Karin that would have a rivalry in the posts. Arturo Sanchez/Sabin I think might have been on there? I cant recall as I know I did meet up with him a few times and cant recall where initially making contact.

Looks like we found another one! I actually printed out some screens from GPOW back in the day from hilarious posts, so I can contribute a few more names from back then. Wonder if any more are here? Are you ready to take a trip down memory lane? Possibly cry? Hahaha, here we go...

DeSpider (MIA)
GouRyu (MIA)
The Great Dreamer (MIA)
Dash Taisen (I think)
PurpGuy (Still does PurpGuy's Pothole and write with me)
Ishmael (Located!)

BAD (was my name on there will always be that way)

Oh, and not even 30 seconds after I posted, I remembered BlueBomber and Gouki himself!

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Back!" , posted Sun 15 Apr 08:06post reply

That's a pretty good list. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that PurpGuy is still kicking around out there. Nuts, I know there were plenty of other people on GPoW but I'm drawing a blank at the moment on what their handles were. I do know that Soul Bro Ryu/A. Maximillian Russell still pops up now and again in different fighting game forums.

5401th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Back!" , posted Sun 15 Apr 13:31post reply

Damn, I was just getting a flashback and thought I'd give Gouki's page of Whatever a quick search and forgot about MMCafe.

Yea I was on there waaay back. I do believe mostly alpha and Sf3 was just coming out.
Only names that ring a bell off hand is Viscant, and there was a Sakura and Karin that would have a rivalry in the posts. Arturo Sanchez/Sabin I think might have been on there? I cant recall as I know I did meet up with him a few times and cant recall where initially making contact.

Hi The Glow! welcome to the MMCafe BBS!

Back in those days, Rolento's GPOW was about the only significant place for Street Fighter stuff... ahh the nostalgia! I'm not sure what exactly happened after Rolento decided to retire from updates-- iirc someone took over but it didn't last too long? He was a nice guy and I often chatted with him over ICQ.

And shortly after GPOW, there was Fighters.net, then Shoryuken.com if I remember the order correctly.

Interestingly enough, a lot of the KOF sites from those years were also from the Singapore/Malaysia area. I wonder why. For Singapore I guess it's understandable since they use English as a base, the country is compact (so people influence each other more easily through life), and they had a relatively strong arcade presence which unfortunately is mostly gone now from what I hear.

There was no Google yet and FG websites relied on links and webrings to give each other presence.

And though not fighting games, there was the Magic Box... oh the flashbacks.


2th Post

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New Customer

"Re(7):Back!" , posted Mon 16 Apr 02:23post reply


Hi The Glow! welcome to the MMCafe BBS!

Back in those days, Rolento's GPOW was about the only significant place for Street Fighter stuff... ahh the nostalgia! I'm not sure what exactly happened after Rolento decided to retire from updates-- iirc someone took over but it didn't last too long? He was a nice guy and I often chatted with him over ICQ.

Yea, I remember using ICQ which sadly saved your contact list locally, so there were at least 2 occasions I recall having hdd failure and losing a lot of people. I remember my number, but by the time they implemented server side saving I had no one.
I think Rolento has a medical issue or died? I don't remember the rumors a 100%. But yea someone else took over briefly and it just floated away.
Here I am looking to get back in SF5 and I cant even find where to just learn bread n butter combos. You would think itd be easier.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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CFN: zonepharaoh
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Back!" , posted Mon 16 Apr 02:58post reply

Here I am looking to get back in SF5 and I cant even find where to just learn bread n butter combos.
You have come to the right place! Not because we actually know what we're doing, but because one of the many unifying activites of the Cafe membership besides Justice Gakuen, Dracula, Lupin, and cheese is the marvelous hobby of cursing the sad, useless state of the modern internet. I suppose we could just assign people the weekly rotating duty of monitoring youtube and discord and reporting back on what the fragmented fighting game fandom is uncovering!


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STM: badcp2016
New Customer

"Re(3):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Thu 19 Apr 13:44post reply

Welcome back BAD. I do sort of remember GPOW though I don't think I ever posted there and I forgot what the 'W' stands for. Been here as long as I can remember though.

Did I remember to thank you for welcoming me?!

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

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STM: badcp2016
New Customer

"Re(9):Back!" , posted Thu 19 Apr 13:49post reply

Here I am looking to get back in SF5 and I cant even find where to just learn bread n butter combos. You have come to the right place! Not because we actually know what we're doing, but because one of the many unifying activites of the Cafe membership besides Justice Gakuen, Dracula, Lupin, and cheese is the marvelous hobby of cursing the sad, useless state of the modern internet. I suppose we could just assign people the weekly rotating duty of monitoring youtube and discord and reporting back on what the fragmented fighting game fandom is uncovering!

I am definitely in the right place! I can really relate to that Internet comment!

R.I.P. Gouki's Page of Whatever

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Back!" , posted Fri 20 Apr 15:41post reply


And shortly after GPOW, there was Fighters.net, then Shoryuken.com if I remember the order correctly.

Interestingly enough, a lot of the KOF sites from those years were also from the Singapore/Malaysia area. I wonder why. For Singapore I guess it's understandable since they use English as a base, the country is compact (so people influence each other more easily through life), and they had a relatively strong arcade presence which unfortunately is mostly gone now from what I hear.

There was no Google yet and FG websites relied on links and webrings to give each other presence.

And though not fighting games, there was

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Ah Professor, all those memories still in my head.

You're correct in those orders.

For Singapore/Malaysia scene, I can tell you a bit on the story since I'm still in Malaysia till late 90s.

In Malaysia, KOF is way more popular than SF scene. When Alpha 3 is out, hardly anyone touched it. We all play KOF.
All arcades have at least 3 KOF machines due to piracy (yes, you heard it right), I believe its the same as Singapore back then.

Who did this to these dogs ???
760th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Sat 21 Sep 14:51post reply

First of all, thanks to the Professor (the owner, I think), for keeping this site going for all these years. I'll never forget some of the breaking, mind-blowing PlayStation and DreamCast news from you and Gouki. I miss those times. There aren't many of us left from the primitive web...

I used to visit here years ago, lost touch, thought it was offline, and recently discovered MadMan's Café was still alive!

So, I am introducing myself and also trying to see who here was from GPOW.

Those who remember GPOW will know what I mean!

You are making me feel OLD! (maybe because I Am!) I remember it as well.
(The master was the handle that I used there, as I was pretty good in local arcades- I still do the traveling thing these days too! and Sabin is still around too, he's doing tons of streaming of twitch!)

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Tue 24 Sep 01:25post reply


You are making me feel OLD! (maybe because I Am!) I remember it as well.
(The master was the handle that I used there, as I was pretty good in local arcades- I still do the traveling thing these days too! and Sabin is still around too, he's doing tons of streaming of twitch!)

Oh hey, I remember your old handle! It's amazing how many people from back in that time are in it for the long haul and still in the scene.

762th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):I'm new/old here; who's from GPOW?" , posted Tue 24 Sep 08:30post reply


You are making me feel OLD! (maybe because I Am!) I remember it as well.
(The master was the handle that I used there, as I was pretty good in local arcades- I still do the traveling thing these days too! and Sabin is still around too, he's doing tons of streaming of twitch!)

Oh hey, I remember your old handle! It's amazing how many people from back in that time are in it for the long haul and still in the scene.

Those were fun, care free days indeed.