PSN: Mike_ADV XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: tamakimike CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):3 or 18 left?" , posted Fri 25 May 07:08:    
quote: While I've lost the link with a better photo, there's reportedly a Gold version of the NeoGeo Mini which is only being gifted at this point.
That means the NeoGeo Mini was announced back in November last year ?
quote: And the official website has... *drumroll* 14 characters.
So of course now people are going to try and convince everyone that the rest are DLC. Even though there was already an interview stating that they weren't planning DLC at that time, so even if they did change their minds, expecting it to double the roster would probably be very silly.
That wouldn't be the first time someone did that. But I still think these 14 will be first one to be shown since there's still time until september and only 3 missing to be revealed. By the way, the silly koma (sadly) ended but at the bottom of the main website, we have 12 girls, KukriSandel Dark and Kokoron (plus a hidden Love Heart) and if we add Shermie, we might get our first 14 Heroines in the game.
So the ones to be announced in the following weeks might be King, Luong, MuiMui and Mian.
[this message was edited by KensouADV on Fri 25 May 07:18] |
| "Re(3):3 or 18 left?" , posted Fri 25 May 19:04:    
quote: That means the NeoGeo Mini was announced back in November last year ?
? ? ! !
It was in our face all this time ! !
I partly knew about it when I visited a website (I cannot tell if it was at or ResetEra).
I think the Love Heart deal was probably a mutual agreement between SNK and Highlights. Highlights allowed SNK to use Love Heart one last time. With respect to Highlights, SNK decided not to include that Love Heart icon and in some media such as manga.
(Note: Love Heart does not appear in the KOF XIV Hong Kong Manhua and the "A New Beginning" manga. Though Mui Mui appears in the Manhua, but not in the ANB Manga yet.)
As I was reviewing what I said about the SNK/Highlights issue. I speculate that Highlights prioritized in acquiring SNK's pachislot hardware assets (cabinets, metal molds and other parts) first, as a bonus, they acquired 2 pachislot IPs first (Sister Quest and Sky Love). The Super Oto-san costume cameo in Sister Quest Paradise (Highlights Entertainment's second Sister Quest pachislot) might indicate Highlights is not done with their deal with SNK yet once they release the Sky Love pachislot.
However, with the SNK Heroines development (and Nariyuki Quest), the (trademark filing and) announcement of the Sky Love pachislot is stalled for at least 18 months after announcement.
Now that SNK Heroines is coming out, Nariyuki Quest has ended and Sky Love by Highlights Entertainment teaser is now inevitably coming. There is a very big chance that Highlights Entertainment will finally complete their acquisition of SNK's remaining pachislot IPs.
I guess SNK still own the remaining pachislot IPs (through SNK Entertainment) until "the deal is completed". This may be the reason why SNK is using Mui Mui in Nariyuki Quest (and SNK Heroines) like there is no tomorrow. That's because SNK still owns Dragon Gal (to a limited capacity) until Highlights will finally "complete" the acquisition.
When that time comes, they have no choice but to let them go after SNK Heroines, they might become a liability in the future if they keep them any longer (it took Highlights 18 months to file the trademark of Sky Love after announcing it on October 2016).
I personally think Ledo Millennium, SNK's new owners, wants to disassociate the SNK's Brand Name from pachislot.
Pachislot Rant #242354325 Aside,
quote: That wouldn't be the first time someone did that. But I still think these 14 will be first one to be shown since there's still time until september and only 3 missing to be revealed. By the way, the silly koma (sadly) ended but at the bottom of the main website, we have 12 girls, KukriSandel Dark and Kokoron (plus a hidden Love Heart) and if we add Shermie, we might get our first 14 Heroines in the game.
So the ones to be announced in the following weeks might be King, Luong, MuiMui and Mian.
I think King at best will be an Unlockable/DLC in this one. The last character is a tall(?) girl with her long hair tied to a ponytail. She wears a vest, shorts, and bracelets as one of her costume (I'm not sure if it is her default).
EDIT: Since the transfer of rights of Sky Love from SNK to Highlights Entertainment happened during the development of SNK Heroines. Highlights gets included in the Copyright list. Probably after SNK Heroines is out, Highlights gets complete control of Sky Love.
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[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Fri 25 May 20:36] |
| "Re(5):3 or KoF14 left?" , posted Mon 28 May 22:34:    
quote: What is the consensus on the latest batch of DLC characters now that they have been out for awhile? Is Heidern as good as he first appeared? Has anyone figured out how to play Najd?
Quickhand answer: Heidern is top tier, Najd is broken, Oswald and Mary are good but not enough to be popularly used.
Najd is a flashback of Raiden From KOF13, but with a Rekka move. Basically, she can do 40% damage on a combo with no meter using her Dropkick, making her way towards victory after about 20 counts on the timer. She also has a command throw and a very good CD attack which rarely gets seen because of the dropkick button hold. Najd is relatively simple to use and strong as long as you can keep a finger on the D button at all times (personally it gives me cramps so I don't use her). Many people have her in their team.
Heidern can play almost like a KOF version of Guile because of his strong anti-air and projectile that needs to be normal jumped. What's more, he also has strong offense-- many of his normals are strong, he has an overhead, his standing D needs to be blocked low, and he has a new projectile super that's like Jedah's from DarkStalkers that circles around in one place. He has a few other new moves too that's not core to his strength but serves well enough to make him even stronger. He lacks in damage compared to some other top tiers, but his stability and higher HP justifies it.
Oswald is... nobody really uses him. People see potential in him and his damage, but not enough to use him because he can be relatively situational and his movement takes time to understand. Also, there's reportedly a glitch where the buffer on 1P side is shorter than 2P, making it hard to do the finisher on his Rekka at perfect timing.
Blue Mary is good but not overpowering, so very few people use her. Her specials are good but can be pretty high-risk if the opponent has meter, so she's best on point. However everyone's favorite point character right now is Najd so that seat's taken. Her normals have relatively short reach, so she's the typical character who has a hard time getting in on the opponent but then has the tools to mix things up until the opponent is dead. But given that's not really an optimal style in playing KOF14, it's understandable that she isn't too used despite being relatively good.
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 29 May 00:02] |
PSN: Mike_ADV XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: tamakimike CFN: n/a
| "Re(5):3 or KoF14 left?" , posted Tue 29 May 01:32:    
quote: What is the consensus on the latest batch of DLC characters now that they have been out for awhile? Is Heidern as good as he first appeared? Has anyone figured out how to play Najd?
Yeah, Najd is just like Raiden in the Arcade version of XIII. Dropkick to the win. And if we go by recent numbers in tournaments, she's just as popular as Iori. Heidern is not too far behind because of his zoning and damage. I think Oswald is just too much work to achieve same results and Blue Mary is just "good" but not on the same level as the others.
EDIT: Well, guess I got beaten by a more in-depth explanation. But I just want to add that I have no idea how those button hold characters are meant for "beginners" when it makes you hold your controller like a crab since a supposed beginner won't spend in an arcade stick against their better judgement. Yeah, this more of an SFV problem but Najd is worth mentioning.
I guess SNK still own the remaining pachislot IPs (through SNK Entertainment) until "the deal is completed". This may be the reason why SNK is using Mui Mui in Nariyuki Quest (and SNK Heroines) like there is no tomorrow. That's because SNK still owns Dragon Gal (to a limited capacity) until Highlights will finally "complete" the acquisition.
When that time comes, they have no choice but to let them go after SNK Heroines, they might become a liability in the future if they keep them any longer (it took Highlights 18 months to file the trademark of Sky Love after announcing it on October 2016).
I personally think Ledo Millennium, SNK's new owners, wants to disassociate the SNK's Brand Name from pachislot.
Sorry but even if it's SNK, it makes no sense to keep promoting a character that will be treated like K9999 just right after September. And just like you posted that Hightlights is credited in SNK Heroines, I think it'll be a Strider Hiryu situation where Capcom doesn't really have the rights to the character but keeps using him in many games though deals with his owners. Maybe the manga stuff is those "case by case" bureaucracy since the chinese manga seems to be handled by a third party and the ANB manga looks to have a big pacing problem by the most recent chapter and all those previous with just Team introductions.
As for the silhouettes, I don't think the size of a character is really relevant since Luong appears to be behind Yuri and she's easily the tallest female character to debut in KOF but the silhouetter doesn't appear to be so much as Sylvie is not that small as in your image (and she's actually taller now than in XIV). And I think Shermie being in her regular outfit to be an outlier and not the norm and looks to be "corrected" in the official webpage so I assume she isn't in her regular clothes.
[this message was edited by KensouADV on Tue 29 May 02:29] |
| "Re(6):3 or KoF14 left?" , posted Tue 29 May 14:33:    
quote: Sorry but even if it's SNK, it makes no sense to keep promoting a character that will be treated like K9999 just right after September. And just like you posted that Hightlights is credited in SNK Heroines, I think it'll be a Strider Hiryu situation where Capcom doesn't really have the rights to the character but keeps using him in many games though deals with his owners. Maybe the manga stuff is those "case by case" bureaucracy since the chinese manga seems to be handled by a third party and the ANB manga looks to have a big pacing problem by the most recent chapter and all those previous with just Team introductions.
*hands a pitcher of ice cold water with ice cubes and an ice filled glass*
I meant, they can still promote them in SNK Heroines (with Highlights permission). However, any SNK projects after SNK Heroines, but the possibility is still there. There is a very big chance they cannot use them anymore and starts being treated like K9999. I know it won't be implemented immediately. I meant, SNK's future projects like KOF XV, for example.
I already expected some fans would answer the Strider kind of deal.
Strider's rights is co-owned by Capcom and Moto Kikaku (Unlike Love Heart's case right now). Strider can appear anytime if Capcom wants to, and Moto Kikaku also wants to. However during SFV, Capcom is trying to "bypass" the Moto Kikaku copyright by integrating Strider into the SF lore through Zeku.
In other news, one of the Samurai Shodown Chinese Mobile Game called as Tenkadaiichi Kenkakuden, is apparently out. (However the publisher is Fei Liu Mobile.)
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[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Tue 29 May 16:17] |
| "Re(3):What if Neo-Geo 64 collection?" , posted Wed 6 Jun 07:56    
quote: Would it be all that bad if SNK released an HD version of the Neo-Geo 64 games in a collection? Not everyone has played them and maybe the developers can get fresh ideas from those forgotten games. But were they really that terrible to not even re-release them? Falcoon once mentioned they lost all the files/tools necessary for emulation. Maybe with the new successof ACA and classics collections, they have the intention to fix that? Who knows?
Short of a complete remake, I'd say the odds are not good.
Commercial emulation efforts are often fairly reliant on the general emulation scene, but efforts to emulate the Hyper Neo-Geo 64 stalled out years ago.
David Haywood, a MAME contributor who worked on NG64 emulation at one point, has previously said that there is neither the necessary information nor particular interest in emulating the system. In the case of Haywood, who is driven by a desire to preserve as many systems and aging games as possible, he felt his own time was better spent successfully preserving many other titles.
Never played any of the 64 games except maybe for SS 64, however, personally I would prefer to see Buriki One remake with original artwork thrown into it.
PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Gojira
| "Re(2):SNK Mini Online Presentation" , posted Sun 10 Jun 19:29    
quote: I don't like very much the international line-up, and they didn't say anything about the hardware beside what we already know (lcd size, hdmi port, usb ports, etc), and still no price.
Well they showed how awkward it looks to play on, which is something I've been wondering about since it was first shown.
The controllers like nice at least. For a minute I thought they were showing old footage of a NGCD controller as an example, but it turned out to be the actual thing they're selling. As long as it feels better than mine did... I don't know if this is how all NGCD controllers felt, but mine was a bit mushy and had a tendency to get stuck. The clicky switches on the NGPC were like an evolution of that and felt much better, so hopefully it's an evolved design.
| "KOF ALL STAR: 82 Characters at Launch" , posted Sat 16 Jun 14:31:    
So... KOF ALL STAR will have 82 Characters at launch. I counted all characters from '94-XIII. Here are my guess. Like I promised on Twitter.
1. Kyo Kusanagi/Kusanagi? 2. Benimaru Nikaido 3. Goro Daimon 4. Terry Bogard 5. Andy Bogard 6. Joe Higashi 7. Ryo Sakazaki 8. Robert Garcia 9. Takuma Sakazaki/Mr.Karate 10.Heidern 11.Ralf Jones 12.Clark Still 13.Athena Asamiya 14.Sie Kensou 15.Chin Gentsai 16.King 17.Mai Shiranui 18.Yuri Sakazaki 19.Kim Kaphwan 20.Chang Koehan 21.Choi Bounge 22.Heavy D! 23.Lucky Glauber 24.Brian Battler 25.Rugal Bernstein/Omega Rugal 26.Iori Yagami/Orochi Iori 27.Eiji Kisaragi 28.Billy Kane 29.Saisyu Kusanagi 30.Leona Heidern/Orochi Leona 31.Kasumi Todoh 32.Mature 33.Vice 34.Geese Howard/Nightmare Geese 35.Wolfgang Krauser 36.Mr. Big 37.Chizuru Kagura 38.Goenitz 39.Yashiro Nanakase/Orochi Yashiro 40.Shermie/Orochi Shermie 41.Chris/Orochi Chris 42.Ryuji Yamazaki 43.Blue Mary 44.Shingo Yabuki 45.Orochi 46.K’ 47.Maxima 48.Whip 49.Bao 50.Li Xiangfei 51.Jhun Hoon 52.Krizalid 53.Ramon 54.Vanessa 55.Lin 56.Seth 57.Hinako Shijou 58.Kula Diamond 59.Foxy 60.Angel 61.May Lee 62.Zero/Cloned Zero 63.Igniz 64.“The 9999th Clone” 65.Ash Crimson/Dark Ash 66.Duolon 67.Shen Woo 68.Tizoc 69.Gato 70.Malin 71.Adelheid Bernstein 72.Mukai 73.Oswald 74.Elisabeth Branctorche 75.Duck King 76.B. Jenet 77.Momoko 78.Shion 79.Magaki 80.Raiden 81.Hwa Jai 82.Saiki/Transformed Saiki
Notes: - EX Versions (and in SSBU Terminology, Echo Fighters) are counted as one character. - Not counted are the Kyo Clones, Kyo-1 and Kyo-2, the KOF XI Guest Characters. (Gai Tendo, Sho Hayate, Silber, Jyazu, Hotaru Futaba and probably, Tung Fu Rue, unless they decide to add KOF XIV Characters in the future) I am not sure if the KOF XI Guest Characters + Tung Fu Rue will be added post-launch. - It is not known if “The 9999th Clone” in KOF All Star will be K9999 (aka not Tetsuo) or Nameless. Although Nameless appeared in KOF '98 UM OL, I am not sure if this will stick here as well. (Or K9999 will be Nameless's Echo Fighter in KOF All Star or vice-versa)
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[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Sat 16 Jun 14:35] |
PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Gojira
| "Re(4):Athena VTuber" , posted Sun 17 Jun 09:56    
quote: The only vtuber I know about is Kizuna Ai. Are there any others as big as her?
It's a bit of a rabbit hole, but if you're interested, there are the 4 famous "devas" aside from Kizuna Ai. Kizuna Ai was the one that started the boom a couple of years ago (note I didn't say she was the first one, although the way Kizuna Ai does it is the style everyone basically imitates). However for most of 2017 she was the only one, steadily gaining popularity.
Then around late August a new vtuber called Siro appeared. I don't know what the story was in Japan but apparently she had a news report that introduced her to the world to boost her popularity right off the bat as a "rival" to Kizuna Ai, and she's been very active since she started. She gained a lot of popularity from the contrast between her moe personality and her "odd talent for murder." Also her squeaky laugh which earned her the nickname "dolphin princess."
Shortly after that came Mirai Akari, whose big claim to fame is that her model was designed by the original designer for Hatsune Miku. She was also launched on Eileen's channel who was already a popular Youtuber so she started out by absorbing Eileen's subscribers (at which point Eileen broke off and started a separate channel and created Yomemi). As for Akari herself, her personality is a little hyperactive and tryhard but her videos are creative and very well-produced so that's probably why she has a lot of fans.
Then there's Nekomasu, probably the first "genuine" VTuber. I say this because the guy doesn't even try to mask his personality and he has an actual rags-to-riches story. If you watch his videos from a year ago you can watch it play out, but the brief version: he worked at a convenience story and was dabbling in Unity programming and modeling on the side, until he finally finished a 3D model of a loli foxgirl, which he then proceeded to get rigged to himself so he could control and show on his channel. Those videos EXPLODED. Eventually he was earning so much off of it that he was able to get sponsored and quit his convenience store job (which he hated).
And last but not least, there's Kaguya Luna, who is arguably the second most popular VTuber next to Kizuna Ai. I believe it was leaked early on that the person voicing her was actually believed to be a very popular seiyuu (don't know if it's true but the evidence was convincing) and as a result after only like 2 videos on her brand new channel she had absurd growth: a million views per video and over 500k subscribers. As for the character herself, she's... very... special. Watch a few and you'll understand why she's kind of nicknamed the "Strong Zero" of VTubers.
So those are the big ones, but that was just where it started. Since December 2017 the number of VTubers has grown by nearly 1000, I think. Some are genuine, some are "corporate" (aka mobage advertisements like Athena), some are 3D models and some are just facerigs but they have literally taken over the Japanese Youtube at an alarming rate. And like anything, a lot of them aren't worth watching but some of them can be depending on tastes.
One more thing: obviously it's hard to get into it if you don't understand Japanese, but an entire fansubbing community sprouted up all over Youtube to caption a lot of them, which is kind of incredible.
So... yeah. I guess that shows what I'd been following since December. I regret nothing
| "Re(6):Athena VTuber" , posted Mon 18 Jun 03:34    
Two of the things that have helped with Kizuna Ai's popularity outside of Japan I think are that she's often got English subtitles for her videos, and she covers a lot of Western-made games, which get to be especially incongruous with her cute image and cute voice resulting in an entertaining juxtaposition. Whether it's her swearing in Engrish or playing Inside, it's got a ridiculousness that is kind of delightful.
In contrast to the streamer/LPers/youtubers which in the first wave were selling on being "genuine personalities", VTubers are immediately and obviously produced characters, so the people involved in the making of it can totally focus on concocting things that would be entertaining given the character, and they can avoid the problem of "why on earth can't these people stop saying racist slurs". In addition to that, an entire production team can be hidden behind the virtual facade, so we don't have to deal with the problem of a single real face that has to be on all the damn time in order to maintain stream subs. It winds up being a much healthier working environment.
Speaking of working environment, I think some of the streamers which are a team of faces in addition to their production team probably have a much healthier working environment (creative differences/Jontron-stop-being-a-racist-douche/etc. aside) because they can rotate the shift among the team.
PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Gojira
| "Re(7):Athena VTuber" , posted Mon 18 Jun 08:45:    
@nobi Thanks! Feels weird having you say that to me when it's usually the other way around 
quote: And last but not least, there's Kaguya Luna
GAH that voice!
The thing with these VTubers is that, they're like Durians.
I recall that the first time I watched Kaguya Luna, it was because the character was designed by Mika Pikazo who's one of the artists I've been checking out for the past 3 or so years. I don't think she had any idea that the character she drew up would come to life with such an interesting personality. Her drawings from now and those from back then (which still gets used in the vids) look totally different.
It really is all about the gap, huh.
You know, I'd never considered that these characters might have existed for years before getting the VTuber treatment even though that makes perfect sense. Mika Pikazo doesn't seem to be at odds with the VTuber community so I guess she(?) is okay with how Luna came to life, but I have to wonder how much input there was into the whole performance aspect.
quote: In contrast to the streamer/LPers/youtubers which in the first wave were selling on being "genuine personalities", VTubers are immediately and obviously produced characters, so the people involved in the making of it can totally focus on concocting things that would be entertaining given the character, and they can avoid the problem of "why on earth can't these people stop saying racist slurs".
You're not wrong - a lot of the most popular VTubers are more produced and packaged - but as you move down into the lower tiers there are definitely some who were coming from the more "genuine" side of things. I can't confirm or deny if any of them are saying rude or offensive things (and I don't really want to know), but it wouldn't surprise me. At its root this trend does kind of go hand-in-hand with anonymous culture.
[this message was edited by Gojira on Mon 18 Jun 08:50] |
| "NeoGeo Mini Japan Release and Pricing..." , posted Fri 22 Jun 14:57:    
Neo Geo Mini is coming out on July 24th and will cost 11,500 Yen (or $105). Amazon prices the NeoGeo Mini for 12420 Yen (or $113) Amazon listed some Mini Cart Stickers, Screen Protector and HDMI Cable.
EDIT: Prices are listed below, Thanks, Professor.
quote: Available accessories for additional purchase include the NEOGEO mini PAD stick in black or white (3000 yen / $27.00), a set of screen protectors (600 yen / $5.45), HDMI cable (900 yen/ $8.20), and character stickers (random pack of 4 out of 12, 1000 yen/ $9.10). All prices are post-tax.
SNK Online Shop Listings with bonus items - With one controller (Black or White) (15420 Yen or $140) - With both controllers (Black and White) (18420 Yen or $168) - With Card Case (13020 Yen or $118) - With Art Rucksack (32420 Yen or $295)
(NOTE: Dollar Pricing rate is based from the Yen to Dollar Exchange rate, actual US pricing may vary)
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[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Fri 22 Jun 16:44] |
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(2):Collection question" , posted Sat 30 Jun 07:52    
quote: I recall it wasn't great. This was one of the earlier games in the PS2 Neo Geo Online collection that was an emulation based one (Garou MOTW, the first in the series, was a native port to PS2 IIRC, similar to earlier ps2 ports like KOF00/01/02/03 with added features and such). They weren't great (Last Blade one was bad) but they turned things around when they got to AOF right after this, and the rest of em are great. I think the Wii version of this is actually better, with better load times etc.
But yeah it is crazy that there are now 3 distinct ways to play KOF97 on PS4: with this collection, or with Global Match, or with the Hamster Arcade Archives port.
Thanks! Hmm, that doesn't sound too good. I can't imagine a PS2 game that didn't go so well is going to be any better when it's crammed onto the PS4. So what is the consensus on these various convertors? Should I go with the SNK games or the Hamster versions?
quote: 98UM is also listed for the same price - any particular reason you're not interested in that release?
Honestly, it's because 96 is my favorite looking KoF so that probably influenced my thinking. But that's not to say that I would turn up my nose at 98UM. How is that particular port among the sea of PS4 KoF's?
Playing KoF is a breeze compared to trying to figure out what version of KoF to play.
| "Re(1):SNK Heroines last char" , posted Fri 3 Aug 05:09    
quote: The last character for SNK Heroines is Midnight Bliss Terry Bogard from SVC Chaos.
Now we wait until KOF XV actually introduce Girl Terry (after XIV opened the door for alternate universes, it wouldn't be surprising, especially with SNK's history of recycling content), allowing players to make a team composed of Terry, Girl Terry and Alice.
Anyway, Girl Terry looks nice. It's a pity she takes a spot that could be occupied by one of the many great SNK heroines (Mary, King, Charlotte, Cham Cham, Yuki, Akari, Fio, Kasumi...), but she still looks nice, nevertheless.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Why does Duck King say 'Tica' all the time?" , posted Fri 24 Aug 05:01:    
quote: Professor's mention of Kong Kuwata reminded me about this quote of Geese's. What on earth does it mean? Is it Engrish? Is it Japanese? Is it a mix of the two?
I have no idea what a Yabo is, but I think the voice actor probably went ad-lib and used that word. Google brings out a bunch of definitions that could or could not be what the VA was thinking of... it's one of those SNK mysteries that'll probably never get solved.
To note, a bunch of Young Geese's voices in AOF2 were probably improvised and weren't written by the development team (since they didn't know English). As a result, SNK seemingly had to figure out what Geese's voice actor was saying when they needed to transcribe the lines when providing them for strategy guides.
For example when you beat Young Geese, he grunts "You dare to take em' on?", as though there's some stronger power that he's either battling against or working for. On transcript released by SNK, it says "You died, take them on", which makes no sense as a phrase.
The same probably goes for "Die Yabo". SNK probably couldn't figure out what it meant, so decided that the voice meant "Daiyabou", which is sort of a made-up word in Japanese that can mean "Huge Ambition". I wouldn't be totally surprised if they decided to come up with their future game title "Wild Ambition" after that, but it's all nothing but wild guesses.
On an unrelated note, I always found it interesting that Duck King keeps saying "Tica" all the time in Fatal Fury Special.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 24 Aug 05:19] |
| "Re(1):Die, rude, noisy aggressive young man." , posted Fri 24 Aug 14:27    
quote: Professor's mention of Kong Kuwata reminded me about this quote of Geese's. What on earth does it mean? Is it Engrish? Is it Japanese? Is it a mix of the two?
I have no idea what a Yabo is, but I think the voice actor probably went ad-lib and used that word. Google brings out a bunch of definitions that could or could not be what the VA was thinking of... it's one of those SNK mysteries that'll probably never get solved.
To note, a bunch of Young Geese's voices in AOF2 were probably improvised and weren't written by the development team (since they didn't know English). As a result, SNK seemingly had to figure out what Geese's voice actor was saying when they needed to transcribe the lines when providing them for strategy guides.
For example when you beat Young Geese, he grunts "You dare to take em' on?", as though there's some stronger power that he's either battling against or working for. On transcript released by SNK, it says "You died, take them on", which makes no sense as a phrase.
The same probably goes for "Die Yabo". SNK probably couldn't figure out what it meant, so decided that the voice meant "Daiyabou", which is sort of a made-up word in Japanese that can mean "Huge Ambition". I wouldn't be totally surprised if they decided to come up with their future game title "Wild Ambition" after that, but it's all nothing but wild guesses.
On an unrelated note, I always found it interesting that Duck King keeps saying "Tica" all the time in
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
Yobbo, which is a variation of yob, means a rude, noisy, and aggressive young man.
In Kimi wa Hero, at the beginning, it was written as "Die yobbo!"
The full version of the Famitsu magazine interview of SNK developers which was partly translated by Siliconera almost a month ago.
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| "Re(2):Die, rude, noisy aggressive young man." , posted Sat 25 Aug 05:15:    
So as mentioned last week SNK currently has a collaboration going on with Tokyu Hands. Given how crazy the weekends can be in Shibuya, I took a quick stop Fri evening and they had a lot of new merchandise although their alloted space was a tad small to carry larger items like bags and posters. Still, it's good to see the company making some progress, especially since only the big names get a collaboration with Tokyu Hands.
They had on display the NeoGeo Mini, and it was surprisingly impressive. It seems to require initialization time when loading up a game, no monkeys unfortunately. The ROM data is console, not arcade. The LCD is.. pretty good, seems to be viewable from a wide angle. Yet I'm not sure if I'd pick it up considering it's missing the AOF trilogy.
For the hell of things, I made a montage of Tokyu Hands collaborations and... Posted it on Twitter.
Note it does not mean I like social media-- but they're a good means to load off some bandwidth 
Also this.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 25 Aug 06:40] |
| "Re(8):Die, rude, noisy aggressive young man." , posted Sun 26 Aug 21:32:    
quote: Video here
I don't know how to express how I feel, there are a lot of SNK characters that they could add to this game and now they go and add people from franchises not owned by SNK.
Thanks for the link! Theif Aurther ironically looks better than the SNK characters, at least in my personal opinion. If the weather wasn't so scortching here and I had the energy to run my PC I'd post up a story on it.
The way it's going I wouldn't be surprised if the game gets a FightingExLayer character.
Some questions, what type of hat does Zantetsu from Last Blade wears? Is it sandogasa?
Also the main artwork for Fatal Fury 2, the one used on the SEGA Genesis cover, is this artist Yoshiyuki Sadamoto?
1/ Yes, it's a Sandogasa. You nailed it perfectly. 2/ Yes, as well as Genesis FF1 and the Gamegear release of FFSpecial.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 26 Aug 21:36] |
PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: dc202styles CFN: n/a
| "Re(9):Die, rude, noisy aggressive young man." , posted Tue 28 Aug 01:33    
quote: Video here
I don't know how to express how I feel, there are a lot of SNK characters that they could add to this game and now they go and add people from franchises not owned by SNK.
Thanks for the link! Theif Aurther ironically looks better than the SNK characters, at least in my personal opinion. If the weather wasn't so scortching here and I had the energy to run my PC I'd post up a story on it.
The way it's going I wouldn't be surprised if the game gets a FightingExLayer character.
Some questions, what type of hat does Zantetsu from Last Blade wears? Is it sandogasa?
Also the main artwork for Fatal Fury 2, the one used on the SEGA Genesis cover, is this artist Yoshiyuki Sadamoto?
1/ Yes, it's a Sandogasa. You nailed it perfectly. 2/ Yes, as well as Genesis FF1 and the Gamegear release of FFSpecial.
What other games aside of the .Hack games has Yoshiyuki done artwork? I look at the Fatal Fury recently and I tell my self, my this looked amazing. Why don't we see more of this?
Do they still sell Sandogasa I Japan?
Long Live I AM!
| "Re(7):SNK launches teaser countdown for a new" , posted Fri 7 Sep 23:34    
quote: I barely played either of them, but the thing I noticed the most about Tenka was that people took a lot of hits to defeat in that game, which felt very un-SamSho.
I think I saw an arcade machine for the 3D SamSho like once, and I thought the UI of the game looked cool! But clearly the game was not well-received by.... well, anybody.
It isn't really fair for me to say so, because it had been a gradual process that had been in action across the series, but Tenka to me felt like a generic fighting game wearing a SamSho skin. But, again, that is where the series had been heading for many years. (SS4 added double life bars to make the damage levels more palatable. SS3 was so different from SS1/2 because SNK was trying to make the series more appealing to a wider audience. Even setting the games that came after SS2 to appear before SS2 in the timeline (so they could keep Nakoruru, and arguably later Amakusa, around) ate away at what made SamSho Samsho.
As for the 3D SamSho games... I cannot really judge. The biggest issue in my area was that no arcades had Hyper NeoGeo 64 cabinets. Everywhere had NeoGeo cabinets because they were relatively cheap and convenient, with a large library of easily swappable titles. The Hyper NeoGeo 64 was the opposite of that.
As such, I never even got to play the arcade titles. A friend did, but only because he went to a tournament in another state, and they had a cabinet there. (He found it to be okay. Not amazing or anything, but not terrible.)
There was later a 3D Playstation game that was at least theoretically based on the arcade engine, but I cannot judge how close they were. It wasn't a port, it was a new game with new characters. And even if it tried to be a relatively straight conversion, it would have suffered due to limitations of PS1 hardware. The PS1 game was not impressive.
I do believe a fair amount of the criticism of the HNG64 titles actually came from people playing the PS1 game, as many believed it to be a straight and accurate port of the arcade titles. Sites and sources would even call it such.
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(8):SNK launches teaser countdown for a new" , posted Mon 10 Sep 11:36    
Don't take my opinión seriously since I got all the achievements for Samurai Shodown Sen, but I think that besides the gameplay which was horrible, the game was fine for what it was.
Graphically looked like a PS2 game but I don't minded the models considering that this was SNK after all, so I gave them a pass on this department, saying that, I really loved the designs of the characters in this game, I really like suzu, takechiyo, angelica, jinbei and kirian, they were very generic in lots of aspects but I like this approack more than some of the wacky designs that you could find in tenka. Also the music was fine, and I really liked the stages
The main issue that killed any hope for this game was the lack of identity of it's gameplay, in one hand tried to be like classical samsho where you have to watch out your moves so you don't lost most of your life in a single counter hit, but it failed to do this since the game didn't create the same situations than the 2d games that invited to that, also the fights felt like button mashing fests, it was almost impossible to do combos and the commands to do some of the movements where almost impossible to do thanks to some weird inputs that the game demanded, so in the end the game sucked. In the end, I don't know if this game tried to be samsho or soul calibur, but failed to do both things
I feel that the gameplay (which in the end is the most important thing in a game) doomed this project, but if they managed to nail that, this game would have been awesome since eveything else was ok
| "Re(6):Samurai Spirits returns" , posted Mon 10 Sep 22:36    
quote: The game happens in the year between SS0 (Tenmei 6) and SS1 (Tenmei 8). So it's neither a reboot nor a retelling of an existing story.
Honestly, the SS timeline is such a crowded mess that I wish they'd either bite the bullet for a full reboot or just stop even pretending that these games fit together.
It isn't even like anything really demands that everything happened before SS2. They brought Nakoruru back after her "death" in chibi fairy form, and then brought her back in human form for KOFXIV. Instead of ending Amakusa's story with his defeat at the end of SS1, SNK brought back *two* versions of him. Etc.
Just give us a new SS1 with Amakusa, a new SS2 with Mizuki, and then eventually a new SS3 that takes place after SS2. Bring back any interesting characters along the way. Leave Ukyo sick, but don't pretend he's five seconds from dead. Let Nakoruru sacrifice herself, but let her take her old form when she feels necessary.
Just stop trying to jam more games into a 5-6 year timeline span because you don't want to give up some characters that theoretically you wrote out 20+ years ago.
(Sadly, even Street Fighter has truly embraced the mangled timeline excuse these days, with SFIII being their SS2.)
| "Re(7):Samurai Spirits returns" , posted Mon 10 Sep 23:37    
quote: Honestly, the SS timeline is such a crowded mess that I wish they'd either bite the bullet for a full reboot or just stop even pretending that these games fit together.
It isn't even like anything really demands that everything happened before SS2. They brought Nakoruru back after her "death" in chibi fairy form, and then brought her back in human form for KOFXIV. Instead of ending Amakusa's story with his defeat at the end of SS1, SNK brought back *two* versions of him. Etc.
Just give us a new SS1 with Amakusa, a new SS2 with Mizuki, and then eventually a new SS3 that takes place after SS2. Bring back any interesting characters along the way. Leave Ukyo sick, but don't pretend he's five seconds from dead. Let Nakoruru sacrifice herself, but let her take her old form when she feels necessary.
Just stop trying to jam more games into a 5-6 year timeline span because you don't want to give up some characters that theoretically you wrote out 20+ years ago.
(Sadly, even Street Fighter has truly embraced the mangled timeline excuse these days, with SFIII being their SS2.)
Ooh, I like your idea. In fact, I don't think it would be hard to have a "new SS3" being actually a retelling of SS4, just moved in the timeline to take place after SS2 rather than before it.
But yeah, it's almost certain it will never happen. But this new game looks nice, and that's enough for now.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(6):Samurai Spirits returns" , posted Tue 11 Sep 00:43    
quote: The game happens in the year between SS0 (Tenmei 6) and SS1 (Tenmei 8). So it's neither a reboot nor a retelling of an existing story. Characters from 64, Sen or PS1 are unlikely except as DLC. Characters from 3 and 4 are possible (especially since 0 messed things up a bit). Characters from 0 and Tenkaichi are entirely possible if the dev team is OK with characters created by Yuki (no reason to think they aren't, but you never know). From 0, Mina, Kusare Gedô, Yunfei, and Gaô are supposedly dead, but can be revived if necessary. Sankurô is also probably dead, but no one will care. Yoshitora and Yumeji should still be alive.
Actually, you'll see a cameo of Gaô riding a horse at the 0:17 mark of the trailer.
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
| "Re(7):Samurai Spirits returns" , posted Tue 11 Sep 03:53    
It isn't even like anything really demands that everything happened before SS2. They brought Nakoruru back after her "death" in chibi fairy form, and then brought her back in human form for KOFXIV. Instead of ending Amakusa's story with his defeat at the end of SS1, SNK brought back *two* versions of him. Etc.
Speaking of Nako, was there a reason why she was alive in 64 and Sen, but back to being a fairy in the PS1 game?
For a series with people cutting each other in two with giant swords, SS is strangely ineffective at killing its characters.
I wonder what the roster size will look like. KOF14 was insane, but people seem to whisper this one is on UE4, which would require more effort per character? But then, they should be more confident and have a bigger budget than what KOF14 had...
The central character in the last image doesn't look like Charlotte and rather like a new character to me, so that's 4 characters from the original cast missing (including Amakusa). More than the boring cast of 3 and 4, I'd love if they added people from Sen, but in a good game this time... Morozumi should also come back because he's wild.
Kita Senri is such a wonderful artist, I hope she draws the new characters this time again, instead of wasting her talent of Fire Emblem.
| "Re(8):Samurai Spirits returns" , posted Tue 11 Sep 06:23    
quote: I'd say it's more comparable to DMC2, which they've now moved past with 5. SS2 was only the stopping point because of Nakoruru. SF6 just needs to put older Mel and beard Ryu as the protags and they're set.
Street Fighter's current timeline is pretty similar to NeoGeo Samurai Shodown: SF1, SF0/A, SF2, SF4, SF5, SF3 versus SS0/5, SS1, SS3, SS4, SS2. SNK did eventually move beyond SS2, but Capcom has yet to move beyond SF3. (Though Capcom USA did try to give us Street Fighter 2020.)
quote: Speaking of Nako, was there a reason why she was alive in 64 and Sen, but back to being a fairy in the PS1 game?
I wonder what the roster size will look like. KOF14 was insane, but people seem to whisper this one is on UE4, which would require more effort per character?
From what I've read in the past, 64 simply retconned her death. Rather than dying from her sacrifice at the end of SS2, she was instead just weakened, and eventually recovered. This fits her ending in 64, where she just goes home at the end (while griping about how her job means she can't act like a woman, wear nice clothes, or go out at night.)
Which makes it weird that the Playstation game would turn her into a tiny forest fairy, alongside tiny forest Rimururu no less. Maybe someone on the design team was enamored by the screen adjustment image used in Samurai Spirits Bushido Retsuden, which was a chibi Nakoruru and Rimururu... Or maybe they forgot that they'd already retconned her death. Or maybe that was just their excuse to not have a middle age Nakoruru and Rimururu. (Kind of like Namco conveniently sticking Nina and Anna into cryofreeze when they did the 20 year jump in Tekken.)
As for the new game being on UE4, considering the trailer starts with the Unreal logo I'd take that at pretty much a given. Though I'd guess the "more effort per character" comes more from this in general looking like a higher quality production than KOFXIV. You can still see the shortcuts and simplifications when you pause the trailer, but overall it just looks like they are putting more effort into the art this time (character and stages both) than they did with KOFXIV. Which is presumably in part because they can, because they aren't trying to create a KOF-size roster this time.
| "Re(9):Samurai Spirits returns" , posted Tue 11 Sep 07:47    
Interesting analyses of the trailer.
quote: A few of the original characters are absent, huh? There's pretty much no way they would have Galford without Hanzo, but I do wonder if there will be any shocking omissions or additions (actually I am pretty amazed that AssQuake is returning).
Right now, it seems every character from SS1 is there except Gen-An, Wan-Fu and Amakusa. Charlotte is unsure, the silhouette could be her or a new character with similar taste in fashion. Genjurô is in, Gaô is referenced in the intro but probably as a way of saying "this happened last year and is now over".
Beside Rimururu and maybe Kazuki+Sougetsu, I don't think there are any "must return character" left. The SS3 crew has been forcefully added to 0 so technically they are possible. Nicotine, Sieger and Chamcham as well (though Tamtam and Chamcham have never appeared together in canonical entries). SS0 and Tenkaichi people also, depending on the angle adopted (and the degree of "he/she was dead, but he got better" they want to allow). Asura and Shiki would require a retcon, but Morosumi is possible. Most of the Sen characters are possible (but who remembers them?). The PS1 characters probably aren't. I'm curious to know what will happen to the Rasetsu characters. I found them iffy until the second 64, but I quite liked the ones 0 rescued. I wouldn't mind new Rasetsu characters in their vein, like a Mina having survived and killed Champuru, or a Rasetsu Nicotine.
Or they can do what they did in KOF14, throw the canon to the bin, say "here, time travel! Parallel universes!" and add KOF and Last Blade characters to the mix. That would be disappointing...
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(7):Samurai Spirits returns" , posted Tue 11 Sep 10:00    
quote: The game happens in the year between SS0 (Tenmei 6) and SS1 (Tenmei 8). So it's neither a reboot nor a retelling of an existing story.
Honestly, the SS timeline is such a crowded mess that I wish they'd either bite the bullet for a full reboot or just stop even pretending that these games fit together.
It isn't even like anything really demands that everything happened before SS2. They brought Nakoruru back after her "death" in chibi fairy form, and then brought her back in human form for KOFXIV. Instead of ending Amakusa's story with his defeat at the end of SS1, SNK brought back *two* versions of him. Etc.
Just give us a new SS1 with Amakusa, a new SS2 with Mizuki, and then eventually a new SS3 that takes place after SS2. Bring back any interesting characters along the way. Leave Ukyo sick, but don't pretend he's five seconds from dead. Let Nakoruru sacrifice herself, but let her take her old form when she feels necessary.
Just stop trying to jam more games into a 5-6 year timeline span because you don't want to give up some characters that theoretically you wrote out 20+ years ago.
(Sadly, even Street Fighter has truly embraced the mangled timeline excuse these days, with SFIII being their SS2.)
I loved KOF 14 approach of "fuck it, everyone is back!" including non playable characters like jeff boggard
| "Re(10):Samurai Spirits returns" , posted Tue 11 Sep 10:20    
quote: Interesting analyses of the trailer. A few of the original characters are absent, huh? There's pretty much no way they would have Galford without Hanzo, but I do wonder if there will be any shocking omissions or additions (actually I am pretty amazed that AssQuake is returning). Right now, it seems every character from SS1 is there except Gen-An, Wan-Fu and Amakusa. Charlotte is unsure, the silhouette could be her or a new character with similar taste in fashion. Genjurô is in, Gaô is referenced in the intro but probably as a way of saying "this happened last year and is now over".
Beside Rimururu and maybe Kazuki+Sougetsu, I don't think there are any "must return character" left. The SS3 crew has been forcefully added to 0 so technically they are possible. Nicotine, Sieger and Chamcham as well (though Tamtam and Chamcham have never appeared together in canonical entries). SS0 and Tenkaichi people also, depending on the angle adopted (and the degree of "he/she was dead, but he got better" they want to allow). Asura and Shiki would require a retcon, but Morosumi is possible. Most of the Sen characters are possible (but who remembers them?). The PS1 characters probably aren't. I'm curious to know what will happen to the Rasetsu characters. I found them iffy until the second 64, but I quite liked the ones 0 rescued. I wouldn't mind new Rasetsu characters in their vein, like a Mina having survived and ki
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The one thing that struck me about that image that had all those characters in it is that Charlotte is the centered focal point of the image. Did she suddenly become the most important character somehow?
| "Re(2):SNK Heroines First week Sales..." , posted Thu 13 Sep 04:55:    
quote: I don't know what SNK's expectations were for this game.
That describes the game itself.
What was SNK expecting for Tag Team Frenzy? I don't mean sales expectations, but what was its purpose?
At first it looked like a cheap reuse of KOFXIV assets, but then they made multiple outfits per character and a ton of customizations. And while the combat is greatly simplified over KOFXIV, that itself is different enough to require some measure of work. Even the endings, while they are jokes composed of unvoiced still shots, you can tell a fair amount of work was put into them (as opposed to something like SFV's "one page" endings.)
The outfits and all the customization options, poses, photos, and the like make it appear to be a fetish fan game, but the whole package is ultimately pretty darn tame in that regard. The new outfits are more silly than sexual, even the ones that were presumably meant to be fetish-y. DOA during one of its "I'm a serious game, not a fetish fantasy" periods is more fetish-y than Tag Team Frenzy.
There is the connection to Gals Fighter, but the gameplay is nothing like that title, and the KOF-focused roster misses the appeal of a company-wide design.
One could argue that the game is meant to appeal to more casual audiences, but... Are SNK characters appealing to casual audiences in the first place? Are the game models, which at times look worse than KOFXIV, appealing to anyone? The awkward "kidnapped and forced to play dress-up" story line seems pretty darn tone deaf if the goal was to reach to a wider audience. The all-women roster is going to turn away anyone who doesn't like playing female fighting game characters. The gameplay is going to turn away most "serious" players. Etc. It is kind of like SNK was aiming for the smallest audience possible, rather than a larger one.
EDIT: On a side note, I'm finding several of the endings to have more interesting outfits that the actual in-game models. I like both of the outfits you see Luong in for her ending. The first outfit Mai wears in her ending is fitting for a fantasy and her second is nice for being "casual every day" Mai. Nakoruru, Mui Mui and Love Heart get simple but neat fantasy outfits, casual every day outfits, and even sleepware that looks better than stuff like Nak's 3rd game out.
YouTube video of the endings:
[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 13 Sep 05:18] |
PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(3):SNK Heroines First week Sales..." , posted Thu 13 Sep 22:45:    
People pointed out to me that those numbers are for japan alone and don't include digital copies, so they don't give the full picture. But looking at them, it seems good in reference to other projects.
-SNK HTTF 1st week 10,018 in ps4 + 5,493 in switch, 15,511 -kof 13 1st week 21,525 in ps3 -kof 14 1st week 20,655 in ps4 -BB cross tag 1st week 11,696 in ps4 + 4,271 in switch, 15,967
My impression with the game is that they are using a approach very similar to bbtag. Cheap, non-critical project as test grounds for new mechanics. At the same time, guests and dlcs chars to increase revenue + simplified mechanics to flirt with nintendo's smash crowd.
SNK HTTF have dash normals, jump cancelable attacks, universal airthrow, airdash forward, air dodge, guts scaling, meter gain scaling (very in line with "air dashers" like guilty or melty). At the same time, it have items, a special button and unorthodox round end criteria (very alike smash).
A shame that the flirting with smash crowd part didn't seems to be working very well for both SNK HTTF and BB TAG looking at switch nºs.
Changing topics, time to shamelessly plug my twitter thread about how this samurai spirtis trailer nailed the old samsho visual style.
[this message was edited by caiooa on Fri 14 Sep 09:14] |
| "Re(5):SNK Heroines First week Sales..." , posted Fri 14 Sep 10:31:    
quote: Like Baines, I've never been able to pin down just what SNKH was going for. Is it a fighting game? A Justice Gakuen grab-bag of ideas? A leering simulator? In the end it comes across as neither fish nor fowl and the only thing I could decide was that I wasn't going to buy the game. Caiooa's suggestion that it is a test for game mechanics and potential wooing of Smash fans. I'm glad to see someone is still willing to try lower budget titles that get by on experimentation more than anything else.
Its market is clearly the casual base in the asian region. but aside from that, the publisher's target seems so broad that at a glance, it almost feels like they didn't think things through when making this game (although more likely, they thought things through and things ended up like this as the conclusion). It feels like they just decided to make a successor to SNK Gals under very limited time and budget, all the while testing various game mechanics and using this as an opportunity to give development experience to their younger aged staff.
At a glance it looks something like a Senran Kagura knockoff, but there's very little fanservice in the game beside from what you see on surface. In some ways you can say that even Samurai Shodown on the NeoGeo Pocket had more fanservice, given that the game had strip KOs (and for even the male characters, yes).
Either way, it's relieving to see that SNK actually has money to try an experiemental project inbetween two major releases, just like how they released Samurai Shodown between the development of Fatal Fury 2 and Special.
At the end, it all gets justified by its 4,800 yen price tag which is absurdedly cheap for the modern day. It's the price tag of games back in the Famicom Era!
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 14 Sep 10:59] |
PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: dc202styles CFN: n/a
| "Re(6):SNK Heroines First week Sales..." , posted Fri 14 Sep 11:40    
quote: Like Baines, I've never been able to pin down just what SNKH was going for. Is it a fighting game? A Justice Gakuen grab-bag of ideas? A leering simulator? In the end it comes across as neither fish nor fowl and the only thing I could decide was that I wasn't going to buy the game. Caiooa's suggestion that it is a test for game mechanics and potential wooing of Smash fans. I'm glad to see someone is still willing to try lower budget titles that get by on experimentation more than anything else.
Its market is clearly the casual base in the asian region. but aside from that, the publisher's target seems so broad that at a glance, it almost feels like they didn't think things through when making this game (although more likely, they thought things through and things ended up like this as the conclusion). It feels like they just decided to make a successor to SNK Gals under very limited time and budget, all the while testing various game mechanics and using this as an opportunity to give development experience to their younger aged staff.
At a glance it looks something like a Senran Kagura knockoff, but there's very little fanservice in the game beside from what you see on surface. In some ways you can say that even Samurai Shodown on the NeoGeo Pocket had more fanservice, given that the game had strip KOs (and for even the male characters, yes).
Either way, it's relieving to see that SNK actually has money to try an experiemental project inbetween t
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Based on the current character select screen, 15 slots are not in use. We still waiting for the arrival of thief Arthur. If more guest characters like her come, maybe SNK is targeting fans from other games as well. But will that help or just stay low key?
Long Live I AM!
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "'SNK Gals Fighters II's' scenario" , posted Thu 27 Sep 09:30    
There are parts "SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy" got right such as the cute vocal songs and the endings, and there are parts that make me say "This definitely was supposed to be strictly a Nintendo Switch game" such as the weird mechanics and the roster. In case you didn't know, SNK always wanted to make a game for a Nintendo console again, but they, they being Nintendo never had the proper vibe for the lack of a better word regarding their consoles. The last time SNK released a game on a Nintendo console (not handheld) was way back in the 1990s with the SFC/SNES if I'm not mistaken. When the announcement of this game came up, Sony had to pounce in on it of course.
If you want a serious answer for the "Who's this game really for?" question, the answer is to be blunt, "SNK fans yearning for a Nintendo game again". I can't give a bright answer. The game's fun, but I felt like I got half or 3/5ths of the top value point at most, which isn't an ideal trait to have as a game or item.
| "Did the New Faces actually die in KOF'97?" , posted Wed 3 Oct 10:21:    
The inclusion of Shermie in SNK Heroines caused me to think about something...
It has been treated as common knowledge for the last couple of decades that the New Faces team died in KOF'97, but did they really?
They die in their ending. Having beaten Orochi, Yashiro decides that more must be done to strengthen Orochi, so he kills Chris and Shermie and then himself. This was taken as evidence that the New Faces died, in the same way that it was accepted that Iori's ending still happened in '96 even though he didn't win that tournament.
People accepted that the New Faces released Orochi, sacrificed themselves to increase Orochi's power, and then the Sacred Treasures team defeated Orochi.
Thinking about it, the New Faces team ending arguably isn't compatible with the Orochi introduction...
The New Faces ending has Chris fighting alongside Yashiro and Shermie against Orochi, and then shows Yashiro killing Chris while Orochi (in Chris possession form) is floating around. How does that even work if Orochi is already using Chris' body as a vessel? You can argue that Orochi has yet to actually possess Chris' body, but the regular pre-fight cutscene shows that the New Faces are all still alive when Orochi possesses Chris. If SNK had decided with 100% certainty that the New Faces were dying, then why did the make an Orochi-arrival cutscene that clearly showed the New Faces were still alive at that point?
(Okay, you can argue that the New Faces commit suicide while the Sacred Treasures are fighting Orochi.)
Thinking about it, maybe the New Faces released Orochi, Orochi possessed Chris, the Sacred Treasures team defeated Orochi, and with the resealing of Orochi removing their reason to fight, the New Faces simply went home... With Orochi's story wrapped up, they had no reason to compete in future KOFs.
Thinking some more, we do get hints of Orochi's potential return in KOFXIV, and Orochi even gets re-resealed. If the New Faces were alive the whole time, then the potential return of Orochi would give them reason to be in the area even if they weren't in the tournament, which would put Shermie in position to be Kukri-napped alongside the KOFXIV contestants.
[this message was edited by Baines on Wed 3 Oct 10:30] |
| "Re(1):Did the New Faces actually die in KOF'9" , posted Wed 3 Oct 17:50    
quote: The inclusion of Shermie in SNK Heroines caused me to think about something...
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I agree that the end of 97 is messed up, if only because the starting animation has Chris possessed, and there is no one to kill Yashiro and Shermie other than Yashiro himself (except if you want to frame Chizuru and Kyô as murderers). However, since KOF13 had Mature, Vice and Shermie back as "somewhat-ghosts" because of the time-paradox thing (and it was confirmed at the time that since Shermie was there, the other two were also as fine as ghosts can be), it was only a matter of time for the three to come back. I believe the ending of 14 finally revived them completely, since Heroine is "canon" (in the sense that it's all a shared dream, but the fact the characters have the dream is canon, so CYS is "canonically" recording a new record or something). The only one that seems to remain dead for good is Goenitz (until proven otherwise). And honestly, not having Goeniko in Heroine is the worst of all the missed opportunities.
| "Re(2):Did the New Faces actually die in KOF'9" , posted Thu 4 Oct 04:03    
quote: I agree that the end of 97 is messed up, if only because the starting animation has Chris possessed, and there is no one to kill Yashiro and Shermie other than Yashiro himself (except if you want to frame Chizuru and Kyô as murderers). However, since KOF13 had Mature, Vice and Shermie back as "somewhat-ghosts" because of the time-paradox thing (and it was confirmed at the time that since Shermie was there, the other two were also as fine as ghosts can be), it was only a matter of time for the three to come back. I believe the ending of 14 finally revived them completely, since Heroine is "canon" (in the sense that it's all a shared dream, but the fact the characters have the dream is canon, so CYS is "canonically" recording a new record or something). The only one that seems to remain dead for good is Goenitz (until proven otherwise). And honestly, not having Goeniko in Heroine is the worst of all the missed opportunities.
Wait, isn't Shermie just a background Easter egg in XIII? In fact, Chris also appears in one of the XIII stages, doesn't he?
Anyway, if I recall correctly, Iori's '97 story already had shown that 1) he did kill Mature and Vice in '96, and 2) that didn't prevent them from coming back to haunt him. Maybe the Orochi people are immune to physical death or something like that?
In fact, I have other doubt regarding the New Faces Team: their backstory presents them as just a band that was mad at Iori stealing their spotlight, so... was everything narrated in their backstory fake? Or were the three of them really musicians who eventually got dominated by the Orochi blood? In the second scenario, they'd be more like victims than actual bad guys, wouldn't they?
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(2):Did the New Faces actually die in KOF'9" , posted Thu 4 Oct 05:34:    
However, since KOF13 had Mature, Vice and Shermie back as "somewhat-ghosts" because of the time-paradox thing (and it was confirmed at the time that since Shermie was there, the other two were also as fine as ghosts can be),
Like Just a Person said, wasn't Shermie just present as a background Easter Egg?
I recall that Vice and Mature were treated as dead in the story itself. They were able to come back due to circumstances. One of their color palettes was even translucent.
quote: there is no one to kill Yashiro and Shermie other than Yashiro himself (except if you want to frame Chizuru and Kyô as murderers)
That's not an issue, as the New Faces ending does show Yashiro himself causes all three deaths. You see blood spraying from Chris's neck. Then you see Yashiro holding Shermie's head with one hand while saying he is sorry, with his other hand ready to strike. Then Yashiro tells Orochi that he (Yashiro) has killed Chris and Shermie. Then Yashiro holds his hand to his own face. Then you get the red background drawing of Yashiro starting to rip out his own throat.
Looking at another Youtube video, I just realized there is no body issue. Indeed, there is even a possible excuse within the game that allows for the New Faces to both die and survive.
I'd forgotten the cutscene that happens right before the New Faces team fights the Orochi New Faces team...
There it is revealed that the two teams are physically separate entities. The New Faces team previously split its body and mind to create a second group to assist in gathering the energy necessary to revive Orochi. The regular human team are dubbed "imposters", while the Orochi New Faces are called the "real" New Faces.
There is no body issue because imposter Chris and Real Chris as two separate bodies. Orochi possesses the body of Real Chris. Imposter Yashiro killed imposter Chris.
But that separate is also the potential excuse for the New Faces to survive. The only ones we see die are the imposters. Real Shermie and Real Yashiro are never shown again after the pre-Orochi cutscene. They aren't around when imposter Yashiro kills the imposter team.
You could argue that killing an imposter kills the original, but Real Yashiro doesn't treat the imposters as anything other than copies. (Besides, if killing imposter Chris would also kill Real Chris, might that cause issues for Orochi who apparently wanted to possess a living body?) You could argue that Orochi took the power of Real Shermie and Real Yashiro before the fight (when they vanish), but if he felt the need to take the power of the Real New Faces, why wouldn't he have taken the power of the imposter New Faces at the same time?
So, at the very least, there wasn't any evidence that either Real Yashiro nor Real Shermie ever died in *any* KOF'97 ending.
Real Chris is a more complicated situation. Orochi possessed and then physically transformed Real Chris. Maybe Orochi never reverted back to Real Chris. KOFXIV seems to support this idea, as the Yagami/Sacred Treasures ending shows Orochi sealed seemingly within the same body he created from Real Chris.
Or you could take the whole mind and body split thing in a different way, as a literal mind and body split, with the "imposters" being the bodies while the Real are the minds. And then read into it as the various Orochi characters having the ability to exist and physically interact with the world entirely as normal even without their "human" physical bodies. You could use this to explain how Vice and Mature are still around, with Iori only killing their physical bodies while their minds/spiritual Orochi forms continue to exist.
Wow... I've put way too much time and thought into something that doesn't really matter, and which will probably be swept under the rug as "the timeline got altered" if the characters do come back in an official main story game. (And I guess SNK will have to use that excuse if it also wants to bring back Chris... Unless SNK wants to go the extra mile and establish that transformed Orochi was separated from Real Chris either before or during the sealing. But they'll probably just go with "time was altered".)
[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 4 Oct 05:38] |
| "Samurai Shodown VII Release Plans Unveiled" , posted Wed 5 Dec 21:40:    
From SNK's IPO Conference in Korea. Our good friend Gatoray provided some translations of what is going on.
SS7's release will be on Q2 2019. Also, they plan to release it not only in PS4 (which was riddled with censorship a couple of months ago), but also in Xbox One, Switch and Steam. Justified since SS7 will have fewer characters at launch compared to KOF XIV's 50. Also, SS7's development is 95% complete.
KOF XV is targeted to have a 2020 Release. Although Oda claimed in an interview weeks ago that KOF XV was not in pre-production phase yet. Inevitably, KOF XV's development will start by next year.
On other things, SNK's current revenue ratio is 67% Licensing, 19% Console Game Sales, 11% Mobile Game Sales, 3% NEOGEO mini.
Also, NEOGEO mini sales have reached the one-year target sales in the span of 3 months. (Around 500,000 units in that specified period.)
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Thu 6 Dec 00:28] |
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):Samurai Shodown VII Release Plans Unvie" , posted Wed 5 Dec 21:59    
quote: From SNK's IPO Conference in Korea. Our good friend Gatoray provided some translations of what is going on.
SS7's release will be on Q2 2019. Also, they plan to release it not only in PS4 (which was riddled with censorship a couple of months ago), but also in Xbox One, Switch and Steam. Justified since SS7 will have fewer characters at launch compared to KOF XIV's 50. Also, SS7's development is 95% complete.
KOF XV is targeted to have a 2020 Release. Although Oda claimed in an interview weeks ago that KOF XV was not in pre-production phase yet. Inevitably, KOF XV's development will start by next year.
On other things, SNK's current ratio is 67% Licensing, 19% Console Game Development, 11% Mobile Game Development, 3% NEOGEO mini.
Also, NEOGEO mini sales have reached the one-year target sales in the span of 3 months. (Around 500,000 units in that specified period.)
The bigger news is that SNK is looking to buy a US company
PSN: ShikyohMukuro XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: N/A CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):Samurai Shodown VII Release Plans Unvie" , posted Wed 5 Dec 22:52    
quote: From SNK's IPO Conference in Korea. Our good friend Gatoray provided some translations of what is going on.
SS7's release will be on Q2 2019. Also, they plan to release it not only in PS4 (which was riddled with censorship a couple of months ago), but also in Xbox One, Switch and Steam. Justified since SS7 will have fewer characters at launch compared to KOF XIV's 50. Also, SS7's development is 95% complete.
KOF XV is targeted to have a 2020 Release. Although Oda claimed in an interview weeks ago that KOF XV was not in pre-production phase yet. Inevitably, KOF XV's development will start by next year.
On other things, SNK's current ratio is 67% Licensing, 19% Console Game Development, 11% Mobile Game Development, 3% NEOGEO mini.
Also, NEOGEO mini sales have reached the one-year target sales in the span of 3 months. (Around 500,000 units in that specified period.)
The bigger news is that SNK is looking to buy a US company
Wow Neo Geo Mini sold that much? That is amazing. Glad 2020 is on the horizon. I really hope Samurai Shodown brings something cracking in the FGC.
Long Live I AM!
| "Re(2):Samurai Shodown VII Release Plans Unvie" , posted Wed 5 Dec 22:59    
quote: Also, KOF 15 (and SS) will not be on the same ridiculous custom engine as KOF14 and Heroines, but will move to UE4.
I wonder how much they can reuse from KOF14 in that case... A brand new engine, brand new assets... No way we get 40 or 50 characters if they can't at least recycle some animations.
Then again, does KOF XV even NEED 40 or 50 characters? Something around 24-30 fighters would be enough for the base game, I think. Sure, that would mean many fighters from XIV would be absent (at least before the eventual DLC packs come), but KOF fans should be used to it by now: every new game had several characters leaving and other coming. To me, that was part of the appeal of the series, seeing teams changing their line-ups and so on.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(7):Samurai Shodown VII Release Plans Unvie" , posted Thu 13 Dec 02:14    
quote: Thanks for all the news guys! I was hoping to update MMCafe's front page with it but the weather since last week has suddenly went sour and my fingers feel like meat popsticles .
I assume everyone knows about the Kiddyland collaboration they had this month, which was actually kind of.. small. SNK's report from Korea says "3% NeoGeo Mini", but it's actually the sales of their whole merchandising sector from what I understand, which annual goal was reached within 3 months due to the Mini. It kind of makes sense since most of the merchandises are 300-1000 yen whereas the Mini is around 12000-- I do wonder how its profit rate is.
Also it's about a week-old news now, but the day after SNK held the meeting in Korea, they decided to withdraw their plans to go public. Gatoray later Tweeted a report saying they probably overevaluated themselves and aimed for around 100 billion yen at opening, which was a tad too unrealistic given the stagnant market and that they only made 6.8 billion in sales last year. Which is good for a company of their size, of course.
Thanks for the clarification.
Yeah, they overestimated themselves, the gap is very huge (93.2 Billion). From the same report, they will try again in March. Hopefully, with a more realistic value.
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(8):Samurai Shodown VII Release Plans Unvie" , posted Fri 14 Dec 22:35    
quote: Thanks for all the news guys! I was hoping to update MMCafe's front page with it but the weather since last week has suddenly went sour and my fingers feel like meat popsticles .
I assume everyone knows about the Kiddyland collaboration they had this month, which was actually kind of.. small. SNK's report from Korea says "3% NeoGeo Mini", but it's actually the sales of their whole merchandising sector from what I understand, which annual goal was reached within 3 months due to the Mini. It kind of makes sense since most of the merchandises are 300-1000 yen whereas the Mini is around 12000-- I do wonder how its profit rate is.
Also it's about a week-old news now, but the day after SNK held the meeting in Korea, they decided to withdraw their plans to go public. Gatoray later Tweeted a report saying they probably overevaluated themselves and aimed for around 100 billion yen at opening, which was a tad too unrealistic given the stagnant market and that they only made 6.8 billion in sales last year. Which is good for a company of their size, of course.
Thanks for the clarification.
Yeah, they overestimated themselves, the gap is very huge (93.2 Billion). From the same report, they will try again in March. Hopefully, with a more realistic value.
It's been serveral days but I'm still trying to wrap my head around this disparity. I'm used to game companies being overly optimistic about numbers but 93 billion is a lot. How on earth did they arrrive at that number?
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(8):Samurai Shodown VII Release Plans Unvie" , posted Mon 17 Dec 21:49    
I always had the impression that the chinese parent company overestimated the value than the SNK brand has on this era, like they probably played KOF 97 at its peak and thought that the brand was still as mainstream as it was in 97 in China.
People recognize the brand but the masses are not willing to spend big buckets on it yet, they need to grow it more.
quote: Also it's about a week-old news now, but the day after SNK held the meeting in Korea, they decided to withdraw their plans to go public. Gatoray later Tweeted a report saying they probably overevaluated themselves and aimed for around 100 billion yen at opening, which was a tad too unrealistic given the stagnant market and that they only made 6.8 billion in sales last year. Which is good for a company of their size, of course.
Thinking about it, that might actually be good news?
An increasing number of people are arguing, with pretty decent evidence, that the third-party AAA game market is killing itself in its absolute desire (which has become a desperate need) to generate increasing profits for its stockholders.
Although I agree with the sentiment that the AAA industry is making some bad decisions in order to increase their profits, I also think that SNK desesperately needs an injection of money to start making more ambitious games.
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(3):King of King of Fighters" , posted Thu 10 Jan 05:02    
I'm surprised they rank 98UM so low. Was there particular issues with the rebalance? Krauzer being wack? 2003 under XII and 2001, now that's funny. That game had no redeeming quality. Poor Neowave. XIV along with XI and 96... that sounds about right. I would put XIII next to 2000. Beautiful game with an huge wall to climb when you want to use even the slightly advanced tools. Obviously, for pros, that's not a problem... I would have replaced 96 and 95 with 94 and xii. 96 felt choppy ans messy to me. 95 was equivalent to samurai shodown 3. Xii was not a bad game like people said. I did not see much wrong with it aside from short roster, zoom in (debatable), and no story.
I disagree with 95 and 96 being lower than 94 and XII
94 is the KOF game that has aged the most in the series, the no team edit option and the stupid infinites don't make this game interesting at all in the modern time. Meanwhile 95 is a refined 94, and is definitely not like Samurai Shodown 3 where matches where way too short. One friend always told me than KOF 95 was like Super Turbo on steroids, and in that regard, I really respect what the game tries to do, and seems to be beloved in some places around the world, so I would actully include it on the A tier alongside 2000 where is a playable game, but not as great as the most refined games
And 12 doesn't have any redeeming quality anymore, the gameplay was barebones, and the critical counter mechanic is an even worse versión of SFV crash counter, where one mistake (from both the winner and loser part) could lead to a stupid combo, although I love how they looked, even graphically the game isn't that great after XIII showed us than shrinking down the sprites made them look better.
96 I could agree that it should be on the bottom tier, but I still respect that it was the foundation to KOF as we know it.
And XIII definitely deserves to be in the S tier, the game is a piece of art, and the high level was exciting to watch, those evo tournaments where some of the finest moments in the FGC history.
PSN: ShikyohMukuro XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: N/A CFN: n/a
| "Re(4):King of King of Fighters" , posted Sat 12 Jan 04:38    
I'm surprised they rank 98UM so low. Was there particular issues with the rebalance? Krauzer being wack? 2003 under XII and 2001, now that's funny. That game had no redeeming quality. Poor Neowave. XIV along with XI and 96... that sounds about right. I would put XIII next to 2000. Beautiful game with an huge wall to climb when you want to use even the slightly advanced tools. Obviously, for pros, that's not a problem... I would have replaced 96 and 95 with 94 and xii. 96 felt choppy ans messy to me. 95 was equivalent to samurai shodown 3. Xii was not a bad game like people said. I did not see much wrong with it aside from short roster, zoom in (debatable), and no story.
I disagree with 95 and 96 being lower than 94 and XII
94 is the KOF game that has aged the most in the series, the no team edit option and the stupid infinites don't make this game interesting at all in the modern time. Meanwhile 95 is a refined 94, and is definitely not like Samurai Shodown 3 where matches where way too short. One friend always told me than KOF 95 was like Super Turbo on steroids, and in that regard, I really respect what the game tries to do, and seems to be beloved in some places around the world, so I would actully include it on the A tier alongside 2000 where is a playable game, but not as great as the most refined games
And 12 doesn'
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All your points are indeed valid. I guess I looked at it from a "I like it and have fun" aspect than the more technical and competitive aspect. Because for 95 by all means I loved it while I had the game, but just felt that some hits generated highly extreme damage to a good match.
I forgot about 12s counter attack. That was a little wacky but it was something new and surprising at the time.
Long Live I AM!
| "Re(1):Decide on your own King of King of Figh" , posted Mon 14 Jan 09:21    
I'm surprised they rank 98UM so low. Was there particular issues with the rebalance? Krauzer being wack? 2003 under XII and 2001, now that's funny. That game had no redeeming quality. Poor Neowave. XIV along with XI and 96... that sounds about right. I would put XIII next to 2000. Beautiful game with an huge wall to climb when you want to use even the slightly advanced tools.
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Pros have their own gastronomical taste buds but some of us prefer that extra ketsup on our burgers KOF. Have it made your own way!
I was never much of a KOF player even though I always thought it looked really cool! Somehow I've bought a lot of KOF games!
I somewhat dislike the custom combo and MAX cancel stuff that KOF has added to later entries, because it winds up introducing a lot of disparity to the cast, demanding a lot more from players at a low level of play, and adding making the "hit confirm poke / overhead / safe low into activation" a central part of the game.
KOF often tried to borrow or introduce evasive systems to the games, whether it's the dodge or the roll, and I kind of wish that they went harder in that. They continuously created new systems for making big huge combos or confirming damage from safe attacks or blowing up cornered opponents, but they didn't innovate much further in defensive things after 98. KOF12 tried to add a focus-attack like mechanic to the game, but it wasn't all that great, and like other game mechanics from KOF12, got thrown out in KOF13.
PSN: ShikyohMukuro XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: N/A CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):Decide on your own King of King of Figh" , posted Mon 14 Jan 23:16    
I'm surprised they rank 98UM so low. Was there particular issues with the rebalance? Krauzer being wack? 2003 under XII and 2001, now that's funny. That game had no redeeming quality. Poor Neowave. XIV along with XI and 96... that sounds about right. I would put XIII next to 2000. Beautiful game with an huge wall to climb when you want to use even the slightly advanced tools.
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Pros have their own gastronomical taste buds but some of us prefer that extra ketsup on our burgers KOF. Have it made your own way!
I was never much of a KOF player even though I always thought it looked really cool! Somehow I've bought a lot of KOF games!
I somewhat dislike the custom combo and MAX cancel stuff that KOF has added to later entries, because it winds up introducing a lot of disparity to the cast, demanding a lot more from players at a low level of play, and adding making the "hit confirm poke / overhead / safe low into activation" a central part of the game.
KOF often tried to borrow or introduce evasive systems to the games, whether it's the dodge or the roll, and I kind of wish that they
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Totally agree. You can't play defensive and counter attacking unless your character have those special type of moves. I have sucked more and more with the new ones. With the new ones you really have to spend time. But does allow you to see what's out there since online play has been widely open than ever before for any KOF (human vs human).
Speaking on the earlier ones, unless you didn't constantly play against human players, the AI doesn't allow you to improve nor practice to compete at higher levels. I mean I say that cause I notice now after trying to get back in shape, with 98, AI shows no mercy as he knows your every move. I gave up. I was like WTF how I played this when I was younger? Can't find no one online even if it had online feature.
Long Live I AM!
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):The Father of all things World Heroes" , posted Tue 15 Jan 23:47    
quote: This is certainly going to become SNK trivia plaqued in the MMCafe world of fame.
The World Heroes manga just launched late last month and it can be read online here.
Now what's duely interesting is that the artist Kimitoshi Yokoo as it turns out, used to be an employee at ADK in his younger days, and he was the guy who came up with the original World Heroes concept. Initially he pitched the idea as a side scroller that features various historical characters, and his superiors accepted the concept and decided to make it into a fighting game because it was the hot thing at the time.
Just as interesting to note is that he designed the two iconic characters, Mudman and... Rasputin.
I really like how dated are the designs of World Heroes, and how SNK hasn't bothered to upgrade them a bit, which is fine imo since I kinda like the franchise as a time capsule of that era.
At this point, WH characters Will look why out of place next to the KOF characters who normally get some upgrades to make them look more modern even though some designs still are dated, although more stylish, but I Will still love to see them in KOF 15
| "Re(7):Decide on your own King of King of Figh" , posted Tue 29 Jan 01:29:    
quote: But I recall that 98UM was kinda popular back then, was Krauser a selling point?
And I guess that Final Edition didn't sold that well because it was released way too late
It's a long way back so don't quote me for the sake of accuracy, but I think KOF98UM had one frame of input lag at its PCB level (TypeX) meaning it couldn't be solved by moving the thing into a CRT cab. Of course if you played on an LCD cab there'd be additional display lag on top of that. IIRC it was the same for 02UM, so the lag wasn't the issue in terms of popularity.
Given that the status quo in playing competitive KOF is to simply use whatever characters are the strongest, people were using a lot of Krauser, Iori, and maybe.. was it Eiji? I certainly remember that 98UM was getting a lot of play. However, the game wasn't nessesarily being played because people liked it ; it came around the time when vanilla SF4 and Blazblue were released and if you wanted to play a new KOF, there was no other option yet since KOF02UM and 12 didn't come out until the year after.
And yes, KOF98FE came a bit too late, 2011. Come to think, one of the things that really made the game dead on arrival was that it was Nesica-only, meaning that arcade owners didn't have the liberty of offering the game for half credit. And very few people were willing to pay full credit (100 yen) to play it-- you'd see KOF13 being offered for 50 yen a credit, and then 98FE next to it for 100 yen.
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 29 Jan 02:20] |
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(8):Decide on your own King of King of Figh" , posted Tue 29 Jan 03:05    
quote: But I recall that 98UM was kinda popular back then, was Krauser a selling point?
And I guess that Final Edition didn't sold that well because it was released way too late
It's a long way back so don't quote me for the sake of accuracy, but I think KOF98UM had one frame of input lag at its PCB level (TypeX) meaning it couldn't be solved by moving the thing into a CRT cab. Of course if you played on an LCD cab there'd be additional display lag on top of that. IIRC it was the same for 02UM, so the lag wasn't the issue in terms of popularity.
Given that the status quo in playing competitive KOF is to simply use whatever characters are the strongest, people were using a lot of Krauser, Iori, and maybe.. was it Eiji? I certainly remember that 98UM was getting a lot of play. However, the game wasn't nessesarily being played because people liked it ; it came around the time when vanilla SF4 and Blazblue were released and if you wanted to play a new KOF, there was no other option yet since KOF02UM and 12 didn't come out until the year after.
And yes, KOF98FE came a bit too late, 2011. Come to think, one of the things that really made the game dead on arrival was that it was Nesica-only, meaning that arcade owners didn't have the liberty of offering the game for half credit. And very few people were willing to pay full credit (100 yen) to play it-- you'd see KOF13 being offered for 50 yen a credit, and then 98FE next to it for 100 yen.
Now I remember that, it was sad how KOF 12 lasted for what felt like 2 weeks? before players started playing 2002um and 98um to a lesser extent again.
In perspective, the fear of SNK going under after the failure of 12 was kinda justified
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):Fatal Fury Special Frenzy" , posted Tue 12 Feb 00:58    
quote: Having the hots over a single fighting game for over two decades is one thing, but it takes true devotion and insanity to open up an arcade that's dedicated to just that one title.
A new arcade named Nagoya GaroSupe Stadium just opened this month and the only title that they have is Fatal Fury Special . It's true that the game is more or less the SNK version of Capcom's Super Turbo, but will it attract enough people to stay in business? Stay Tuned... 
For anyone interested in checking the place out, here's the details:
Aichi, Nagoya Naka-ku, Oosu 3-43-1 (2nd Floor) Google Map
Hours: open Wed, Fri, Sat only / 7:30pm-midnight Entrance Fee: 400 yen Price: VS cab 100yen/2credits , Single cab 100yen/3credits
it's apparently really small
Wow, that arcade seems to be heaven in earth.
By the way, was Fatal Fury Special the most popular SNK arcade game ever? I always wanted to know if either this, some samsho or kof was the most money making game for the company.
It was odd how in the Hi Score Girl anime they didn't bother to mention the game at all, while Savage Reign got a good chunk of time
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):SNK Goodies" , posted Sat 23 Feb 00:42    
quote: Sorry for the laziness of no links but, Limited Run Games are releasing a physical copy of KOF 97 global match for PS4 and Vita. Regular and collectors edition with a old school neo geo cartridge case.
SNK presented Samurai spirits announcement trailer again but with updated visuals.
SNK had a IPO meeting and slides showed KOF 15 on the horizon and expected to present in detail at the end of May.
I managed to grab the CE edition of KOF 97 with Terry Hat, I'm so happy. Also bought Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai CE. I always wanted a physical copy of this game, but I didn't want to buy the vanilla version in japanese. Thankfully, I got a NA edition with the latest version.
It was quite a shock to see both games getting physical releases on the same day, I was anxious to grab both games as quickly as possible since LRG is infamous for selling out their stuff pretty quick.
Now, judging by the boxart of the CE, this is going to be the first from a lot of Neo Geo games coming in the original AES case. Seems like the next games are going to be the codemystics collection of Neo Geo games for PS4/VITA (Garou, Samsho V, Last Blade 2, Metal Slug 3) all games that I would love to have in a physical collection
| "Re(5):Fatal Fury Special Frenzy" , posted Sat 23 Feb 03:24    
quote: By the way, was Fatal Fury Special the most popular SNK arcade game ever?
That's a good question-- generally speaking, FFSp is considered SNK's most well-known classic but whether it was popular during its time probably depends on region. For example in the States it feels like FFSp wasn't too appreciated as its time, whereas in Japan it was hot potatoes and every arcade was infested with it. I know it's pretty specific to my little area of 'just north of Washington DC' but at the times my friends and I (and just about everyone I knew who played arcade fighting games) pretty much dropped everything else by SNK when FFSp came out and played it for months afterward, even after KOF94 came out. I would see it in MVS machines for years afterward, even after KOF had been around for a while!
I recall prior Fatal Fury games to be present in the arcade diaspora, with my earliest memories of Fatal Fury being at convenience stores that just had a few machines.... but once KOF started to take off, Fatal Fury vanished. It is the case that the places I frequented where there were a lot of KOF players were loaded with Asians, but I was too young to be able to superficially evaluate what kind of Asians they were, though statistically they were mostly likely people from Hong Kong or descended from HKer parents.
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):exodus springs a leak" , posted Sat 2 Mar 02:09    
quote: First off, NRS still has no idea of how and when to tell a joke. The fatality was fine to see once in a YouTube video but the joke is baked into the game so we're stuck with diminishing returns from now on. That said, I like how Cage has gone from a swaggering B-movie actor to a swaggering old, washed-up B-movie actor. It's the sort of arc you can pull off with a character that's built on surface details and appears in a serialized format like fighting games. Unlike the fatality it's consistently funny and it's a far better fate than poor Liu Kang having to constantly drop dead to advance the plot.
Too bad about the MK11 roster leak, that's going to hurt a lot of the pre-release hype. That said, it will give fans plenty of time to argue and complain about the roster so at least they will have something to do while waiting for the game to come out. I also like how the unfinished character portraits in the leak make the cast look like WoW cosplayers rather than the grim and gritty fighters they are supposed to be.
To be fair and from experience, Fatalities doesn't appear that often while playing, either because there are too many of them and that lots of players don't do them out of respect or because they don't know the command, so in that regard, I don't think that I would get tired with that fatality
quote: Say, in a minor effort to save SNK from MK, has anyone been playing through the SNK collection that exodus worked on? It sounds like it has some impressive historical information gleaned from his trotting out to obscure cities and collectors!
I bought the Collector Edition from the NISA store. My impressions are.
- The emulation is good, I love the rewind option since it helps to practice a lot in this games. . The historical research is amazing, it has a lot of trivia, and I spent a good time watching the powerpoints included in the game that showed the history of those games, including those that were not included in the collection. It has a lot of interesting facts and it was a good trip to the past.Also the goodies on the limited edition are cool, the book is cool, and it has some flyers with posters from the old games, don't know how to display them - About the games, so far I'm impressed with crystalis, it's reputation as a hidden gem is well earned, also I liked Vanguard and Guevara. some other games are not that great, but is cool that they are there. The "rotatory joystick" games play great with the double analogue, must be the first time that I enjoyed playing Ikari and Guevara. - My only complaints are, that on docked mode the game doesn't have tate mode, which is ridiculous since other games have it. - Beast Busters should have used the joycons to aim, I don't like how the analogue works here.
| "Re(2):Re(10):New SamSho Trailer/early-summer" , posted Tue 26 Mar 01:48:    
quote: Random thoughts:
I'm not certain I like Charlotte's new design although mostly all they did was move up her hemline a bit. Judging from the Kyoshiro/Yoshitora match showing lots of leg is in style this year.
You're right, Charlotte's new outfit is a bit lame. I kind of hate it.
She now has only a single pauldron, which hops on over to her other shoulder when she switches sides. Is this really that much worse than switching the hand holding the sword? Why yes, yes it is. There's no reason to draw more attention to this wonky asymmetry. She's not Sieger. Why do this?
She also lost the greaves and replaced them with... I'm not sure, actually. It looks like the metal heel is attached to a (leather?) boot, but the material seems the same right up the whole leg. It's also tight fitting with no creases, so it looks more like a lighter fabric/pantyhose. How does that work exactly? And as you mentioned, her surcoat is now a miniskirt.
Overall she seems to have lost maybe 40% of her armor, and 54% of her knightliness. Worse, it looks like they consciously traded it in for sex appeal. For shame. It's especially weird that seemingly everyone else in the cast retains their classic look down to the last detail. Not a good look for her or the game IMO.
This is the first time I have furrowed my brow while thinking about the new SamSho.
EDIT: I should say something nice. I actually like Shiki being in here. Good to have some late 90s anime style in there with the early 90s anime style.
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Tue 26 Mar 02:30] |
| "Re(3):Re(10):New SamSho Trailer/early-summer" , posted Tue 26 Mar 06:52    
quote: Random thoughts:
I'm not certain I like Charlotte's new design although mostly all they did was move up her hemline a bit. Judging from the Kyoshiro/Yoshitora match showing lots of leg is in style this year.
You're right, Charlotte's new outfit is a bit lame. I kind of hate it.
She now has only a single pauldron, which hops on over to her other shoulder when she switches sides. Is this really that much worse than switching the hand holding the sword? Why yes, yes it is. There's no reason to draw more attention to this wonky asymmetry. She's not Sieger. Why do this?
She also lost the greaves and replaced them with... I'm not sure, actually. It looks like the metal heel is attached to a (leather?) boot, but the material seems the same right up the whole leg. It's also tight fitting with no creases, so it looks more like a lighter fabric/pantyhose. How does that work exactly? And as you mentioned, her surcoat is now a miniskirt.
Overall she seems to have lost maybe 40% of her armor, and 54% of her knightliness. Worse, it looks like they consciously traded it in for sex appeal. For shame. It's especially weird that seemingly everyone else in the cast retains their classic look down to the last detail. Not a good look for her or the game IMO.
This is the first time I have furrowed my brow while thinking about the new SamSho.
EDIT: I should say something nice. I actually like Shiki being in here.
I'll have to pay more attention to it. So far, I liked Charlotte.
The game looks good and the roster is interesting. I do miss people like Cham Cham or Shizumaru, but oh well, maybe they'll come up as DLC later.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: ShikyohMukuro XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: N/A CFN: n/a
| "New SamSho Trailer/early-summer w/ 3 new char" , posted Tue 26 Mar 07:43    
quote: Random thoughts:
I'm not certain I like Charlotte's new design although mostly all they did was move up her hemline a bit. Judging from the Kyoshiro/Yoshitora match showing lots of leg is in style this year.
You're right, Charlotte's new outfit is a bit lame. I kind of hate it.
She now has only a single pauldron, which hops on over to her other shoulder when she switches sides. Is this really that much worse than switching the hand holding the sword? Why yes, yes it is. There's no reason to draw more attention to this wonky asymmetry. She's not Sieger. Why do this?
She also lost the greaves and replaced them with... I'm not sure, actually. It looks like the metal heel is attached to a (leather?) boot, but the material seems the same right up the whole leg. It's also tight fitting with no creases, so it looks more like a lighter fabric/pantyhose. How does that work exactly? And as you mentioned, her surcoat is now a miniskirt.
Overall she seems to have lost maybe 40% of her armor, and 54% of her knightliness. Worse, it looks like they consciously traded it in for sex appeal. For shame. It's especially weird that seemingly everyone else in the cast retains their classic look down to the last detail. Not a good look for her or the game IMO.
This is the first time I have furrowed my brow while thinking about the new SamSho.
EDIT: I should say something nice. I actually like Shiki being in here.
I'll have to pay more attention to it. So far, I lik
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Looks like they will have 3 brand new characters!
Long Live I AM!
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341 STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(10):New SamSho Trailer/early-summer 2019 r" , posted Tue 26 Mar 21:20    
quote: In what regard? as the game that best shows SNK capabilities on the 2d field or as the game that everyone should be playing even today?
If is the former, then SamSho 3, graphically the game is gorgeous, although must be the most hated game in the neo geo from a gameplay point of view
And the later, Samurai Shodown V Special, this last years the game has become more popular in the west, and is highly regarded as the most technical game in the series
Yeah, the Garou MOTW comparision is weird cause it is such a departure from the series, both mechanics wise and cast wise. SS never had that. But as like a technical late entry that is highly regarded, it's probably V Special, as sibarraz mentioned. Conversely, SS2 is the Fatal Fury Special, tho that distinction is probably more meaningful in Japan than the west since GarouSpecial is like as venerated as Super Turbo in Japan, but not as much outside.
| "Re(10):New SamSho Trailer/early-summer 2019 r" , posted Wed 27 Mar 08:37    
That Charlotte outfit belongs to the later Soulcalibur. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but it's really dreadful. Earthquake and Genjurô look really weird, and I'd like to see Kyôshirô and Tamtam better. But what worries me the most is the release date. It feels like the game is late, but they have already shelved the bucks to be at Evo and have to present whatever is ready there. Hopefully the tournament won't be ruined by terrible balance or dreadful bugs... Normally, I'd be annoyed the PC version is so delayed, but after seeing that, I'm a bit relieved. Maybe we'll get the game with a bit more polish, a bit more balance, and a bit more characters. I'm really surprised they haven't shown any of the new characters yet. Was it more important to show Jubei (who's a nice guy, yes, but not a game seller by itself) than show us who the game is about, hopefully a character that showcase the game system properly? Who are the Rimururu-Shizumaru/Kazuki-Sougetsu/Yoshitora-Yunfei of the game? Are they not ready either? Speaking of, Rimururu, Kazuki and Sougetsu are the 3 biggest omissions at the moment. And Rasetsu characters. I haven't quite seen whether Nakoruru's 2nd colour is purple or blue, which could be a hint?
On the positive side, the game looks proper. The cast is limited, but SS is a series where the cast doesn't matter since everyone is great. I'd have trouble to find a single character whose addition would not make me happy. Shiki is there, Shizumaru was in 0 and 64 exists, so the chronology is compromised anyway. They can add people from Sen or the PS1 game and I would still welcome them with open arms. OK, except Andrew. Please don't waste resources on Andrew SNK.
PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):Re(10):New SamSho Trailer/early-summer" , posted Thu 28 Mar 02:38:    
(dubbed) interview with Nobuyuki at It aligns with what was said in Oda interview with Gematsu. Game is pretty much done, the part of the team that is active now is beta testers and programmers pinning down bugs and debugging the game (that is, besides marketing).
Being truth to the char select screen in the build played by the journalists, the game will have 16 chars at launch. 13 of those will be returning characters, all of them already revealed in the trailers: Tam tam, Nakoruru, Jubei, Genjuro, Charlotte, Kyoshiro, Earthquake, Galford, Haohmaru, Ukyo, Hanzo, Shiki, Yoshitora.
The missing 3 gonna be newcommers, and in the interviews they refused to give tips about. But in the pax trailer, there was a flash of Charlotte stage there was a painting showing the was updated from the painting flashed in the 1st trailer, including Yoshitora and 3 suspicious new figures.
On other hand, the 4gamer report brings something new. There's going to be a presentation in april 5 (11am in japan time). It won't be strictly about the game, they will also bring lots of entertainment related stuff. -2 voice actors as hosts,one of them being the actor behind the main char in highscore girl -samurai performer syn, a duo that mix tsukkomi with sword fight enactions -hide x hide, a duo famous for playing modern tunes (including game songs) with traditional japanese instruments -and finally momochi and chocoblanka as programers to showcase the game itself
the placeholder link for the stream
[this message was edited by caiooa on Thu 28 Mar 02:45] |
PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(4):New SamSho Trailer/early-summer w/ 3 ne" , posted Thu 28 Mar 07:39    
quote: Watching gameplay footage of Haohmaru, Genjuro, Earthquake, Nakoruru, and Charlotte, I was struck by how much the game looked like a 3D Samurai Shodown 1 and 2.
Which only made it feel even weirder when those classic heavy AB (technically C) attacks did so little damage.
To tell the truth, the game seems pretty close to samurai shodown 4. The layout of C for heavy slash, stationary dodge with A+B, universal overhead with B+C (faster than samsho 5 btw), Issen being done from rage explosion....even the intro before fighting the cpu seems straight out of samsho 4.
What makes sense, as that was the last 2D samsho developed in-house. Samsho 5 and 6 were by Yuki Enterprise (aka today as Examu), and the others were 3D fighting games(samsho 64, 64-2 and sen). But despite this, they did acknowledge samsho 5 by including Yoshitora, and samsho 64 by adding Shiki to the cast.
| "Re(4):Re(10):New SamSho Trailer/early-summer" , posted Thu 28 Mar 22:37    
quote: Ah, I was talking about the spun-off rasetsu characters: Rera, Rasetsumaru, Yumeji, Suija, Enja... I think they resurrected Rasetsu Galford in Tenkaichi? Obviously, no one cares about Rasetsu Jubei or Kyôshirô.
Oh, I agree, it'd be nice to have them back in this game.
That reminds me: you guys know that SSRPG was originally going to have a third chapter based on SSIII, right? Had that chapter been completed, I wonder if the Shura/Rasetsu duality would play any part in it...
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Samurai Shodown panel from PAX East" , posted Sun 31 Mar 15:02    
Ah, I was talking about the spun-off rasetsu characters: Rera, Rasetsumaru, Yumeji, Suija, Enja... I think they resurrected Rasetsu Galford in Tenkaichi? Obviously, no one cares about Rasetsu Jubei or Kyôshirô.
Rasetsu Galford was in the PS2 version of Tenkaichi, as was Kim Un Che. I really would like to see Asura Zanmaden's versions of Enja/Suija in a 2d setting, other than the NGPC port.
Samurai Shodown/Spirits panel from PAX East
Goes over some history and some early design documents for early SS games. Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection was announced for this fall for all current systems, developed by Digital Eclipse who also handled the recent SNK 40th anniversary collection. Instead of Tenkaichi this version has Samurai Shodown 5 Special instead, which I prefer anyways, and an extensive museum feature planned.
First new character shown for SS7, Darli Dagger, a pirate chick who looks like a crossover between Laura Matsuda and Risky Boots. Has a large saw, and has unique properties for when she is disarmed.
Speaking of disarming, despite being a normal part of the series in the 64 games and being in several crossover titles (SVC Chaos, NGBC) this is the first entry in which Shiki can lose her weapon, interesting trivia imo.
Characters being covered in blood is only an effect to show battle damage you've taken, not your opponent.
DLC characters are planned, comes in packs. A rumor I heard a year or two ago suggested Baiken and Hakumen would be Arc System Works crossover DLC for this while Nakoruru would appear in the newest Guilty Gear.
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Conflicted spirit" , posted Wed 3 Apr 13:02    
The new "Samurai Spirits" game has me conflicted. I want to really like the game. I really do.
On one side, yes, the characters are back. The stroke style makes sense. The classic songs are back. Well, at least one.
On the other side, making the latest game a D game (Japan's CERO rating) most likely will make me feel like I'm dealing with a grind, not a game. Yes, I like my light hearted "Samudama" games. Thank you very much. Also, it may look like "XIV", but there are "SF V" vibes also, which is not good. Charlotte's new look doesn't bother me that much, but her model structure does.
I'll get the game, as I promised my youngest brother that I'll do so. I'm not sure if I'll be giddy at the end. We'll see.
| "Re(5):Re(10):Voice cast revealed plus silhoue" , posted Sun 7 Apr 07:15    
quote: Don't tell me that's Amakusa again! Amakusa is still sealed at the time of the, so that would require bigger retcons than simply "actually Shiki met Haomaru 3 years earlier than we thought". I'm quite curious if that silhouette is the final boss. It's typical late Heian layered kimonos, but arranged on a structure like a XVIIth century dress from Versailles, except it ate the wearer's legs. The headdress is also very Heian. ... Was Marie Antoinette a weaboo?
Then again, wasn't Amakusa walking around during SSIII (which, if I'm not mistaken, takes place shortly after the first game)?
In fact, while I recall him saying that his seal was broken in SSII, I don't remember any explanation for him being free during SSIII, so this game could bring the answer to this question.
(That said, the boss in SS2019 is most likely a new villain)
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(6):Re(10):Voice cast revealed plus silhoue" , posted Sun 7 Apr 07:59    
Then again, wasn't Amakusa walking around during SSIII (which, if I'm not mistaken, takes place shortly after the first game)?
The retcon was that actually, instead of killing him, Haômaru slashed him in half at the end of 1, and separated his soul in two: the good half and the bad half. The one you play in 3 is the bad one, trying to take control of Zankurô. But Shizumaru kills him first, so Bad Amakusa resurrects him in 4, abducts Hazuki (Kazuki/Sougetsu's sister) and uses her power to seal/control Zankurô. It fails, and Zankurô kills him for good. The Amakusa you play in 4 is the good one, trying to stop his bad half. This doesn't please Ambrosia/Mizuki, who seals him. The seals gets broken for some reason during SS2, and Good Amakusa intervenes, saves Haômaru, and gets killed for good as well.
There was also something with Hanzô's son, whose body was used to resurrect Amakusa and gets dragged with the whole thing. I don't really remember the details, but at least at the end of SSS, the possession is broken and Hanzô gets his son back. I guess that plays into why the seal from SS4 gets broken in SSS, but I forgot.
| "Re(7):Re(10):Voice cast revealed plus silhoue" , posted Sun 7 Apr 11:23    
quote: Then again, wasn't Amakusa walking around during SSIII (which, if I'm not mistaken, takes place shortly after the first game)? The retcon was that actually, instead of killing him, Haômaru slashed him in half at the end of 1, and separated his soul in two: the good half and the bad half. The one you play in 3 is the bad one, trying to take control of Zankurô. But Shizumaru kills him first, so Bad Amakusa resurrects him in 4, abducts Hazuki (Kazuki/Sougetsu's sister) and uses her power to seal/control Zankurô. It fails, and Zankurô kills him for good. The Amakusa you play in 4 is the good one, trying to stop his bad half. This doesn't please Ambrosia/Mizuki, who seals him. The seals gets broken for some reason during SS2, and Good Amakusa intervenes, saves Haômaru, and gets killed for good as well.
There was also something with Hanzô's son, whose body was used to resurrect Amakusa and gets dragged with the whole thing. I don't really remember the details, but at least at the end of SSS, the possession is broken and Hanzô gets his son back. I guess that plays into why the seal from SS4 gets broken in SSS, but I forgot.
Great recap, Iggy! Thanks!
Well, from what I read, this new game takes place between SSV/SSZero and SS1, right? That means Amakusa would still be free, doesn't it? He would only be unavailable to appear if it took place after SSIV (damn, SNK, this habit of the stories of the games taking place out of the order of their release sometimes makes SS really confusing... not confusing on Kingdom Hearts/BlazBlue levels yet, but still...).
Not that it matters, as he probably won't be in this game anyway. But I wonder if Ambrosia (the entity behind both Amakusa and Mizuki) will be involved with the new boss somehow.
(oh, as for Hanzo's son, I think he was already possessed back in the first game, as his ending had him mourning the loss of his son, if I remember correctly...).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
Platinum Carpet V.I.P - THE FOOL | "Re(8):Re(10):Voice cast revealed plus silhoue" , posted Mon 8 Apr 00:01    
quote: Well, from what I read, this new game takes place between SSV/SSZero and SS1, right? That means Amakusa would still be free, doesn't it? He would only be unavailable to appear if it took place after SSIV (damn, SNK, this habit of the stories of the games taking place out of the order of their release sometimes makes SS really confusing... not confusing on Kingdom Hearts/BlazBlue levels yet, but still...).
Not that it matters, as he probably won't be in this game anyway. But I wonder if Ambrosia (the entity behind both Amakusa and Mizuki) will be involved with the new boss somehow.
(oh, as for Hanzo's son, I think he was already possessed back in the first game, as his ending had him mourning the loss of his son, if I remember correctly...).
Normally, if it's before 1, Amakusa should not have been resurrected at all yet. Also, it just came back to me that Hansô's son actually replaces his dad in later titles. At the very least in the PS1 game. But maybe earlier as well? I'm not sure.
As for Ambrosia, I'm still not entirely clear with the relationship it has with Yuga. Is Yuga working for Ambrosia? Is it Ambrosia itself? Dos the bad spirit that Yunfei sealed and Gaô resurrected has any connection with either? The supernatural side of SS is a bit murky, at least to me.
Another fun fact: while Amakusa is still dead at the time of this game, Basara is still alive (as in "a normal person, not a spirit-possessed zombie"). I think he gets killed by Zankurô during the events of 1, get raised during 3 to get his revenge, gets put to rest during 4, and... inexplicably time-travels a few years back during 0. Technically, since Kagaribi can now move him through time, he could pop out in any game he wants (including KOF!). But it would be funny if they created a totally new character now that would be "Alive, sane Basara". (It probably won't happen because the roster is so limited).
I really hope the game will have a few more seasons, because I guess the first season pass will be taken by the final boss, Rimururu, Kazuki and Sougetsu. Maybe Purple Nako/Rera instead of the boss. I'd be happy with anyone really. If we think strictly in terms of canon, I guess anyone from SS1 and 2 is fair game, so Gen-an, Wan-Fu, Nicotine, Sieger... Gaira, Shizumaru and Rasetsumaru as well... Chamcham, if she finds another monkey? Taizan, Hanma, anyone from Sen probably? ... It's probably going to be Iroha.
| "Re(9):Re(10):Voice cast revealed plus silhoue" , posted Mon 8 Apr 00:44    
quote: Normally, if it's before 1, Amakusa should not have been resurrected at all yet. Also, it just came back to me that Hansô's son actually replaces his dad in later titles. At the very least in the PS1 game. But maybe earlier as well? I'm not sure.
As for Ambrosia, I'm still not entirely clear with the relationship it has with Yuga. Is Yuga working for Ambrosia? Is it Ambrosia itself? Dos the bad spirit that Yunfei sealed and Gaô resurrected has any connection with either? The supernatural side of SS is a bit murky, at least to me.
Another fun fact: while Amakusa is still dead at the time of this game, Basara is still alive (as in "a normal person, not a spirit-possessed zombie"). I think he gets killed by Zankurô during the events of 1, get raised during 3 to get his revenge, gets put to rest during 4, and... inexplicably time-travels a few years back during 0. Technically, since Kagaribi can now move him through time, he could pop out in any game he wants (including KOF!). But it would be funny if they created a totally new character now that would be "Alive, sane Basara". (It probably won't happen because the roster is so limited).
I really hope the game will have a few more seasons, because I guess the first season pass will be taken by the final boss, Rimururu, Kazuki and Sougetsu. Maybe Purple Nako/Rera instead of the boss. I'd be happy with anyone really. If we think strictly in terms of canon, I guess anyone from SS1 and 2 is fair game, so Gen-an, Wan-Fu, Nicotine, Sieger... Gaira, Shizumaru and Rasetsumaru as well... Chamcham, if she finds another monkey? Taizan, Hanma, anyone from Sen probably? ... It's probably going to be Iroha.
1- That's true. And yes, the "Hanzo" in the PS1 game is his older son who was previously possessed by Amakusa!
2- Good questions. It would be nice if SNK answered them, but they probably won't.
3- Yes, Basara should still be alive. That said, if he appears in this game, I guess SNK would use the "time travel" excuse to use the undead Basara anyway.
4- Oh my, yes, I'd love to see these people back! The roster from SS1-SSIV is flawless! And while Sen was a disgrace, I wouldn't complain if they brought back (and completely reinvent) the Korean warrior, the viking and/or the Native American warrior, just for diversity sake.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(10):Re(10):Voice cast revealed plus silhou" , posted Mon 8 Apr 01:26    
quote: Normally, if it's before 1, Amakusa should not have been resurrected at all yet. Also, it just came back to me that Hansô's son actually replaces his dad in later titles. At the very least in the PS1 game. But maybe earlier as well? I'm not sure.
As for Ambrosia, I'm still not entirely clear with the relationship it has with Yuga. Is Yuga working for Ambrosia? Is it Ambrosia itself? Dos the bad spirit that Yunfei sealed and Gaô resurrected has any connection with either? The supernatural side of SS is a bit murky, at least to me.
Another fun fact: while Amakusa is still dead at the time of this game, Basara is still alive (as in "a normal person, not a spirit-possessed zombie"). I think he gets killed by Zankurô during the events of 1, get raised during 3 to get his revenge, gets put to rest during 4, and... inexplicably time-travels a few years back during 0. Technically, since Kagaribi can now move him through time, he could pop out in any game he wants (including KOF!). But it would be funny if they created a totally new character now that would be "Alive, sane Basara". (It probably won't happen because the roster is so limited).
I really hope the game will have a few more seasons, because I guess the first season pass will be taken by the final boss, Rimururu, Kazuki and Sougetsu. Maybe Purple Nako/Rera instead of the boss. I'd be happy with anyone really. If we think strictly in terms of canon, I guess anyone from SS1 and 2 is fair game, so Gen-an, Wan-Fu, N
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Speaking of Basara
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - I wonder if the Verse Incident in KOF will be an excuse to bring Basara and possibly Shikyo/Mukuro from Last Blade to KOF.
End of Spoiler
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
| "Re(9):Re(10):Voice cast revealed plus silhoue" , posted Mon 8 Apr 14:04    
quote: Another fun fact: while Amakusa is still dead at the time of this game, Basara is still alive (as in "a normal person, not a spirit-possessed zombie"). I think he gets killed by Zankurô during the events of 1, get raised during 3 to get his revenge, gets put to rest during 4, and... inexplicably time-travels a few years back during 0. Technically, since Kagaribi can now move him through time, he could pop out in any game he wants (including KOF!). But it would be funny if they created a totally new character now that would be "Alive, sane Basara". (It probably won't happen because the roster is so limited).
Err, oh really? I feel like I missed a few developments with this game story-wise...
But I always liked his win-pose animation of his ghost-lover turning to a crumbling skeleton in his arms.
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| "Dengeki's latest SS showcase" , posted Sat 20 Apr 03:21    
A demonstration of Genjurô, Assquake and Charlotte, followed by some matches and an update to the popularity poll. 1 - Mina dethroned the boobs monster due to a recent surge of votes. With how annoying to fight she was, I'm not sure that's good news... 2 - Iroha (please go away) 3 - Shizumaru 4 - Cham Cham 5 - Basara 6 - Rimururu (probably because she's so obviously the first DLC chara?) 7 - Suzuhime (Soulcalibur's Nightmare, but blonde loli in kimono from Sen) 8 - Sieger 9 - Gen-an 10 - Kusaregedo (8, 9 and 10 are such a great selection!) 11 - Amakusa 12 - Rera 13 - Wanfu (what) 14 - Rinka (little girl, looks like Rinne from UNIST but with a sword longer than she's tall, from PS1SS. What is she doing here?!) 15 - Enja 16 - Kazuki (Enja higher than Kazuki is funny, but Kazuki so low??? I thought him and his brother were obvious DLC...) 16 - Yumeji (good overall performance for SS0 characters, even someone like Yumeji. As an expansion of Rasetsu Ukyô, that could be an interesting pick) 18 - Zankurô (why) 19 - Mizuki 20 - Ochamaro (too pure for this world. I like he's just behind Mizuki) 21 - Asura 22 - Sougetsu (shockingly low) 23 - Mikoto (Shiki and Hanmen Asura's daughter from PS1) 24 - Morosumi Taisan (the calligraphist from Asura Zanmaden. Great character. He's a calligraphist!) 25 - Kuroko 25 - Gaira 25 - SUIJASAMA WHAT BLASPHEMY IS THIS EX-AEQUO WITH A MEATHEAD AND A NON CHARACTER THE UNBELIEVERS SHALL BE PUNISHED 28 - Seishirô (the protagonist of the PS1 game) 29 - Ranpû (the weird ninja boy from PS1. A mix of RB2's Alfred and Hokutomaru. Why) 30 - Kim Heryon (Hangul=?)(the Kim ancestor from Sen) 31 - Kirian (Spanish lover toreador from Sen) 32 - Yunfei (so low!!!) 32 - Takechiyo (Yûyû Hakusho's Kuwabara lookalike from Sen) 34 - Mugenji (some meathead from PS1. Forgot its existence) 34 - Rasetsumaru 34 - Andrew 34 - Claude (all characters at the 34th position fit well together in the "don't feel forced to come back" group 38 - Hanma (the big guy from 64, who inexplicably became a robot in Asura Zanmaden) 39 - Saya (Soulcalibut's Ivy, but somehow sluttier. From the PS1 game.)
The votes continue, but we're under 40 votes per character already so they don't mean much. It's mostly Sen and PS1 rejects (except Gaô 40, Yuga 43, Sankurô 50, Sugoroku 57) all the way down to the last character at 69th, far behind the lamest of the lame, even behind mob characters without a name such as "osamurai" and "Iga ninja"... With only 17 votes, the least popular character right now is Nicotine. Probably because he's so annoying to fight? But then Mina is first and she's worse than him... Old age is a disgrace.
| "Re(1):Dengeki's latest SS showcase" , posted Sat 20 Apr 04:50    
quote: A demonstration of Genjurô, Assquake and Charlotte, followed by some matches and an update to the popularity poll. 1 - Mina dethroned the boobs monster due to a recent surge of votes. With how annoying to fight she was, I'm not sure that's good news... 2 - Iroha (please go away) 3 - Shizumaru 4 - Cham Cham 5 - Basara 6 - Rimururu (probably because she's so obviously the first DLC chara?) 7 - Suzuhime (Soulcalibur's Nightmare, but blonde loli in kimono from Sen) 8 - Sieger 9 - Gen-an 10 - Kusaregedo (8, 9 and 10 are such a great selection!) 11 - Amakusa 12 - Rera 13 - Wanfu (what) 14 - Rinka (little girl, looks like Rinne from UNIST but with a sword longer than she's tall, from PS1SS. What is she doing here?!) 15 - Enja 16 - Kazuki (Enja higher than Kazuki is funny, but Kazuki so low??? I thought him and his brother were obvious DLC...) 16 - Yumeji (good overall performance for SS0 characters, even someone like Yumeji. As an expansion of Rasetsu Ukyô, that could be an interesting pick) 18 - Zankurô (why) 19 - Mizuki 20 - Ochamaro (too pure for this world. I like he's just behind Mizuki) 21 - Asura 22 - Sougetsu (shockingly low) 23 - Mikoto (Shiki and Hanmen Asura's daughter from PS1) 24 - Morosumi Taisan (the calligraphist from Asura Zanmaden. Great character. He's a calligraphist!) 25 - Kuroko 25 - Gaira 25 - SUIJASAMA WHAT BLASPHEMY IS THIS EX-AEQUO WITH A MEATHEAD AND A NON C
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I like that Mina had a really unique fighting style that was projectile heavy but still fit well in the setting of SamSho... but yeah, she was really polarizing to play against. You'd have matchups where she'd just die, and matchups where the other guy had no chance.
I thought that Matsurabayashi was a fun silly character.
Cham Cham being in position 4 fills me with reflexive loathing because I hated fighting her and her stupid monkey back in the day, but I'm less angry with her nowadays.
Yunfei being low is sad, because he's another unique gameplay style that is really awesome, but let's face it, there's probably no more than 1000 people in the world total who played SSVS (joking but not joking SSVS too good of a game for this world).
Zakuro looks super cool! If there's one thing lame about SSV, it's that they didn't have a boss that looked as cool as the bosses of the previous SamSho games!
I'm glad that freaks like Gen-an, Sieger, and Gedo-tan are as high up as they are. But like you said, this is a poll without that many participants, so naturally all kinds of niche characters can suddenly wind up higher.
Nicotine was a cool character who was also loathsome to fight and since he was loathsome to fight in the game most people have the best memories of, that naturally is grounds to put him in the bottom because emotions reign supreme.
| "Re(1):Dengeki's latest SS showcase" , posted Sun 21 Apr 11:02:    
quote: A demonstration of Genjurô, Assquake and Charlotte, followed by some matches and an update to the popularity poll.
1 - Mina dethroned the boobs monster due to a recent surge of votes. With how annoying to fight she was, I'm not sure that's good news... 2 - Iroha (please go away) 3 - Shizumaru 4 - Cham Cham 5 - Basara 6 - Rimururu (probably because she's so obviously the first DLC chara?) 7 - Suzuhime (Soulcalibur's Nightmare, but blonde loli in kimono from Sen) 8 - Sieger 9 - Gen-an 10 - Kusaregedo (8, 9 and 10 are such a great selection!)
Thank you for the listup Iggy!
To add some footnotes commented by Dengeki staff, their previous popularity poll saw Iroha at 1st and Shizumaru at 2nd, but this time Mina received a lot of overseas votes which pushed her to the top. They also noted that the overall vote count was a lot higher, which shows that there's more interest in the game now that it's only months until release.
SNK is actually putting money in promotion and running the trailer as commercial advertisement on Youtube.
It's surprising to see that some characters from the PS1SamSho actually saw their way in the ranks. Some of those who didn't make it nevertheless had interesting character designs and are worth a short mention particularly because it felt experimental like the developers were throwing in settings that might not be taken too well in the mainstream, like Haito who dopes to win and dies by the time of the ending-- he's half blood and due to his complex has a hatred towards whites, which to this day is still something unseeen in any other fighting game. Another character, Sakaki Jushirou, hides a shot of bullet in the handle of his sword. For unexplained reasons he can pepper it like a machine gun in his super. On a sidenote, Genjuro only lives in Haoumaru's memories by the time of the game. The game was petty in terms of versus, but its single player mode had relatively fair content and it really helped that Kita Senri was doing the characters.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 21 Apr 11:47] |
PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(3):Samurai important question" , posted Tue 7 May 07:24:    
So, in this golden week, takadanobaba mikado ran samurai taisen. Single tourney for every samsho in existence (1,2,3,4,64,64-2,5,5sp,6, sen) + 3on3 for samsho3. They also had a locktest for the new samsho game....they probably weren't used to stream from console and it end up with a strange yellow filter. Despite this and the short time to test the game, the lvl was obviously higher than random journalists trying samsho series for the 1st time....people actually used recoil cancel and dash attacks to their advantage there. Link for a playlist with the archive for all samurai tensei streams
quote: Do the sword clash button mashing thing will be present in the new game? I checked some gameplay videos but didn't see yet any.
yup, weapon clash is in the game. You can see it at 1:33:20 of mikado stream
quote: Is it like the original SamSho where mashing does nothing and the game randomly determines a winner?
In pax east panel, Josh Weatherford (the game designer responsible for samsho) talked a little about it, around 44:25. That is, it actually works this time haha.
[this message was edited by caiooa on Wed 8 May 04:41] |
| "Re(5):Samurai important question" , posted Wed 8 May 02:11    
quote: So, in this golden week, takadanobaba mikado ran samurai tensei.
Link for a playlist with the archive for all samurai tensei streams Ooh, I know what I'm going to be watching for the rest of the week. Thanks for the link!
Good grief, there's a great deal of SS in that playlist. If you want to watch slow poking into sudden, insane damage this is the tournament for you.
I'm really curious about the 3v3 for SamSho 3, given that previously I heard SamSho 3 was a derided entry in the series. I remember it looking REALLY AWESOME because of the huge character portraits and huge sprites that looked totally awesome, but I honestly had very little idea about how to play fighting games back then.
At a glance, the matches in it are also much more aggressive and fast paced than in most other entries of the series, and Galford evidently will rush you down with his slide?
| "Re(6):Samurai important question" , posted Wed 8 May 11:21    
quote: I'm really curious about the 3v3 for SamSho 3, given that previously I heard SamSho 3 was a derided entry in the series. I remember it looking REALLY AWESOME because of the huge character portraits and huge sprites that looked totally awesome, but I honestly had very little idea about how to play fighting games back then.
At the time, SS3 was viewed as a fairly big departure from SS1 and SS2. From what I recall hearing, it was intentionally designed to (try to) appeal to a larger audience. Combos were made more important, kicks were reduced to a single button with command normals, airblocking was added, and multiple characters were brought back despite having seen their stories concluded with SS2.
The game was viewed as having several issues beyond this, at least in my opinion.
Combo-wise, the game's design was simply sloppy. There were easy high damage combos. I recall there being a number of infinites and 100% combos, and they weren't necessarily that hard to perform. While it wasn't common, on multiple occasions I saw supers that were either somehow interrupted or just outright dropped themselves midway resulting in the victim being frozen in place until the attack chose to hit them again. The AB step behind/side switch was way too abusable, playing a part in many high damage and fatal combos. And again, some of these were rather easy to perform. (I want to recall that it was SS3 where Amakusa had a 100% damage redizzy off of AB side switch followed by four low kicks.)
The Slash/Bust system, IMO, felt like a lazy design. SNK had ideas for two movesets only for some characters, but pushed through the system anyway and had to throw together whatever they could manage for the rest. It didn't feel like there was any singular cohesive method behind how movesets were split, and too many characters felt like they'd just seen their movesets chopped up with some new moves tossed in to act as salves.
In my area, I'd also say that SS3 had the misfortune to release around a time when arcade attendance was changing and dropping. A number of SS2 players tried SS3 only to quickly move to other games or stop bothering with the arcade outright. (Some later came back to try SS4.) And the arcades just didn't have the SF2/MK boom fighting game crowds to replace those losses.
| "Re(10):Samurai important question" , posted Fri 10 May 03:02    
quote: The Slash/Bust system, IMO, felt like a lazy design. SNK had ideas for two movesets only for some characters, but pushed through the system anyway and had to throw together whatever they could manage for the rest. It didn't feel like there was any singular cohesive method behind how movesets were split, and too many characters felt like they'd just seen their movesets chopped up with some new moves tossed in to act as salves.
That's true. I remember being fascinated by Nakoruru changing her hawk for a wolf and showing a creepy smile in her portrait, then Galford fights without Poppy, then Haohmaru... got different-colored clothes. Okay, he had some different moves and so did everyone else, but the differences weren't big enough to make each version stand out from each other. In the end, the system felt unnecessary (which may be the reason why it was dropped by SSV, although SS64-2 did manage to present strong differences between the Slash and Bust versions of most characters).
And while this doesn't interfere in the game itself, it did bother me that the endings were just a bunch of text over a random illustration, breaking the tradition of the previous games with the characters' sprites walking around, talking to each other and either doing something cool or looking silly.
But I still have fond memories of SSIII. It may be my favorite SS game, in fact (and I really wish the planned SSRPG chapter dedicated to it hadn't been dropped before the game was released).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(3):Re(10):Samurai important question" , posted Tue 14 May 22:21    
Samurai shodown is famous for being a neutral based game, having very fast/high damage pokes and disarm/counters to compensate the lower combo/pressure options. Even with this, timeouts are still pretty common in the game, so it's not considered excessive.
This is how the main char of the game (Hoahmaru) is, but this is not true for everybody. Rasetsumaru directly breaks this mold by having long combos and a fast universal overhead...but almost everybody in the cast breaks it in more subtle ways.
Some chars have stronger tick throw (gaira, kusaregedo, basara), others have long range low/instant overhead (tamtam, ukyo, yoshitora), teleport into crossup/feint crossup (earthquake, galford, hanzo), zooning (mina, amakusa) or high mobility rushdown (rera, yunfei).
Outside of chars movesets, there are some universal mechanics geared to making the game a little less rigid. Otg pursuits, Dash normals having different proprieties and animations, Kara cancels and Recoil Cancel, and not less important Backhit attacks giving extra hitstun (leading to unique combo routes).
In this new edition of the game, tick-throws probably are gonna be weaker for various slower walkspeed and not having rolls (back then you could cancel roll recovery into command throws).
But as snk took away "Stamina gauge" and made lot's of close Strong Slash cancelable again (closer to samsho 2 than samsho 5sp), i don't think the matches will be too slow. New Issens and the Hidden supers also seems geared to make matches shorter. I'm optimist about the game at least.
| "Samurai Grapplers" , posted Sun 19 May 09:52    
quote: Sword hurts? Héhé! I should have known! Thanks for the explanations, it all speaks to me and makes makes me want to hack'n slash some cute flesh now. Yoy've got me itching for some neat one hit KO. Who should I play as? Any grappling oriented, or reversal specialized chara in the roster?
The series didn't really have a "grappler" archetype at the start. There were characters with command throws, but weapons were always a focus. And Earthquake originally even had a gimmick that he was too heavy to be thrown.
Hanzo and Galford had spinning piledrivers, done with a DP input.
Sieger in SS2 arguably started moving towards a grappler design? His "weapon" was a giant metal glove that could shoot fire, so his attacks were more like punches. He had a command throw, a flying splash (for shades of a pro wrestler), a projectile reflect (not a grappler staple, but grapplers do sometimes get anti-projectile moves), and a three move link that ended with him leaping into the air to catch someone to perform a backbreaker. But I still wouldn't consider him a "grappler".
SS3 had... Gaira? Both Slash and Bust had a command grab, and one version of Slash's command grab was specifically anti-air. Still not really a grappler, though. If you consider Gaira a grappler, then you might as well consider Amakusa a grappler.
Actually, who would be considered the first or closest "grappler" character in a Samurai Shodown title?
| "Re(1):Samurai Grapplers" , posted Sun 19 May 10:24    
quote: Sword hurts? Héhé! I should have known! Thanks for the explanations, it all speaks to me and makes makes me want to hack'n slash some cute flesh now. Yoy've got me itching for some neat one hit KO. Who should I play as? Any grappling oriented, or reversal specialized chara in the roster?
The series didn't really have a "grappler" archetype at the start. There were characters with command throws, but weapons were always a focus. And Earthquake originally even had a gimmick that he was too heavy to be thrown.
Hanzo and Galford had spinning piledrivers, done with a DP input.
Sieger in SS2 arguably started moving towards a grappler design? His "weapon" was a giant metal glove that could shoot fire, so his attacks were more like punches. He had a command throw, a flying splash (for shades of a pro wrestler), a projectile reflect (not a grappler staple, but grapplers do sometimes get anti-projectile moves), and a three move link that ended with him leaping into the air to catch someone to perform a backbreaker. But I still wouldn't consider him a "grappler".
SS3 had... Gaira? Both Slash and Bust had a command grab, and one version of Slash's command grab was specifically anti-air. Still not really a grappler, though. If you consider Gaira a grappler, then you might as well consider Amakusa a grappler.
Actually, who would be considered the first or closest "grappler" character in a Samurai Shodown title?
I would tend to agree with Galford and Hanzo being the first grapplers of Samsho, even if it feels funny.
I think one of the ironies of Samsho is that in a world where throws generally don't do a lot of damage, and where the titles that do have a lot of hitconfirmable damage in general situations aren't loved that much (e.g. Samsho 4, the Samsho 4 groove in SS6 which seemed to dominate the SS6 tournaments, SS3 as I have learned here, etc.), and where characters that are capable of sustaining pressure on block are rare exceptions, the grappler archetype would possibly be TOO STRONG!
Every one has some strong strikes, but this is a blocking-heavy game. And since there is so much blocking and not-attacking happening all the time, the opportunities for landing command grabs is much, much higher! One of the characters that feels like a Samsho-ified grappler in that he's big and clumsy and has a very threatening command grab but has to somehow deal with zoning... is Kusaregedo!
The "mobile grappler" archetype in particular would be totally obnoxious in Samsho. The ninjas having izuna drop that looks totally awesome is cool, but it starts feeling a bit unfair in the world of Samsho. The kind of grappler that Clark or Shermie or Yashiro or Angel or Ramon is would feel awful to play against in the turtle-heavy, tentative world of Samsho... or would have to be nerfed so hard that they wouldn't be fun to play themselves.
Ironically, I think the most Samsho-esque modern game is.... Koihime Enbu! Characters are seldom advantage on block, there's very few characters that can sustain offensive pressure without resources, combo damage is generally quite weak, but counter-hits lead to ginormous damage (in particular, the combo system has totally different rules for counter-hit combo starters compared to "regular" combos!). Throws wind up being really important for everybody, because blocking is so strong in the game.
Soulcalibur can be very unlike Samsho in this regard in that when the attacker is blocked, the attacker may still be able to continue some lengthy string of attacks that contain overheads/lows that must be blocked correctly, and can lead to knockdowns and possibly fraudulent sustained pressure. Soulcalibur does possess the trait of very few things being advantageous for the attack on block. Entertainingly, the Soul Charge becomes like the Rage Explosion in that it is fully invulnerable and pushes the opponent away, forcing a reset to neutral!
| "Re(4): (UPDATE) KOF World is" , posted Wed 29 May 02:58:    
quote: That reminds me, I do wonder whatever happened to that KOF smartphone RPG.
If it is KOF Chronicle, the last time I checked, the Closed Beta Testing ended less than 3 weeks ago (May 7th).
Perhaps we'll find out soon next month.
Chronicles is new... not that, but KOF World.
The linked video is from earlier this year so I guess it's still in development or actually running in China.
I dunno, but I have not heard anything about it for a long time. I have no idea. SNK have not brought up about this in both of their Investor's Conference, IIRC. I am not sure if it was canned or not.
All I know is, it under-performed compared to KOF Destiny: The Game (which is still played in China).
EDIT/UPDATE: When I asked a Chinese member at one of the Samurai Shodown Discord Channels about the status of KOF World, he told me that KOF World is "dead" and has ceased major updates for a long. Despite being a "dead game", the servers of the game are still online.
UPDATE+: Upon further interrogation, KOF World is actually on "life support" rather than completely dead. (see my latest post)
No more major updates (save for minor gameplay patches) + less than 100 players + little to no existing fanbase
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Thu 30 May 00:29] |
| "Re(2):KOF World" , posted Wed 29 May 23:36:    
[edit] Thanks on the status update for KOF World!
There's more...
After getting more information, it's safe to say, KOF World was a commercial failure.
The game stopped adding characters ONE MONTH after it was released. After adding Elisabeth and Nakoruru, there were no more character updates in KOF World since then.
To clarify, it still gets minimal gameplay updates, but all I can say there are no more major updates since they stopped adding characters. However, the remaining players in the servers are less than 100. Also, there is little to no existing fanbase.
In conclusion, KOF World is in "life support", no more major updates other than gameplay patches.
By the way, one thing noticeable in KOF World is the omission of Art of Fighting characters (probably except King), as if they did not exist.
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Thu 30 May 00:37] |
| "Re(2):" , posted Thu 30 May 04:24    
quote: Kimi wa Hero will end its service on July 31st.
Thanks for the heads up--- that sure came pretty suddenly. The team was certainly spending a lot of effort trying to make the game a success. I do wonder if SNK was aware when launching the project that the consumer age range for successful mobile games in Japan is 30-40s; making a Hero Academia knockoff seemed pretty odd. Nevertheless, hopefully we'll still see more original IPs from SNK in the future.
That reminds me, I do wonder whatever happened to that KOF smartphone RPG.
I know that older players tend to monetize better because they have more disposable income and a greater desire to save their time, but I'm surprised that the 20-somethings don't figure into that at all. Does that number for consumer age range refer to the proportion of monetizing players, or the entire playerbase of the game (even though it kinda figures that if your game is mostly oldsters, it will naturally be mostly oldsters that are the monetizing players).
Because it still goes that a lot of the mobile games that are successful don't seem... well, I dunno, particularly "old" in their sensibilities? Like, FGO is a juggernaut, but it's not as though it's particularly post-shounen in its sensibilities? GBF rakes in cash, too, but the same deal with that; it's an RPG that I could see teenagers playing. So I guess I wonder what comes across as a particularly "mature-aimed" approach in the mobage world aimed at that ripe (heheheh!) demographic as opposed to one which might be aimed at 20-somethings.
| "Re(3):" , posted Fri 31 May 03:00:    
quote: I know that older players tend to monetize better because they have more disposable income and a greater desire to save their time, but I'm surprised that the 20-somethings don't figure into that at all. Does that number for consumer age range refer to the proportion of monetizing players, or the entire playerbase of the game (even though it kinda figures that if your game is mostly oldsters, it will naturally be mostly oldsters that are the monetizing players).
Because it still goes that a lot of the mobile games that are successful don't seem... well, I dunno, particularly "old" in their sensibilities? Like, FGO is a juggernaut, but it's not as though it's particularly post-shounen in its sensibilities? GBF rakes in cash, too, but the same deal with that; it's an RPG that I could see teenagers playing. So I guess I wonder what comes across as a partic
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The age 20s range certainly are a part of the demographic, but not a huge part of it.
Ok, so talking specifically about the Japanese market. If we take that the gaming cluster more or less overlaps with the anime cluster, the following generalization can be said about the current trend in age differences:
1/ Superhero and shonen battle stuff are popular amongst grade schoolers and female sectors 2/ Teens and 20s tend to go more for the "moe" and dating stuff, while the superhero stuff and non-moe gag stuff takes a back seat. 3/ Preferences for the 30s and above range doesn't change that much from the teens and 20s range, but their top picks can often lean more towards titles that shout out on topics that the working generation can symphasize with, like having to work overtime, being pressed on innocent charges, gaining responsibility and helping out on something, etc.
Because of the reasons above, the top hit games on mobile like FGO and GBF has what it takes to grab the attention of teens and older. While I can't talk much about FGO since I don't play it, GBF in particular tends to sometimes have episodes that seem directly targeted to the working generation. Just right now there's one where the only thing that's happening is that Fastiva opens a late-night pub and listens to crew members about their personal troubles and the player gets prompted to pick advices. Also considering GBF has a lot of collaborations with 1990s games and animes, it's pretty easy to pinpoint that the devs are aiming for that age range.
Again, it's important to keep in mind that sensibilities towards visuals / characters doesn't seem to differ too much between teens and the older generations. After all, we're talking about a country where a beverage maker makes this to promote their products towards the working age.
Bonus: Anime polls by age 2019/Winter - 2018/Fall - 2018/Summer
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 31 May 05:42] |
| "Re(4): Mobage Incident: Showa Incident: ..." , posted Fri 31 May 05:41:    
quote: I know that older players tend to monetize better because they have more disposable income and a greater desire to save their time, but I'm surprised that the 20-somethings don't figure into that at all. Does that number for consumer age range refer to the proportion of monetizing players, or the entire playerbase of the game (even though it kinda figures that if your game is mostly oldsters, it will naturally be mostly oldsters that are the monetizing players).
Because it still goes that a lot of the mobile games that are successful don't seem... well, I dunno, particularly "old" in their sensibilities? Like, FGO is a juggernaut, but it's not as though it's particularly post-shounen in its sensibilities? GBF rakes in cash, too, but the same deal with that; it's an RPG that I could see teenagers playing. So I guess I wonder what comes across as a partic
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The age 20s range certainly are a part of the demographic, but not a huge part of it.
Ok, so talking specifically about the Japanese market. If we take that the gaming cluster is more or less identical to the anime cluster, the following can be said:
1/ Superhero and shonen battle stuff are popular amongst grade schoolers and certain female sectors 2/ Teens and 20s tend to go more for the "moe" and dating stuff, while the superhero stuf
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I know there are mangas targeted towards older audiences (e.g. seinen vs. shonen?), but are there mangas that are actually targeted towards 40+? It's pretty immediately evident in a lot of the works categorized as seinen that prevalent themes are indeed "working/real-world" related (e.g. you aren't actually the hero, you're actually more like one of the villagers that a villain might incidentally kill, life is hard and not everybody gets to live their dream but that doesn't mean you can't be happy, etc.), but I don't actually know what the demographics for works in that genre are! And in this sense, I mean less about the visuals/characters than I do about the types of stories/style of story/etc.
Sometimes I think the reason why shonen is so popular with an older audience here in North America is because the superhero comic reading audience also skews a bit older.
THREE EDIT COMBO: Although extremely skewed by the tiny number of respondents, I find it really funny that Mob Psycho charts highest with those who are under the age of 10.
[this message was edited by Spoon on Fri 31 May 05:46] |
| "Re(5): Mobage Incident: Showa Incident: ..." , posted Fri 31 May 06:24:    
quote: Interesting!
I know there are mangas targeted towards older audiences (e.g. seinen vs. shonen?), but are there mangas that are actually targeted towards 40+? It's pretty immediately evident in a lot of the works categorized as seinen that prevalent themes are indeed "working/real-world" related (e.g. you aren't actually the hero, you're actually more like one of the villagers that a villain might incidentally kill, life is hard and not everybody gets to live their dream but that doesn't mean you can't be happy, etc.), but I don't actually know what the demographics for works in that genre are! And in this sense, I mean less about the visuals/characters than I do about the types of stories/style of story/etc.
Sometimes I think the reason why shonen is so popular with an older audience here in North America is because the superhero comic reading audience also skews a bit older.
THREE EDIT COMBO: Although extremely skewed by the tiny number of respondents, I find it really funny that Mob Psycho charts highest with those who are under the age of 10.
"Kind of" is the reply I'd make to that.
The general distinction between shonen and seinen manga are that their minimum-age target audiences are different: shonen mangas start from grade schoolers whereas seinen mangas are targeted for audiences starting age 30, or so that's the guideline that publishers traditionally use.
Because of that, shonen mangas tend to have more easy-to-understand storylines and more straight-forward reader gratification, whereas seinen mangas can have more mature topics and aren't nessesarily gratifying but just tells a tale. Berserk, High-score Girl, Golden Kamui, Terraformers, and Tokyo Ghoul are amongst a few of the recent major seinen manga titles that made their way to anime. Also needless to say, workplace mangas also get published as seinen mangas.
The mangas initially run in periodicals, then later gets compilated and published as a volume. Shonen mangas run in a shonen manga magazine, whereas seinen mangas run in a seinen manga magazine. That's how you can easily tell them apart.
That said, I think the border line between shonen and seinen manga can get skewered nowadays, considering some titles like Death Note was running as a shonen manga whereas Umaru-chan was running as a seinen manga. Whether the manga has sexual content doesn't determine if it's shonen or seinen.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 31 May 06:41] |
| "Re(1):'KoF' otome game and Iroha" , posted Fri 14 Jun 22:31    
quote: "KoF" having an otome game feels weird. Then again, it makes sense since there are female players. I don't know how Kensou got demoted, but Bao got a promoted.
Indeed. Having Bao in an otome game is... creepy.
quote: Honest question, why Iroha is so popular? for me she is such a trashy design, she is oversexualized but without the charm of someone like Mai who overall still feels like the idealization of the japanese women
Iroha is popular because of her personality. The master she serves is well, you the player after all. She may have a bland design for some, but the simple design was done to show humility. If Mai has that charm you look for, I suppose you can thank her B personality.
Plus, Iroha isn't really a woman, right? If I remember correctly, she's a crane transformed into a woman, like that old legend. I guess that's also an interesting point about her.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):'KoF' otome game and Iroha" , posted Sat 15 Jun 00:09    
quote: "KoF" having an otome game feels weird. Then again, it makes sense since there are female players. I don't know how Kensou got demoted, but Bao got promoted.
Indeed. Having Bao in an otome game is... creepy.
I guess Bao fits the kouhai role.
quote: Honest question, why Iroha is so popular? for me she is such a trashy design, she is oversexualized but without the charm of someone like Mai who overall still feels like the idealization of the japanese women
Iroha is popular because of her personality. The master she serves is well, you the player after all. She may have a bland design for some, but the simple design was done to show humility. If Mai has that charm you look for, I suppose you can thank her B personality.
Plus, Iroha isn't really a woman, right? If I remember correctly, she's a crane transformed into a woman, like that old legend. I guess that's also an interesting point about her.
Right. She's a crane transformed into a woman.
| "Iroha" , posted Sat 15 Jun 02:16    
quote: Plus, Iroha isn't really a woman, right? If I remember correctly, she's a crane transformed into a woman, like that old legend. I guess that's also an interesting point about her.
It should be, but it isn't.
It is the fundamental aspect of her character. It is who she is and why she fights. but her design is a complete failure in conveying it. If the one frame of a crane was removed from her POW move, would anyone here truly look at her design and realize that she is supposed to be a crane that has transformed herself into a woman? There are other "crane" elements to her design, but they are things that only come through after you are already looking for them.
Her idle animation is a crane stance, but her design does nothing to build off of it, which just makes it look like a silly fanservice stance to show off her legs. The white shoulder pieces of her outfit are supposed to portray feathers, and the white trailing pieces are presumably supposed to portray tail feathers, but it just looks like extra frills to her fetish pseudo-maid outfit. Her wide blades that are held in a reverse grip are presumably meant to evoke wings, but first impression is just that SNK wanted a previously unused weapon set for their new character, and it could have been anything.
I had to look on a wiki to find out that her projectile is apparently supposed to be a feather. It looks like a generic blurry white blur or paper airplane to me. Curious, I've just freeze framed a YouTube video and I see absolutely nothing feather-like in her projectile. As for her other moves, there isn't really anything specifically birdlike about any of them. You could as easily argue that they reveal her to be a female Blanka as they do a crane.
Thinking about it, I believe the the core issue goes back to the fundamental nature of her design. I said earlier that being a crane that has turned herself into a woman is that fundamental aspect, but that is wrong. It should be the core of her character, but it isn't.
The fundamental core of Iroha's design, the central aspect that defines everything else, is that she is fourth-wall breaking wish fulfillment fan service. She is Samurai Shodown's version of the videos you can buy where a person (live or animated) pretends to be in love with you, or take care of you, or go on a date with you, or just to be interested in you. The unseen master that she is completely devoted to is the player. When speaking to her master, she faces the screen and speaks directly to the player. Her ending is fulfilling the love story, realizing that what her master truly wants is for her to always stay with him, the player gets their own happy ending.
I think that is why I find issues with her character design. I believe she was a fetish fantasy character first, and that there was less focus on establishing her as a character of the world of the game.
| "Re(2):Iroha" , posted Sat 15 Jun 07:00    
quote: The character is like the polar opposite of Mai Shiranui when it comes to personality, which is understandable considering that Mai was born out of the funky Juliana Tokyo dance fad from the early 90s.
If you trust, which cites no sources for its wiki information: "Her conception began due to a desire to add an amorous character. At first, she was designed to be a mostly nude character though eventually her image changed with "a graceful crane" and "Asian wife" motif." It sounds like she started as an attempt to duplicate Mai before being turned into a slightly different fan service.
The wiki also claims (again without citing a source) that creators have confirmed that Iroha's master is the player, and specifically male players.
quote: It's true that hints of Iroha being a crane aren't too conveying in her sprites-- then again, the original folklore too did very little to convey that she was a crane, as revealing that at the end was the point of the story. Alas the game shows one of her legs to have been damaged from the hunter's trap, as can be seen bandaged.
It still feels off, though. The crane in the folklore tries to hide her identity; in most versions there aren't any clues to her real identity until the reveal. SNK didn't take that approach with Iroha. Iroha's design includes multiple elements that intentionally reference her crane nature. The issue is that she falls into something of a undesired middle ground. There are too many "obvious" elements for Iroha to be an attempt at a subtle design, but there also aren't enough obvious elements for her to be "obvious."
Going back to that wiki, it does (perhaps unintentionally) present a justification for Iroha not being more obvious... As with the folklore, Iroha wants to stay human in front of her master. Her master is the player. So Iroha wants to hide her crane identity from the player. (Even as she wears an outfit that is designed to evoke feathers, wields weapons of a design and in a style to evoke wings, fights in a crane stance, and at least potentially throws projectiles that may in theory be meant to be feathers.)
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(3):Jubei, Jubei, Ju-ju-jubei, Jubei... JUB" , posted Wed 19 Jun 02:48    
quote: The name of the place is spelled that way with katakana as well as with English, so it really is meant to be GREENHELL
Maybe somebody was scared about a horrifying photoreal Sonic coming after them if they named it Green Hill? Maybe it really is meant to be a green-colored Hell? Who knows!
On another note, the lady who does the voice of the new character Wu Reixiang is trilingual, able to speak Japanese/English/Mandarin, and did Chinese and Japanese lines for the character in the game.
It's always been Green Hell. It's the village of Tam Tam and Cham Cham. If there was a name change outside of Japan, I don't know what it is.
Reixiang's not the first SNK character Ryu Seira's done. She's also Meitenkun's voice actress. As you pointed out already, Reixiang's speaking both Chinese and Japanese.
quote: Was Iroha inspired by Queen's Blade and those other girly combat books that were momentarily popular? She feels like a character from that sort of franchise who accidentally wandered into a SS game.
"Tenka" and "Queen's Blade" both came out in 2005. Whether or not the latter came out earlier, I don't recall, which is why I don't know if I can agree with your last statement. While we're on that subject, I don't remember if it's Chupiler or someone else, but I agree w/ the statement of Radel feeling more like a "KoF" character than a "Rage of the Dragons" one.
| "Re(5):Jubei, Jubei, Ju-ju-jubei, Jubei... JUB" , posted Wed 19 Jun 19:59    
quote: Tenka was weird. The biggest argument against Iroha being an intentional stealth Queen's Blade design is that none of the Tenka newcomers quite fit the series; all look slightly off.
Iroha aside, what's off in Tenka was the theme itself. It was supposed to be a festival, so the general atmosphere was festive, and Sugoroku and Ochamaro fit well in this specific setting. However, the theme of a light-hearted festival doesn't go well with the core identity of Samurai Spirits, especially a "everyone is here!" festival, because it becomes a light-hearted festival with cold-blooded killers or literal flesh-eating monsters. A smaller cast with only the reasonable characters would have handled the theme better (though it might still have looked off as a SS, even as a spin-off). Sugoroku and Ochamaro should come back in future cross-overs, because they are good designs, just too cheerful for their own series. They'd have a place in a silly NGBC2, for example.
Andrew was just a vacuum of inspiration.
| "Re(7):Jubei, Jubei, Ju-ju-jubei, Jubei... JUB" , posted Thu 20 Jun 05:10    
quote: Andrew looks like the result of a fan design contest that only received three or four entries. The other entries would be unusable ideas like "Baby Haohmaru" or "Gen-An's Sister."
While the concept itself seems absurd, an American president(?) fighting around the world while wielding a rifle and bayonet, it isn't as if the series didn't have equally silly characters. It could work, with the right design and presentation.
While his moveset isn't amazing, what hurts Andrew most is his visual design. Andrew looks like what you might get if you asked someone to create a parody bishounen/BL version of Andrew Jackson. Similar to Iroha, I'd guess the eye candy aspect was an intentional part of his design. (His ending even arguably ships him with Yoshitora, co-ruling the world.) I don't know if the "parody" aspect was intentional or not. As Iggy said, Tenka was a festival with a different tone.
| "Re(1):Samurai Spirits 2019 Behind the Scenes." , posted Fri 21 Jun 18:58    
quote: Dengeki's interview with the Samurai Spirits 2019 staff...
I don't know if we can extract something from this interview...
They wanted to add Nicotine to the game, however they decided to replace him with Shiki late into development. Then they saw the popularity contest and how Nicotine was around last place, and thought "well, we dodged a bullet here didn't we". It also confirm that there won't be Amakusa since the game is before SS1, and as for Shiki, she's not completely possessed by Yuga yet, so her tattoo is incomplete. Assquake used to have a stage, and that stage was filled with cameo of other SNK titles... but they had to remove a stage, and that was the stage that didn't make it through.
Interesting bit about Iroha: "We know she's popular, however, personally, I didn't want Iroha to be in the base roster. Similarly to when Yuri was added to AoF2: if you add such a character to the base roster, the world building of the game changes (become more joyful?). That's not to say she won't be added later, but there's also the issue of her getting naked behind the shoji, and how sexual content is received worldwide. And if you remove that from her, she's not Iroha anymore. Finally, the DLC characters were decided before the popularity contest was concluded. If we make more DLC characters, we will take inspiration from it".
The current rumor has Iroha and Basara as the other 2 DLC characters, but the wording makes it sound like she may not be in the first DLC batch? I'm curious.
| "Re(5):Samurai Spirits 2019 Behind the Scenes." , posted Sat 22 Jun 02:14    
quote: To me, the wording really says "we know why you like Iroha, and it's not for her amazing gameplan or her stunning personality you wankers". The bit about "if she doesn't get naked and show her boobs, then what's the point of the character" reminds me of "what's the point of Dimitri if he can't Midnight Bliss and create copious amount of doujinshi material".
If Sony's harder stance on gratuitous sexualization gives us a not creepy Rimururu and literally anyone over Iroha (yes, even Wan-fu or someone from Sen), I'll buy a PS5 to thank them.
The funny thing to me about Iroha today is that she feels like one of the most contemporary designs because she looks like a character from a gacha mobage
She'll even 4th wall break and address the player directly, just like a gacha mobage character
How about SNK just makes a gacha mobage, throws her into there and we never have to see her again as long as we don't download the app. SNK makes buckets of money, the Iroha fans have their day, and everybody else gets SNK games financed by the Iroha fans.
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Ruixiang, Sei's new favorite 'SS' character?" , posted Sun 23 Jun 16:53    
Holy cow. Ruixiang has serious potential to be my new favorite "SS" character. Whether or not that'll happen, [Honda mode]I don't know![/Honda mode]
I so miss the rainbows and blue skies feel of the old games. I get the dark feel, but it's not a feel I'm totally fond of. Different people, different strokes I suppose.
quote: I think the marketing on her has been subdued because she's so non-traditional. She doesn't have a bladed weapon, and she's goofy and silly, so it's harder to classify her. I feel like they referenced Mei from Overwatch, and I also think they wanted a Chinese character to appeal to the Chinese market.
In other news, SamSpi is in the wild now and I've heard that the movement is pretty restricted. Apparently canceling into a block from forward dash takes 7-10 frames. So they're enforcing a neutral heavy game with lots of yomi. Knowing how to punish whiffs and blocks is apparently very important. I get my hands on the game in 2-3 days so I'll report back.
The weird scenario is that we have taken in non-bladed warriors before, and we've had silly fighters before. Neither Wan nor Yun felt flat out appealing for China. So, Ruixiang should remedy the void.
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):Ruixiang, Sei's new favorite 'SS' chara" , posted Tue 25 Jun 06:06    
quote: Holy cow. Ruixiang has serious potential to be my new favorite "SS" character. Whether or not that'll happen, [Honda mode]I don't know![/Honda mode]
Same for me!
As for this possibility of her inclusion targeting the Chinese players... if that's the case, shouldn't SNK have added a Korean fighter as well? Despite being a much smaller country, South Korea does have a considerable gaming community, doesn't it?
Anyway, Ruixiang is just adorable. In fact, I have to say, all three newcomers are very interesting. That's quite an achievement.
Supposedly, there's alteration of Gaira, but that doesn't count. My guess on why there isn't a Korean character in "SS" yet is because Korean history isn't as known as Chinese history, and SNK has never had a staff member that can say "Korean history's a forte of mine". If they're placing in a Korean character, they want to make a proper character, and not a character they'll be blasted in Korea for. *coughs* Juri. *coughs* If I were a staff member at SNK, and I want to bring in a Korean character, I want Hori Eriko-san in my corner.
Ruixiang is adorable. All three rooks are great. Not many sequels have the trait.
PSN: Mike_ADV XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: tamakimike CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):Cause tonight is the night when 16 beco" , posted Wed 26 Jun 00:27    
quote: Besides Rimururu, SS'19 will also get Basara, Kazuki and Wan-Fu as DLC.
Overall, good choices. I just think it's weird to see Kazuki announced without Sogetsu (they're the kind of characters that should always come together, like Ralf and Clark, Mature and Vice, Gozu and Mezu...). Maybe that's a sign that there may be a second pack of characters later on? If so, I hope Cham Cham and Shizumaru are also in it!
I'll just yell to a cloud as how Japan truly hates Genan but don't dislike the choices that are not named Wan Fu. I wish for supposed season2 we would get some Bust-style characters like Rera and Yumeji as Bust Ukyo.
quote: Supposedly, there's alteration of Gaira, but that doesn't count. My guess on why there isn't a Korean character in "SS" yet is because Korean history isn't as known as Chinese history, and SNK has never had a staff member that can say "Korean history's a forte of mine". If they're placing in a Korean character, they want to make a proper character, and not a character they'll be blasted in Korea for. *coughs* Juri. *coughs* If I were a staff member at SNK, and I want to bring in a Korean character, I want Hori Eriko-san in my corner.
Ruixiang is adorable. All three rooks are great. Not many sequels have the trait.
Huh? What's the problem with Juri? I have zero knowledge of Korea besides those bands and PSY but she was easily the best thing of SFIV.
Platinum Carpet V.I.P - THE FOOL | "Re(1):Cause tonight is the night when 16 beco" , posted Wed 26 Jun 02:54    
What an amazing roster. Also: no Iroha! If season 2 is Rera, Sougetsu and some weirdo like Gen-an/Sieger/Gedô, I wouldn't even be mad if they caved and added her in the end. I mean, they need to make money at some point. Though if the person who decided it was a good idea to put Wan-fu in the first season is still in charge, maybe season 2 will be Terry Bogard, Yuga, Gaô and Darth Maul.
Wan-fu! I wound never have guessed him in a million years! I wonder what they'll do to make him interesting to play. Especially since Yashamaru does the whole "throwing your weapon while jumping" thing, but so much better. Also, will Kazuki be his normal self, or will they give him an install to add Enja stuff to him? Asking in case Sougetsu gets in.
Really weird to see Sougetsu separated from his brother, but maybe they did it to make Ruixian more unique? Since she does this zoning-through-traps thing?
Also, random fact: so far, Cham-cham has been in as few games as Gen-an, Wan-fu or Gedô, and only if you count the mediocre PS1 version of Amakusa Kôrin. If you only count her canonical appearances though, she's still stuck with only SSS. On the other hand, this is Wan-fu's third canonical appearance!
| "Re(1):May/Jinju > Juri in Korea" , posted Wed 26 Jun 21:24    
quote: The Japanese like Juri. The Koreans hate her because not only is she not shown in a bright light like Kim. She has a very unnatural hairstyle for them.
By "not shown in a bright light", you mean her being evil? Because to me, that actually makes her more interesting; I always found Kim's obsession with justice quite boring... then again, Hwoarang may be the best representation, as he's neither evil nor the nicest guy on Earth, with a cool bad boy design (...well, until Tekken 7 ruined him).
The hairstyle is indeed unnatural, but I guess Capcom made it that way to reinforce Juri's role as an "evil Chun-Li". And well, the k-pop industry is constantly getting bolder in terms of style, so it wouldn't surprise me to see an idol from a "girl crush" girlgroup adopt that hairstyle for a music video or photoshoot.
(speaking of k-pop, I gotta keep the meme alive: stan LOONA)
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(1):Samurai Slodown" , posted Thu 27 Jun 03:28    
I just checked on the popularity poll, and actually... we were all wrong. The weird unpopular pick is actually Kazuki, not Wan-fu!!!
Reminder that it's the fanbase who voted Sieger, Gen-an and Gedô at 8, 9 and 10. AND voted Mina over Iroha just so Iroha wouldn't become nº1. a.k.a best fanbase.
If there's only one female character in S2, it will be between Mina, Cham-cham, Rera and Iroha. The weirdo battle will be between Sieger and Gen-an (I expect Gedô will be too hard to animate properly in this engine?). To me, the only obvious pick for S2 is Shizumaru.
Gen-an, Cham-cham, Shizumaru and Sougetsu would make a nice selection (one for each of the 4 original games!). Hopefully the game is successful enough to have a long and prolific life.
| "Re(4):Samurai Slodown" , posted Fri 28 Jun 01:36:    
So the game is out, and from what I thus hear it's Yoshitora heaven...? Yoshitora, Genjuro, Charlotte, Haoumaru. Meanwhile bottom tier candidates, Shiki, Nakoruru, Kyoshiro. Of course this is day 1 so the tiers are apt to change, but apparently the bottoms are so weak that they're suspected to stay there until they're buffed.
[Edit] Gunsmith tells me the tiers are pretty much the same for the west
Also, Desk has made a well-featured situational movement video that should be worth a check for anyone interested in the game.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 28 Jun 02:24] |
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):May/Jinju > Juri in Korea" , posted Fri 28 Jun 02:10:    
quote: By "not shown in a bright light", you mean her being evil? Because to me, that actually makes her more interesting; I always found Kim's obsession with justice quite boring... then again, Hwoarang may be the best representation, as he's neither evil nor the nicest guy on Earth, with a cool bad boy design (...well, until Tekken 7 ruined him).
The hairstyle is indeed unnatural, but I guess Capcom made it that way to reinforce Juri's role as an "evil Chun-Li". And well, the k-pop industry is constantly getting bolder in terms of style, so it wouldn't surprise me to see an idol from a "girl crush" girlgroup adopt that hairstyle for a music video or photoshoot.
(speaking of k-pop, I gotta keep the meme alive: stan LOONA)
quote: Oh yeah, she's proto Rita Repulsa/Bandora but that quite makes her unique as well. Maybe thats why they gave that alternate costume with loose hair . Don't see why having her as a villain as a bad thing if she's a "good" villain. I mean, people love Rugal, Geese, Mizuki, Amakusa, Bison and so on.
It's more like Juri's Krang insane. I suppose being evil doesn't help her either. Then again, Shermie is evil also, and the French and Japanese like her. Go figure.
Since it feels like I almost never bothered with "V", maybe you guys (and anyone else for that matter) can answer this question for me. Does Juri put herself in the same realm as Mature and Vice now? In other words, does she become to use a "Goddess Reincarnation"/"Megami Tensei" phrase here, dark law/lawfully evil? As weird as it sounds, the older I get, the more convinced I become of thinking that Mature and Vice are in that alignment as opposed to their former "master" Rugal, who's dark chaotic/chaotic evil. I hope the question makes sense?
Oh, side notes. I don't know who Loona is, but I'm guessing that as cute as they may be, they're not T.L.C. or S.E.S. for that matter. Also, Juri's hair does look like Rita's/Bandora's.
[this message was edited by Seizya on Fri 28 Jun 02:14] |
| "Re(3):May/Jinju > Stan LOONA" , posted Fri 28 Jun 02:40:    
quote: Oh, side notes. I don't know who Loona is, but I'm guessing that as cute as they may be, they're not T.L.C. or S.E.S. for that matter. Also, Juri's hair does look like Rita's/Bandora's.
How can you not know LOONA? Even Overwatch players know them!
Anyway, I guess one way to describe LOONA is the result of what would happen if a k-pop girlgroup met Lost's creative team. While they're cute and have some amazing music (even for people who dislike k-pop; one of the members has a freaking SYNTHPOP track), their main appeal is that there's a story linking their videography, which is huge and includes music videos for the entire group, for its three subgroups and one for each girl. And it's not exactly an easy story to follow, involving girls with superpowers, fallen angels running away from Eden, alternate realities, fairy tales being reinterpreted, the Möbius strip and QUANTUM PHYSICS CONCEPTS...
Scary, I know. But as you keep watching their videos, things start to make sense in a very interesting way. And it helps a lot that most of their songs are great (one or two lame ballads notwithstanding) and that some of the girls are very different from the perfect idol image, either eating a lot, not trying to hide when they're bored or being completely insane.
Wow, I derailed this thread, huh? Sorry! It's great to know you guys are enjoying SS; I watched some playthrough videos yesterday and the game is looking fantastic!
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Fri 28 Jun 06:15] |
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(5):Samurai Slodown" , posted Fri 28 Jun 03:10    
quote: So the game is out, and from what I thus hear it's Yoshitora heaven...? Yoshitora, Genjuro, Charlotte, Haoumaru. Meanwhile bottom tier candidates, Shiki, Nakoruru, Kyoshiro. Of course this is day 1 so the tiers are apt to change, but apparently the bottoms are so weak that they're suspected to stay there until they're buffed.
[Edit] Gunsmith tells me the tiers are pretty much the same for the west
Also, Desk has made a well-featured situational movement video that should be worth a check for anyone interested in the game.
That super early tier list sounds about right. Haohmaru and Charlotte are strong due to being designed around this sort of game engine. Genjuro and Yoshitora, on the other hand, are overpowered assholes who can pretty much do everything and make it hurt. I haven't messed with all the characters so I'm not certain why some of the characters are at the bottom but I do know that Kyoshiro needs help.
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(4):May/Jinju > Juri in Korea" , posted Fri 28 Jun 03:39:    
quote: Oh, side notes. I don't know who Loona is, but I'm guessing that as cute as they may be, they're not T.L.C. or S.E.S. for that matter. Also, Juri's hair does look like Rita's/Bandora's.
How can you not know LOONA? Even Overwatch players know them!
Anyway, I guess one way to describe LOONA is the result of what would happen if a k-pop girlgroup met Lost's creative team. While they're cute and have some amazing music (even for people who dislike k-pop; one of the members has a freaking SYNTHPOP track), their main appeal is that there's a story linking their videography, which is huge and includes music videos for the entire group, for its three subgroups and one for each girl. And it's not exactly an easy story to follow, involving girls with superpowers, fallen angels running away from Eden, alternate realities, fairy tales being reinterpreted and QUANTUM PHYSICS CONCEPTS...
Scary, I know. But as you keep watching their videos, things start to make sense in a very interesting way. And it helps a lot that most of their songs are great (one or two lame ballads notwithstanding) and that some of the girls are very different from the perfect idol image, either eating a lot, not trying to hide when they're bored or being completely insane.
I don't know Loona because there are way too many groups and bits of information for me to keep track of. Hell, you seeing me type S.E.S's name tells you that I'm so~ old. If only I can remember every group out there.
So, their main appeal's their vids, huh? Okay. When I get the chance, I'll watch a video or two.
I'm sorry that I actually started this complete topic transformation. I'm glad that you guys are enjoying the game. My youngest brother already has managed to start playing. When I get back to my alternate city, I'll get my chance to play the latest "SS" game. I can't wait to play as Ruixiang.
[this message was edited by Seizya on Fri 28 Jun 17:03] |
| "Re(3):Dragon KOFrown" , posted Sun 30 Jun 22:20    
quote: Out of all the things that could be done with an Iori story the last thing I would have thought of was to sneak in references to Dragon's Crown.
Has anyone tried out the Ghost mode in SS? I've only fought in it a few times but it's been a rough experience. For example, one ghost constantly went for full screen throws while another kept mindlessly dodging. The ghost system in games such as VF and Tekken were really fun but I'm not certain that SNK has figured out how to make it work quite yet.
If they based it on the Killer Instinct Shadow AI, then it will take a few matches to even build up basic play. And when placed in situations it was never trained for, it will as likely completely fall apart as do anything remotely sensible.
For example, I found a lot of lower level KI Shadows didn't know what to do against full screen fireball spam from Jago. The person creating the AI most likely was never put into a position where they faced long range fireball spam, so the AI had no examples of what to do in such situations, and it fell back onto the closest situations it could find... Which resulted in things like blocking (even walking backwards) or walking into the fireball or performing some random move.
But if the SS AI is doing stuff like going for full screen throws, then either SNK didn't use KI Shadow as a base or they really messed up the parameters. (I've said before that the KI Shadow system searches for similar situations in recorded matches and plays back the recorded inputs until the current situation diverges enough for it to search again. Unless you've really messed up the parameters of what determines a similar situation, you aren't going to get an AI that does full screen throws unless the player creating the AI did the same.)
They might have just gone for a raw percentage system without adequate context. Someone that throws a lot will end up with a Ghost that throws a lot, even if it makes no sense to throw.
| "Re(2):Samurai Spirits 2019 Sold 16662 PS4 Uni" , posted Thu 4 Jul 02:34    
quote: SS 2019 sold 16,662 units (for the PlayStation 4) in its first week.
...I'm not an expert in sales, but these are good numbers, right? It's nice to know SS is doing fine!
The straightforward answer is, "it sold average".
It's slightly better than SNK Heroines, which sold 15,494 units (PS4 10,000+Switch 5,493) However it's lower than KOF14 which sold 20,655 units.
The bottom line is that the game did better than what retailers probably expected but not in figures that fans might've imagined when they heard the game sold out in stores. The stores sold out simply because they didn't stock.
Perhaps if stores bought more for launch, it might've reached closer to KOF14's sales. However videogames can't be returned to publishers like the way how books can, so retailers won't take that sort of risk.
| "Samurai Spirits 2019 Sold..." , posted Thu 4 Jul 22:02:    
quote: SS 2019 sold 16,662 units (for the PlayStation 4) in its first week.
...I'm not an expert in sales, but these are good numbers, right? It's nice to know SS is doing fine!
The straightforward answer is, "it sold average".
It's slightly better than SNK Heroines, which sold 15,494 units (PS4 10,000+Switch 5,493) However it's lower than KOF14 which sold 20,655 units.
The bottom line is that the game did better than what retailers probably expected but not in figures that fans might've imagined when they heard the game sold out in stores. The stores sold out simply because they didn't stock.
Perhaps if stores bought more for launch, it might've reached closer to KOF14's sales. However videogames can't be returned to publishers like the way how books can, so retailers won't take that sort of risk.
Including Downloads, SS 2019 sold a total of 40,606 Units for the PS4 in Japan in its first week.
Breakdown: Physical Shipped Packages: 30,179 Units (If we include the Famitsu record of 16,662 units sold, I wonder where SNK sold the additional 13,517 units? can anyone explain?) Downloads: 10,427 Units
In addition with the Famitsu Sales earlier, SS 2019 was the highest selling PS4 title that week.
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Thu 4 Jul 22:05] |
| "Re(1):Samurai Spirits 2019 Sold..." , posted Thu 4 Jul 23:58:    
quote: Including Downloads, SS 2019 sold a total of 40,606 Units for the PS4 in Japan in its first week.
Breakdown: Physical Shipped Packages: 30,179 Units (If we include the Famitsu record of 16,662 units sold, I wonder where SNK sold the additional 13,517 units? can anyone explain?) Downloads: 10,427 Units
That's an impressive number of download sales! It's probably due to two reasons: 1/people want to get the game asap to train and rack up wins, and 2/the game didn't really have any impressive retailer bonuses so the insentive for buying a physical copy wasn't too high. In the case of KOF14 there were stuff like Tapestry etc.
The 30K physical units probably includes leftovers from launch + the recent secondary shipment. The unsold 13,517 units are basically lingering in stores, distributors, and their backstock-- and a portion of it will probably be there for a while considering that sales tend to drop quickly after week 2. As a side note, when there's too much left over, you get cases like the JojoASB incident where shops end up having to sell at bargain bin prices just to get rid of inventory. That's certainly not going to be the case with Samsho though.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 5 Jul 01:09] |
| "Re(1):Samurai Spirits 2019 Sold..." , posted Sat 6 Jul 04:21    
quote: SS 2019 sold 16,662 units (for the PlayStation 4) in its first week.
...I'm not an expert in sales, but these are good numbers, right? It's nice to know SS is doing fine!
The straightforward answer is, "it sold average".
It's slightly better than SNK Heroines, which sold 15,494 units (PS4 10,000+Switch 5,493) However it's lower than KOF14 which sold 20,655 units.
The bottom line is that the game did better than what retailers probably expected but not in figures that fans might've imagined when they heard the game sold out in stores. The stores sold out simply because they didn't stock.
Perhaps if stores bought more for launch, it might've reached closer to KOF14's sales. However videogames can't be returned to publishers like the way how books can, so retailers won't take that sort of risk.
Including Downloads, SS 2019 sold a total of 40,606 Units for the PS4 in Japan in its first week.
Breakdown: Physical Shipped Packages: 30,179 Units (If we include the Famitsu record of 16,662 units sold, I wonder where SNK sold the additional 13,517 units? can anyone explain?) Downloads: 10,427 Units
In addition with the Famitsu Sales earlier, SS 2019 was the highest selling PS4 title that week.
I love that that game sold so well, but all of SNK's modern releases have suffered from bad online. It's literally a make or break for a game.
I'm by no means a bad player at this game(it's quite the opposite, in fact)- but online? I've had over 100 matches since buying it- and in every match something has gone through my block. they need to fix this. hell, even licensing GGPO from Ponder would be a massive step in the right direction. roll-back code is so much better than delay-based code that it isn't funny.
we used to make fun of MKX's kode, but that's been fixed massively, and it has probably the best online out of any current gen fighter.
| "Re(2):Samurai Spirits 2019 Sold..." , posted Sat 6 Jul 05:13:    
quote: SS 2019 sold 16,662 units (for the PlayStation 4) in its first week.
...I'm not an expert in sales, but these are good numbers, right? It's nice to know SS is doing fine!
The straightforward answer is, "it sold average".
It's slightly better than SNK Heroines, which sold 15,494 units (PS4 10,000+Switch 5,493) However it's lower than KOF14 which sold 20,655 units.
The bottom line is that the game did better than what retailers probably expected but not in figures that fans might've imagined when they heard the game sold out in stores. The stores sold out simply because they didn't stock.
Perhaps if stores bought more for launch, it might've reached closer to KOF14's sales. However videogames can't be returned to publishers like the way how books can, so retailers won't take that sort of risk.
Including Downloads, SS 2019 sold a total of 40,606 Units for the PS4 in Japan in its first week.
Breakdown: Physical Shipped Packages: 30,179 Units (If we include the Famitsu record of 16,662 units sold, I wonder where SNK sold the additional 13,517 units? can anyone explain?) Downloads: 10,427 Units
In addition with the Famitsu Sales earlier, SS 2019 was the highest selling PS4 title that week.
I love that that game sold so well, but all of SNK's modern releases have suffered from bad online. It
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If you want rollback, there were factors why it's not happening.
Well, Japanese developers does not want rollback. An ArcSys programmer wanted to implement rollback, but it got strong resistance from Japanese developers. Also, the Japanese developers got discouraged to implement rollback further after Capcom botched the rollback netcode for SFV.
Sorry if I sounded like this with this kind of reply. I admit, I got sick and tired at people screaming and demanding "rollback netcode" at one point at one of the Samurai Shodown Discord channels.
On the bright side, SNK has been listening to various issues such as lobbies, bugs, etc.
(Although I wanted to see Code Mystics helping SNK with the rollback netcode for future projects (they added rollback for Zero SP on Steam), but since SNK's future projects are model-based rather than sprite-based, it'll be one heck of a challenge.)
"Lasciate ogne speranza"
[this message was edited by Yuki Yagami on Sat 6 Jul 05:19] |
| "Neo-Geo World Tour Taipei" , posted Sat 13 Jul 05:32    
The KOF'98 tournament was on last night all the way up to top 4, and for a tournament of a game where the strongest characters are thoroughly well-known and established and the techniques in playing the game are thoroughly understood, I found it really exciting! And not just because there were teams other than {Kyo,Iori,O.Chris,Chris,Daimon} nCr 3. Madkof ran a team of Chang/Choi/O.Chris, and made Chang and Choi look like perfect examples of why I hate playing against them, even in a game where they aren't "top tier". In spite of furious amounts of jump CD from every person playing Chris, after seeing how powerful every character played by these players is, it doesn't even seem unfair or obnoxious. Chizuru played by these guys looks every bit as amazing as Chizuru the boss character seemed! I have no idea why Mai isn't considered one of the strongest characters in the game, given that she seems to have everything as well as strengths and abilities that other more "normal" characters have nothing like at all!
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):Neo-Geo World Tour Taipei" , posted Sat 13 Jul 23:43    
quote: The KOF'98 tournament was on last night all the way up to top 4, and for a tournament of a game where the strongest characters are thoroughly well-known and established and the techniques in playing the game are thoroughly understood, I found it really exciting! And not just because there were teams other than {Kyo,Iori,O.Chris,Chris,Daimon} nCr 3. Madkof ran a team of Chang/Choi/O.Chris, and made Chang and Choi look like perfect examples of why I hate playing against them, even in a game where they aren't "top tier". In spite of furious amounts of jump CD from every person playing Chris, after seeing how powerful every character played by these players is, it doesn't even seem unfair or obnoxious. Chizuru played by these guys looks every bit as amazing as Chizuru the boss character seemed! I have no idea why Mai isn't considered one of the strongest characters in the game, given that she seems to have everything as well as strengths and abilities that other more "normal" characters have nothing like at all!
"Original" or the updated versions of "1998"?
| "Re(2):Neo-Geo World Tour Taipei" , posted Mon 15 Jul 04:17    
quote: The KOF'98 tournament was on last night all the way up to top 4, and for a tournament of a game where the strongest characters are thoroughly well-known and established and the techniques in playing the game are thoroughly understood, I found it really exciting! And not just because there were teams other than {Kyo,Iori,O.Chris,Chris,Daimon} nCr 3. Madkof ran a team of Chang/Choi/O.Chris, and made Chang and Choi look like perfect examples of why I hate playing against them, even in a game where they aren't "top tier". In spite of furious amounts of jump CD from every person playing Chris, after seeing how powerful every character played by these players is, it doesn't even seem unfair or obnoxious. Chizuru played by these guys looks every bit as amazing as Chizuru the boss character seemed! I have no idea why Mai isn't considered one of the strongest characters in the game, given that she seems to have everything as well as strengths and abilities that other more "normal" characters have nothing like at all!
"Original" or the updated versions of "1998"?
PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(3):Neo-Geo World Tour Taipei" , posted Mon 15 Jul 13:35    
quote: The KOF'98 tournament was on last night all the way up to top 4, and for a tournament of a game where the strongest characters are thoroughly well-known and established and the techniques in playing the game are thoroughly understood, I found it really exciting! And not just because there were teams other than {Kyo,Iori,O.Chris,Chris,Daimon} nCr 3. Madkof ran a team of Chang/Choi/O.Chris, and made Chang and Choi look like perfect examples of why I hate playing against them, even in a game where they aren't "top tier". In spite of furious amounts of jump CD from every person playing Chris, after seeing how powerful every character played by these players is, it doesn't even seem unfair or obnoxious. Chizuru played by these guys looks every bit as amazing as Chizuru the boss character seemed! I have no idea why Mai isn't considered one of the strongest characters in the game, given that she seems to have everything as well as strengths and abilities that other more "normal" characters have nothing like at all!
"Original" or the updated versions of "1998"?
Oh, yay!
Oh, forgot. Mai's not a top character in "1998" because her special attacks became less abusive. Her   command move is a knockdown move there, an improvement over "1997". I don't remember much else, as I haven't played "1997" in a while.
PSN: ShikyohMukuro XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: N/A CFN: n/a
| "Re(4):Neo-Geo World Tour Taipei" , posted Mon 15 Jul 13:52    
quote: The KOF'98 tournament was on last night all the way up to top 4, and for a tournament of a game where the strongest characters are thoroughly well-known and established and the techniques in playing the game are thoroughly understood, I found it really exciting! And not just because there were teams other than {Kyo,Iori,O.Chris,Chris,Daimon} nCr 3. Madkof ran a team of Chang/Choi/O.Chris, and made Chang and Choi look like perfect examples of why I hate playing against them, even in a game where they aren't "top tier". In spite of furious amounts of jump CD from every person playing Chris, after seeing how powerful every character played by these players is, it doesn't even seem unfair or obnoxious. Chizuru played by these guys looks every bit as amazing as Chizuru the boss character seemed! I have no idea why Mai isn't considered one of the strongest characters in the game, given that she seems to have everything as well as strengths and abilities that other more "normal" characters have nothing like at all!
"Original" or the updated versions of "1998"?
Oh, yay!
Oh, forgot. Mai's not a top character in "1998" because her special attacks became less abusive. Her   command move is a knockdown move there, an improvement over "1997". I don't remember much else, as I haven't played "1997" in a while.
Did any Cafe members participated in the qualifiers this year? Hopefully, get to see one of you guys in the next round of tournaments.
A note on Samurai Shodown. For some reason, it feels like I am back in 1998 playing Samurai Shodown 4 on the Sega Saturn. Some long loading times. Also, Sucks that the Saturn controller cant be played with the game. Not sure If i mentioned that before. The graphics, although nice to see a favorite gem in current generation graphics, but you can really see the details not as clean and smooth as it could be. Better than KOF for sure though.
Also, I know there was a mention of Green Hell in this thread. I always assumed it was in South America but after watching the demo of the location of Green Hell before a match against Tam Tam, I was surprised to see it right on the spank of Central America. Did we have world maps in any other samurai shodown games?
Long Live I AM!
| "Re(5):Neo-Geo World Tour Taipei" , posted Tue 16 Jul 11:21    
quote: The KOF'98 tournament was on last night all the way up to top 4, and for a tournament of a game where the strongest characters are thoroughly well-known and established and the techniques in playing the game are thoroughly understood, I found it really exciting! And not just because there were teams other than {Kyo,Iori,O.Chris,Chris,Daimon} nCr 3. Madkof ran a team of Chang/Choi/O.Chris, and made Chang and Choi look like perfect examples of why I hate playing against them, even in a game where they aren't "top tier". In spite of furious amounts of jump CD from every person playing Chris, after seeing how powerful every character played by these players is, it doesn't even seem unfair or obnoxious. Chizuru played by these guys looks every bit as amazing as Chizuru the boss character seemed! I have no idea why Mai isn't considered one of the strongest characters in the game, given that she seems to have everything as well as strengths and abilities that other more "normal" characters have nothing like at all!
"Original" or the updated versions of "1998"?
Oh, yay!
Oh, forgot. Mai's not a top character in "1998" because her special attacks became less abusive. Her   command move is a knockdown move there, an improvement over "1997". I don't remember much else, as I haven't played "1997" in a while.
Did any Cafe members participated in the qualifiers this year? Hopefully, get to see one of you
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Have you tried rebuilding your PS 4's database(aka defragging)? This gen is much closer to pc, so they act the same way if data get's cluttered on the drive. the load times for me are actually pretty good, and i'm running on a base(slim) version of the PS 4 that has a slower sata connection to the motherboard.
| "Re(5):Neo-Geo World Tour Taipei" , posted Wed 17 Jul 00:26:    
quote: Also, I know there was a mention of Green Hell in this thread. I always assumed it was in South America but after watching the demo of the location of Green Hell before a match against Tam Tam, I was surprised to see it right on the spank of Central America. Did we have world maps in any other samurai shodown games?
They've changed the location of Green Hell.
Samurai Shodown 1 shows relatively precise stage locations before each match, and puts Green Hell within the northern part of South America. Specifically, I'd say the location icon puts it within Venezuela, on the southern side of the Northern Andes.
The map within the instruction manual for Samurai Spirits Bushido Retsuden puts Green Hell within the northern half of South America. The map in the manual uses gigantic location ideas, so "northern half of South America" is as accurate as you can get from it.
The other Samurai Shodown games with maps do not depict Green Hell. SS6 has a true world map, but Green Hell is not a stage in that game. Instead, the game uses Machu Picchu. As for SS4, it only displays a map of Shimabara Peninsula, as the entire game takes place within that location.
On the off chance anyone is curious: SS2 and SS64 display stage names, which are only descriptive of the stage and do not necessarily reveal anything about the location. SS 64-2 and SS!2 display "episode" names, which are even less descriptive than stage names. SS3, SS5, SS5S, SS!1, and PS1 SSWR give no stage information.
[this message was edited by Baines on Wed 17 Jul 00:27] |
PSN: ShikyohMukuro XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: N/A CFN: n/a
| "Re(6):Neo-Geo World Tour Taipei" , posted Thu 18 Jul 22:32    
quote: Also, I know there was a mention of Green Hell in this thread. I always assumed it was in South America but after watching the demo of the location of Green Hell before a match against Tam Tam, I was surprised to see it right on the spank of Central America. Did we have world maps in any other samurai shodown games?
They've changed the location of Green Hell.
Samurai Shodown 1 shows relatively precise stage locations before each match, and puts Green Hell within the northern part of South America. Specifically, I'd say the location icon puts it within Venezuela, on the southern side of the Northern Andes.
The map within the instruction manual for Samurai Spirits Bushido Retsuden puts Green Hell within the northern half of South America. The map in the manual uses gigantic location ideas, so "northern half of South America" is as accurate as you can get from it.
The other Samurai Shodown games with maps do not depict Green Hell. SS6 has a true world map, but Green Hell is not a stage in that game. Instead, the game uses Machu Picchu. As for SS4, it only displays a map of Shimabara Peninsula, as the entire game takes place within that location.
On the off chance anyone is curious: SS2 and SS64 display stage names, which are only descriptive of the stage and do not necessarily reveal anything about the location. SS 64-2 and SS!2 display "episode" names, which are even less descriptive than stage names. SS3, SS5, SS5S, SS!1, and PS1 SSWR give no stage inf
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Awesome analysis and history information! Thanks a bunch. So I am not crazy when I thought it was South America. One other thing to note that Tam Tam move list names are from an indigenous language originated from Central America but primarily in Mexico as well. Not sure when that actually started but its a there now a little bit here and there with some Spanish words mixed in. Pretty cool stuff.
Long Live I AM!
PSN: ShikyohMukuro XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: N/A CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):SS everywhere" , posted Mon 5 Aug 23:19    
quote: Trailer
Shizumaru was announced. He's free, and apparently coming after Rimururu (so before everyone else in season 1, he's already ready to go)
Season 2 confirmed, and Mina is confirmed as first S2 character.
And after all this, SC6 gets season 2 and guess who is confirmed as a guest character?
I was happy to see SS getting so much love. Shizamaru was a huge surprise and the rest of the characters all look like they are going to translate well to the new game. The KoF15 title card was whatevs for me since I want more chanbara action.
Cassandra looked... like a character that did not need six months to release. However, the season 2 changes all look exciting and, with luck, should fix some of the issues I have with the game. All that and a truly appropriate guest character and it feels like SC6 is in a good place again.
Interesting after those flooded drawing of rimururu and shizumaru on twitter, the fans knew he was returning.
Hoahmaru in Soul Calibur is a long time coming. I told be this needs to happen back in SC 2 era. I just home he is NOT a replica of Misurugi. Because when Soul Calibur first game our, pretty sure everyone felt he played like Hoahmaru.
So what's left for a SNK guest character? A Capcom game and Guilty Gear. I say bring another Samurai Showdown character to guilty gear.
If there was a Capcom collab, I would like to see a guest character from Darkstalker into Samurai Showdown.
Back in the 2000s, as I yelled for a Soul Calibur Vs Samurai Showdown, I also wanted a Last Blade Vs Darkstalkers.
Long Live I AM!
Platinum Carpet V.I.P - THE FOOL | "Re(4):SS everywhere" , posted Tue 6 Aug 19:13    
quote: But... wasn't Suzuhime's game pretty much a failure? I don't see how she would make any more money than Cham Cham...
Hot take alert: no one who played SSS at the time like Chamcham. She was barely ever mentioned again while the series was still alive, and even her addition to the PS1 port of Amakusa Kôrin was bad and annoying. Most people voting in current popularity contests were not born when SSS was released, and have a very superficial view of the series. Or they just don't care about the game and want more loli/sexy waifus regardless of their place in the series (Iroha's popularity proves that, even though most old fans loathe her). Remember that the heroine and arguably main character of the series remains Nakoruru, a character famous for being one of the rare prominent female characters in gaming whose body is covered from top to bottom, and who barely shows her ankles to the fetishists around. All the female characters have been created around her, or to contrast with her (Shiki is the anti-Nakoruru, and so is Mina). Iroha's greatest crime is not that she is pandering to the thirsty crowd, it's that she does it without any regards for the established series she's been forced in.
For that reason, you must not think of Sen characters as they appeared in their game (that no one played anyway). Merely think of them as designs, especially since they are carried by Senri Kita's amazing art. Suzuhime's sexy kimono and young look is really all that matters. I'm sure most people who voted for her don't even know she was the Nightmare of her game (which, arguably, is her biggest draw).
| "Re(5):SS everywhere" , posted Tue 6 Aug 23:00    
quote: Hot take alert: no one who played SSS at the time like Chamcham. She was barely ever mentioned again while the series was still alive, and even her addition to the PS1 port of Amakusa Kôrin was bad and annoying. Most people voting in current popularity contests were not born when SSS was released, and have a very superficial view of the series. Or they just don't care about the game and want more loli/sexy waifus regardless of their place in the series (Iroha's popularity proves that, even though most old fans loathe her). Remember that the heroine and arguably main character of the series remains Nakoruru, a character famous for being one of the rare prominent female characters in gaming whose body is covered from top to bottom, and who barely shows her ankles to the fetishists around. All the female characters have been created around her, or to contrast with her (Shiki is the anti-Nakoruru, and so is Mina). Iroha's greatest crime is not that she is pandering to the thirsty crowd, it's that she does it without any regards for the established series she's been forced in.
For that reason, you must not think of Sen characters as they appeared in their game (that no one played anyway). Merely think of them as designs, especially since they are carried by Senri Kita's amazing art. Suzuhime's sexy kimono and young look is really all that matters.
I see. Yes, Suzuhime does have a nice design. If SNK can give her an interesting gameplay, she'd be a nice addition to the roster (the idea of a little girl being the equivalent of SC's Nightmare is pretty cool).
quote: So what's left for a SNK guest character? A Capcom game and Guilty Gear. I say bring another Samurai Showdown character to guilty gear.
Don't forget BB Tag. With all the new franchises getting involved in it, a SNK guest character could fit perfectly in it (possibly Athena, Terry or Iori).
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(3):SS everywhere" , posted Thu 8 Aug 07:47    
quote: Great to see Shizumaru back! Now hopefully Cham Cham will be in Season 2.
Gaira would also be cool, but I don't think he has a chance. Now that Shizumaru is already in, I think the next 2 characters will be Sougetsu and Gen-an. I have no clue about the last one... I wonder whether, once the roster of SS1 is complete, they'll add another scenario mode and add Amakusa as a boss and playable character. After all, the game has the same name without a subtitle.
Then... we'll need Gaira to finish off the roster of 3, and Sieger, Chamcham and Nicotine to complete the roster of SSS? Or they could also add Iroha and Suzuhime and actually make money out of their game.
I love how SNK surprised us and included Shizumaru, for free even! Take that Capcom!
Also, with Amakusa. At the end of every story mode there is a glowing red orb that appears, than vanishes. Makes me wonder if that has anything to do with Amakusa.
| "Re(5):SS everywhere" , posted Thu 8 Aug 08:00    
quote: But... wasn't Suzuhime's game pretty much a failure? I don't see how she would make any more money than Cham Cham... Hot take alert: no one who played SSS at the time like Chamcham. She was barely ever mentioned again while the series was still alive, and even her addition to the PS1 port of Amakusa Kôrin was bad and annoying. Most people voting in current popularity contests were not born when SSS was released, and have a very superficial view of the series. Or they just don't care about the game and want more loli/sexy waifus regardless of their place in the series (Iroha's popularity proves that, even though most old fans loathe her). Remember that the heroine and arguably main character of the series remains Nakoruru, a character famous for being one of the rare prominent female characters in gaming whose body is covered from top to bottom, and who barely shows her ankles to the fetishists around. All the female characters have been created around her, or to contrast with her (Shiki is the anti-Nakoruru, and so is Mina). Iroha's greatest crime is not that she is pandering to the thirsty crowd, it's that she does it without any regards for the established series she's been forced in.
For that reason, you must not think of Sen characters as they appeared in their game (that no one played anyway). Merely think of them as designs, especially since they are carried by Senri Kita's amazing art. Suzuhime's sexy kimono and young look is really all that matters
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I think it is deeply unfortunate that both Shin Samurai Spirits and Samurai Spirits Sen can both be abbreviated as SSS. I was suddenly thinking about how Sieger was in Sen and my mind couldn't handle the alternate history of it all.
Also I 100% agree that nobody I knew liked Cham Cham back in the day. Every single one of us thought she was infuriating, which made the fact that the AI could beat us with her since we were all not that good at the game grounds for hating her even more. We gleefully defeated her to see her monkey cry.
Nowadays I don't feel quite so negatively about her, but she still isn't a character I'm eager for.
| "Re(8):SS everywhere" , posted Fri 9 Aug 03:12    
I'm irrationally annoyed by the current SS having the same name as the first SS, without even a bit of subtitle. If they want to do like SC6 and re-tell the whole history of the series, fine, but do it properly!
I really like what SC6 is doing, by the way. The cast might not be complete, but since it was a series with a rather coherent and... good? scenario, it's nice to finally have all these story beats in a game rather than in some strategy guide/instruction manual/web novelization. I hope they keep adding more characters beyond season 2, at the very least to complete all the events until SC4. It doesn't hurt it's the first really good SC game since 2. It's almost frustrating they didn't cover SoulEdge as well...
quote: In contrast to this, I never felt that the KOF12/13 revamp of Iori felt right, though.
I really liked it myself. It was the first time in a while where the scenario had any impact on the characters. Plus, it was an interesting mirror to Kyo in KOF99, 10 years later. And finally, it had this interesting scene of Iori visiting Chizuru who's so depressed because she lost her powers too, just to laugh at her misery. Which is the most "Iori" thing he could do, on top of being a rare scene of Iori interacting with someone who's neither Kyo nor Vice/Mature. By the way, did Kyo and Iori do anything in KOF14?
| "Re(9):SS everywhere" , posted Fri 9 Aug 05:33    
quote: I really liked it myself. It was the first time in a while where the scenario had any impact on the characters. Plus, it was an interesting mirror to Kyo in KOF99, 10 years later. And finally, it had this interesting scene of Iori visiting Chizuru who's so depressed because she lost her powers too, just to laugh at her misery. Which is the most "Iori" thing he could do, on top of being a rare scene of Iori interacting with someone who's neither Kyo nor Vice/Mature. By the way, did Kyo and Iori do anything in KOF14?
It's weird, because I thought that I OUGHT to like it, but somehow I didn't!
I think a big part of why I didn't like it is that Iori's movements in his new special moves were slower, and his entire sprite moved around less. Like, instead of rising into the air with a DP, he stands and swipes upwards. Where his old rekkas has three sharp, fast, horizontally moving pieces, the new single swipe looked rather more languid.
I think part of it is that I would've liked it more if he departed even further from his old design and got moves that brought in an entirely new playstyle to him, like when Kyo lost his fireball and got chain combos. Of course, the question of what new thing he could receive when he had seemingly everything except teleport and divekick in a story where he's supposed to be de-powered is a whole nother thing.
| "Re(10):SS everywhere" , posted Fri 9 Aug 08:09    
quote: It's weird, because I thought that I OUGHT to like it, but somehow I didn't!
I think a big part of why I didn't like it is that Iori's movements in his new special moves were slower, and his entire sprite moved around less. Like, instead of rising into the air with a DP, he stands and swipes upwards. Where his old rekkas has three sharp, fast, horizontally moving pieces, the new single swipe looked rather more languid.
I think Flameless Iori's attacks were meant to convey brutal power, where he relies on raw power to make up for the damage his flames previously supplied. One of the methods of portraying raw physical brutal strength is to make moves more deliberate, slower, and less fancy.
Instead of doing a much weaker version of his rising spinning DP, Iori swipes upward with his feet firmly planted.
The problem, as you say, is that his moves look languid. Maybe it is his stance. Maybe the moves became too simple. Maybe he needed some legitimately new moves instead of just flameless replacements. Rather than displaying power, Iori looks like he lost his interest along with his flames.
| "Re(2):SS!2 switching" , posted Thu 29 Aug 02:21    
quote: link
"Early purchases will include a Switch version of Samurai Shodown! 2, which was originally released for Neo Geo Pocket Color in April 1999."
If they can remaster/convert NGP games to Switch, I hope to see someday a NGP collection, but then I remember that the only games I would really like will never be there (SvC CFC and MotM).
Damn, I kind of wish I held off for this version. Hopefully SS!2 will be sold separately.
Apparently there is a rumor going around that Nakaruru might be the next Smash Bros DLC character. The thought makes it tempting to get the DLC pass on sale right now, but I would rather have confirmation first.
Nakoruru? Really? I know she's popular and all, but it's surprising to imagine her being chosen over other SNK fighters like Terry, Mai, Kyo, Iori or even Haohmaru. But I prefer her over these other characters, so hopefully it's true.
And yes, SvC:MotM being ported over to Switch would be a dream come true! Despite all the praise CvS2 gets (and which is well deserved), MotM was always my favorite entry in the Capcom/SNK list of crossovers, from the amazing music to the option of playing it as a KoF game, a MvC game or a traditional fighting game, to the considerable list of minigames... and all of that in a HANDHELD game.
In the meantime, SS!2 as a bonus for SS'19 is already great news.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(5):SS!2 switching" , posted Fri 30 Aug 00:28    
quote: Nakoruru? Really? I know she's popular and all, but it's surprising to imagine her being chosen over other SNK fighters like Terry, Mai, Kyo, Iori or even Haohmaru. But I prefer her over these other characters, so hopefully it's true.
I thought based on the recently leaked Overwatch Switch case that the next most likely Smash guest would be Tracer. But I'd take Nakaruru if I can't get Reimu Hakurei...
And yes, they should port all of thos Neo Geo Pocket (Color) SNK fighting games, as well as that one version of Crystalis.
Never got to play SvC MOTM or a Neo-Geo Pocket. Had to debate on that or a Wonderswan Color. Choose the Bandai handheld. Did i make the right decision?
After watching to some videos, here is a couple of notes. Bulleta and Yuri rival is pretty cool in context. It may not seem and maybe me diving to detail would come out right. Maybe Iggy can digest? You would think it should be Yuri vs Sakura but I think they are more suited as a team than rivals.
I believe Hoahmaru and Zangief is not a good rival. Why Zangief? I think it should have been Bishamon.
Ikari Super bringing out other Capcom and SNK characters is really awesome!
Evil Ryu's animation is by far the best looking its very cool. It just blends in well.
Yeah, some rivalries in that game didn't make much sense. Personally, I'd put Athena vs. Felicia (both being popstars), Yuri vs. Sakura (young, self-taught karate girls) and Akari vs. Bulleta (both being sort of monster hunters, but with very different methods and ethics).
As for Haohmaru vs. Zangief, I guess the reason was Haohmaru having a sword (that causes cuts) and Zangief having a tough body with lots of scars (that are the result of cuts he suffered), plus possibly the desire of having a grappler in the game. But yeah, Bishamon would make more sense. Or even Arthur (not a samurai, but he has a lance), who already had sprites in the game due to the G'n'G minigame.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
| "Re(4):Terry Smash Buster Bros." , posted Fri 6 Sep 01:47    
quote: Fighting game players, even ones who do not play SNK games, recognize a mainstay like Terry.
Smash players do not recognize Terry.
I'm not drawing any conclusions from this but I do find it amusing that some people are acting like a character from Dark Rift made it in.
I am unreasonably angry that they picked Terry over Nakoruru. Seriously, what's the point of this character. Nako was a better fit for the game, and she was also a big star in the 90s. And she has a better musical theme. Such a shame. As an aside, I cannot stand Terry's theme song. The music always put me in mind of train whistles, something that is neither soothing or melodic. It's fine if they want to play up Terry as Emperor of the North but there must be a better way to do it than tinny tooting.
Heh, Dark Rift... did Nintendo have some awful fighting games back in the N64 days.
Anyway, I guess Terry's choice shouldn't be a surprise; while Kyo is SNK's poster boy, Terry's history with Nintendo goes way back to the SNES days, with three games in it. Sure, Mai was also in two of them, but I guess she may have been considered inappropriate for an all-ages game (then again, Bayonetta is in it, so what do I know?).
But what I really liked was seeing Ryo in the background... maybe the KOF stage will feature KOF fighters cheering for you (or ignoring you in the case of Iori's team) like in KOF'94-98? I hope so!
(and if that's the case, I hope SNK uses the opportunity to have team members cheering for the fighters in the background back in KOF XV)
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: NNID:sfried STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(3):Terry Smash Buster Bros." , posted Fri 6 Sep 15:19    
quote: You can not tell me that this is the coolest TRAILER you have ever witness. I mean the feeling from watching this is unexplainable.
Terry, KOF Stage, and Ryo next in line
The small snippet of Terry gameplay has a couple of voice samples and Terry sounds different
Link here
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Very interesting that Sakurai picked Terry-- the Fatal Fury series and Terry used to be SNK's face up until KOF came around and allowed it to gulp their franchises, which in a sense is seen by some people including Arc System's Toshimichi Mori as one of the mistakes that the publisher made back in the days.
So the stage is based on KOF12 of all things, it seems. No Mt.Rushmore. Come to think, I can't recall whether the Smash series has ever had any stages based on real locations.
I'm guessing, much like the Persona 5 stage, it's for opportunities for cameo appearances of other SNK fighters.
I kinda wish they would also add more assist trophies as a result, if not as an excuse to get some Metal Slug cameos in there, too.
Can't wait hear Kirby make his cutest impressions of "Crack Shooooo~" and "Bustaaaaaa Woooo~!" all while wearing the trademark hat (and ponytail perhaps?)
PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: NNID:sfried STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(6):Terry Smash Buster Bros." , posted Sun 8 Sep 10:40:    
quote: To be fair, SNK did keep the Samurai Shodown and Metal Slug series alive. And Fatal Fury still got new games until 1999.
But yeah, they shouldn't have stopped the FF series. Nor AoF; it's shocking that it died after only three games (Buriki One doesn't count, although it was a nice idea for a fighting game).
I felt SNK "killed" what made Garou Garou by getting rid of the plane-switch system: It was the greatest hook Fatal Fury had, and rather than taking it to the next step, they shyed away from it rather than be daring and double down on the idea, most likely to cater to those who wanted more grounded, "traditional" fighting game mechanics.
And while Mark of the Wolf is incredibly polished, I felt that some of the charm that got me interested in the franchise initially just wans't there anymore, and it's not because of the new cast, either.
If SNK wants to bring back Fatal Fury, they need to bring back plane-switch fighting back and embrace it fully. Grounded experiences be damned! Be daring like the wolf!
[this message was edited by sfried on Sun 8 Sep 10:42] |
PSN: geese1howard XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
New Customer | "Re(7):Terry Smash Buster Bros." , posted Wed 11 Sep 06:22    
quote: To be fair, SNK did keep the Samurai Shodown and Metal Slug series alive. And Fatal Fury still got new games until 1999.
But yeah, they shouldn't have stopped the FF series. Nor AoF; it's shocking that it died after only three games (Buriki One doesn't count, although it was a nice idea for a fighting game). I felt SNK "killed" what made Garou Garou by getting rid of the plane-switch system: It was the greatest hook Fatal Fury had, and rather than taking it to the next step, they shyed away from it rather than be daring and double down on the idea, most likely to cater to those who wanted more grounded, "traditional" fighting game mechanics.
And while Mark of the Wolf is incredibly polished, I felt that some of the charm that got me interested in the franchise initially just wans't there anymore, and it's not because of the new cast, either.
If SNK wants to bring back Fatal Fury, they need to bring back plane-switch fighting back and embrace it fully. Grounded experiences be damned! Be daring like the wolf!
Wow i have never heared of a person who liked plane-switching, personally i never delved into it much. What was good about it to begin with? BTW i never post here but i do read you guy's post's.
sorry son life is harsh so learn to play along
| "Re(9):Terry Smash Buster Bros." , posted Thu 12 Sep 10:22    
quote: It's a shame that SNK had such a rough time moving into 3D since that style of game allowed for the movement that plane shifting pixels could only mimic. Tekken is what FF could have evolved into if it had gone down a different path.
Would it?
How you handled projectiles was a pretty big factor in how a 3D fighter developed.
While Tekken has reached a point that it can include multiple characters that have various types of projectiles, that was not always true. For years, Tekken eschewed projectiles, the closest thing to a projectile were powerful wide area boss attacks. Soul Edge and Soul Calibur took a similar stance, as did Virtua Fighter.
I think that gave developers a chance to concentrate on the non-projectile aspect of their games. (Sega saw success taking a similar path with Virtua Fighter.)
SNK's various fighting game franchises were all invested in projectiles, with most of the major figures of each series at the least having a projectile if not an arsenal of such moves. Ignoring their dabbling with Buriki One, this means SNK would likely have tried to move into 3D with projectiles as a factor.
Looking at history, that path didn't have a particularly bright future. 2.5D fighters stayed close to their 2D roots, never really embracing 3D. Fully embracing both 3D movement and projectiles led to arguably a different branch of competitive games, those like Virtual On or Powerstone. As for the middle ground between those two extremes, mixing increased 3D movement with more traditional 2D design, just seemed to die out.
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: Sibarraz4Life Wii: SW-0240-1091-7555(SWITCH) STM: Sibarraz CFN: VirtuaDefender
| "Re(10):Terry Smash Buster Bros." , posted Fri 13 Sep 00:07    
quote: Wow i have never heared of a person who liked plane-switching, personally i never delved into it much. What was good about it to begin with? BTW i never post here but i do read you guy's post's. I can only speak for myself but I found plane shifting to be one of those things that was more of an interesting idea than a good idea. The SNK of old used to be filled with ideas that were unique but not always particularly well integrated. It's a shame that SNK had such a rough time moving into 3D since that style of game allowed for the movement that plane shifting pixels could only mimic. Tekken is what FF could have evolved into if it had gone down a different path. I thought plane-switching had lots of potential.
Plane-switch had very interesting ideas when it came to mix-ups. It was quite integral to early FF installments that certain moved even incorporated it into its attack (you would be coming into the same plane as your enemy as you attacked). Unlike Tekken, when you'd be able to side-step in a free form (which makes sense given it's 3D nature), plane-switching had a lot more predictab(oo)lity by narrowing the side-step options down to two, thus it makes it possible to still corner an enemy while likewise they could bait you into an attack that only affected one frame, side-step out of your attack, and counterattack with a plane-switch attack. This still preserves the flow of a traditional fighting game but broadens the mix-up options even further
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Personally, I always liked the mind games involved with the plane shifting in Fatal Fury Special, like you could at any moment brake the pacing of the match so you could mess a little with your opponent strategy, it always felt very "samsho-esque" for me at least
Now, in Fatal Fury 3 and real bout 1 I never liked them because adding 3 planes was too much, no one likes real bout special so I can't remember how it played, and real bout 2 found a nice balance with the plane shift thanks to the increased speed while changing planes
| "SNK's alternate history" , posted Fri 20 Sep 03:23    
quote: SNK's various fighting game franchises were all invested in projectiles, with most of the major figures of each series at the least having a projectile if not an arsenal of such moves. Ignoring their dabbling with Buriki One, this means SNK would likely have tried to move into 3D with projectiles as a factor.
Looking at history, that path didn't have a particularly bright future. 2.5D fighters stayed close to their 2D roots, never really embracing 3D. Fully embracing both 3D movement and projectiles led to arguably a different branch of competitive games, those like Virtual On or Powerstone. As for the middle ground between those two extremes, mixi
I'm not so sure about this "awkward middle ground theory." Rival Schools and Star Gladiator were a pretty good blend, and KOF: Maximum Impact was just too little, too late, and too ugly. The genre as a whole was in decline in the early 2000s due to oversaturation and 3D models that couldn't even come close to the charm of a detailed sprite. It doesn't seem that the formula for games like Power Stone and Virtual On had any particular staying power, either.
I also don't think we should ignore Buriki One when it's the most relevant to imagining a more Tekken-like Fatal Fury. This game features AoF's Ryo Sakazaki without a fireball, and proves that even in the late 90s, the idea that projecting your vital force across the screen to smack somebody is a rare and spectacular feat...maybe even impossible. Think back to the original Art of Fighting, you have to learn the full-screen fireball, and use a full super meter to pull it off.
So let's imagine this scenario. It's 1998. The guy in charge of making Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition is thinking, this is worrying. Our game feels a little bit like garbage. We are failing to differentiate ourselves from Street Fighter again... why are we so close to Street Fighter EX? That was two years ago!
I can see that we won't meet success on our current path. We need to extend development by at least another year, maybe more, and try something different. Management owes me a big favor, so let's boldly move into 3D to better capitalize on the movement possibilities. But how do we handle all these projectiles? How we handle projectiles is a pretty big factor in how our 3D style will develop.
Tekken 3 really is a masterpiece, and they have very exciting attacks without using any projectiles, but it's not quite fitting for us. The Buriki One team has been making an even more realistic than Virtua Fighter. They're making a very grounded fighting game with no fireballs or anything of that nature. But isn't that going way too far for FF? We don't want to lose all of the amazing techniques we've created for our cast. Let's think back to Art of Fighting, where channeling your ki to create a powerful blast is an amazing technique. Maybe that's the way forward for characters like Terry and Joe...then we we can keep the projectiles very fast and powerful. After all, isn't a special move kind of "super" in its own way? Maybe you're also temporarily weaker after using it, like you take some damage even when blocking normal attacks. After all, isn't this a "desperation move"? Calling on this power should feel like a decisive moment.
Hmm, thinking of another game, what about the way they handled projectiles in Bushido Blade? Maybe Mai could toss a single fan and that would be it? But again, this feels too limited. Mai seems like she has a bit of extra storage space compared to those samurai, and our fighters aren't going to go down after one hit, after all. Let's give her three of them each round and focus on making Super Deadly Ninja Bees live up to their wild name? Well, who knows.
Okay, we have some ideas. But there's still a big problem. Our character models are, uh, not very pleasing to the eye. Since our 3D is still very primitive, we need to invest more in more 2D art to make up the difference. We can have more story scenes, like Rival Schools. I may actually have to pull out my blackmail material for the boss....
/ / /
| "Re(1):Sibling Trivia" , posted Sat 26 Oct 19:39:    
quote: Ureshino posted something about SNK Brother-Sister siblings.
Anyone care for a translation help?
It's a quick analysis of the most prominent brother-sister relationships in SNK. The guy arrange them in 4 patterns, which highlight how SNK worked to make their characters unique even with similar starting points.
Pattern 1: The parents are gone, the brother needs to provide for his helpless sister Ryo/Yuri before she's abducted, Billy/Lily, Duke and his sister. The difference being the fact Ryo's father was not dead but just in hiding, meaning there was still hope for him (while Geese became Billy's father figure). Also, Takuma teaching the moral precepts of kyokugenryu to his children.
Pattern 2: The sister follows the brother on the path of violence Gatô/Hotaru, Duolon/Shaolon, Moriya/Yuki. In all cases, the problem is about avenging a dead parent. Differences being: - Hotaru doesn't know anything/suffers from memory loss from the trauma and barely recognises Gatô as the brother she's looking for. They're both looking for their dad, Gatô to kill him, Hotaru without knowing he killed their mother. - Moriya and Yuki are not related by blood, only adopted by the same father (and it's likely Yuki has romantic feelings of Moriya), but the whole murdering of their father by Kagami, Moriya not explaining himself to his siblings in order to protect them from Kagami, but then Kaede thinking Moriya killed their dad and looking for revenge while Yuki believes Moriya and wants to stop Kaede... A lot of drama. - Duolon and Shaolon are closer to Gatô in the sense that their dad really IS an evil murderer. Shaolon still wants to stop her brother, but ultimately she should side with him if their story reaches its conclusion one day.
Pattern 3: the brother fights to save his sister Ryo/Yuri again, the Kazama bro and Hazuki, Adel/Rose. The only difference here is that Rose really was kind of a bitch and deserved what happened to her. Also, Adel saving her unfortunately not making it into the game.
Pattern 4: the brother and sister like bananas more than they care about their sibling Tamtam/Chamcham
Some sisters also only exist in settings and never showed up, like Iori's, so they're excluded from the analysis.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 26 Oct 19:44] |
| "Re(5):Are You Okay? COMMON COMMON!" , posted Sun 10 Nov 01:12:    
quote: Weird; Mai isn't family friendly enough, but Bayonetta is?
My mind immediately went to Bayonetta, but there are presentation differences.
Without a costume redesign, Mai's scantily-clad bounciness is always front and center. In the past, she's even had her idle animation censored.
Bayonetta is almost entirely fully clothed, except a cut-out on her back. Wii Fit Trainer shows more skin than Bayonetta. As for Bayonetta's tendency to lose her clothing, that has been greatly reduced for Smash Bros. Smash Bayonetta loses only her top wrap while her leg coverage recedes to mid-thigh. Peach and Daisy have had sports outfits that showed more skin.
As for Bayonetta's reputation as highly sexual character, my personal belief is that it was blown far out of proportion. If it weren't for her bouts of near-nudity, people might have more readily seen just how non-sexy she actually looks during her often absurd poses. Regardless, Smash tones down the poses in addition to removing the near nudity.
I can at least understand the view that simply having Mai idling in a background is less family-friendly than playable Bayonetta. Beyond that, Mai is a much more "optional" character. It is hard to reasonably represent Bayonetta the series without Bayonetta the character. Mai might be a face of SNK, but she is hardly the face of SNK, or KOF, or even Fatal Fury. And here Mai is just a background character, one of a number.
[this message was edited by Baines on Sun 10 Nov 01:17] |
| "Re(1):Mai's birthday event" , posted Sat 21 Dec 05:42:    
quote: There will be a special limited-time shop to celebrate Mai's birthday.
Various things will be available, I was wondering about this Mai on foreground, I don't recognize this artwork, someone know from where it comes or if it's new? It feels a little out of place (well, probably the one from Falcoon is always the worst, but I want to ignore that, like it never happened).
Also, those acrylic stands now are a thing? After SNK Heroines they are doing this a lot.
I believe it's taken from SNK's promo/poster art for Fatal Fury 2's overseas marketing. It was also used for their OST cover released in Japan (same artwork as the aforementioned poster but different logo). It's Shinkiro's art style from the early period of his SNK days.
Yes, Acrylic stands are very common nowadays due to their low entry on-demand printing production and relatively inexpensive cost. As a desktop item they can be pretty good due to their light weight and versatility, especially since they don't take up space when folded for storage. On the other hand they scratch very VERY easily, so much so that even a single spec of house dust can do harm. So it's better to think of them as a perishable item rather than a collector's item, unless you keep them packaged and out of use. Also, their print quality can be very bad if the maker doesn't care or decides to go cheap.
SNK's acrylic stands from what I've seen are fair quality (meaning they're acceptable, but far from the best). So far they don't seem to be taking advantage of the gimmicks that acrylic printing can do, like double-sided printing or double-layered printing.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 21 Dec 06:34] |
| "Re(3):KOF All Star x WWE cross over event" , posted Fri 15 May 00:22    
quote: Link Here
In what is probably the weirdest cross over in the game yet. We got Samurai Showdown earlier (an SNK franchise so not that out there) and Tekken before that.
So far it looks like The Rock, The Undertaker, John Cena, Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch (not pictured) are in the game. There may be one or two more.
On one hand, it is hard to bring myself to support something with the WWE as they are less than reputable as a business and the McMahon family are crazy. However, if there is a classic version of The Undertaker, I may indulge in the event (but I won't spend money).
This really bridges some gaps in my personal "6 Degrees of Separation" game for video game characters. Now the KOF cast is just two degrees away to The Terminator (WWE2k16) which then links to MK11. Plus there are all those movies that The Rock are in.
I sure hope a New Japan cross over happens in the future.
Wow... this is an amazing idea for a crossover!! I love it!!
I love it as well! It makes me happy to see SNK getting so creative with their crossovers. Now, all we need is an SNK vs Capcom 2 or a Capcom vs SNK 3.
Yes! Or a SF vs KOF (or KOF vs SF), if they want to keep the crossover a little more grounded.
Then again, KOF now has Nakoruru and Pachinko girls, and I wouldn't be surprised if an eventual Season 5 for SFV included Morrigan, so in the end it wouldn't be grounded anyway.
Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.