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"The cooking in games thread" , posted Tue 25 Jun 23:59:post reply

I can "Delicious in Dungeon" my way through the game by preparing meals
Like a lightning bolt, Ishmael's Bloodstained comment made me want to have a thread on games with an active cooking system! It is the Cafe, after all. So grab a piece of cheese and a drink, and reflect on your favorite cooking feats as well as the completely unacceptable lack of a follow-up to Cooking Mama.

Dragon's Crown/every Vanillaware game
: I assume Dragon's Crown had the most advanced cooking, and really liked the competitive rush for the best meat when playing multiplayer, even if I burned my food every time.

Tales of ___/Star Ocean: I'd almost forgotten that Tales of Phantasia originally just had a food sack that let you recover HP while walking if you filled it, but by the time of the wonderful PS remake, they'd retrofitted Tales of Destiny's system onto it, and it was time to get cooking! Since the Star Ocean team was Phantasia refugees who left after the Namco takeover, I assume they brought cooking with them? Does Star Ocean feature the alternate cooking timeline for Tales??

Fuurai No Shiren: The best roguelike literally has a shrine to Bufuu, the God of Food. If you get Bufuu's Staff you can turn monsters into meat, and if you give a weakling monster meat to a chef who's wandering the dungeons, he'll make you a tasty meal and eventually help you open a restaurant!

Bloodstained: I'm excited to hear that they now have a meaningful cooking system for your stats. They've come a long way from Nocturne/Symphony's equippable peanuts, which did have to be tossed in the air to be eaten, so I guess that technically made it "cooking" since it involved preparation.

Cooking Mama: No seriously where is Cooking Mama Switch?


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 26 Jun 00:50]


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"Re(1):The cooking in games thread" , posted Wed 26 Jun 02:39post reply

Would games like Stardew Valley or Graveyard Keeper count?
Because I don't go into the GK dungeon without a proper balanced sandwich I made myself, with bread from my home-grown wheat, ethically-sourced cabbage and carrots, and delicious grilled meat extracted from a half-rotting corpse a donkey abandonned on the street next to my house. Rinse it out with excellent mead flavoured with my home honey.

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"Re(2):The cooking in games thread" , posted Wed 26 Jun 03:40:post reply

I actually had to stop and think for a while about whether the English "cooking" requires using heat, unlike Japanese, or whether it's just because Western food is very oven/pot-centric.

Graveyard Keeper sounds delicious! More of this, or anything else!

Is Pac-man the first cooking game?
Yes - I only eat pellets well-done
No - those ghosts are not ethically sourced
Shut up, I've heard this joke already


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 26 Jun 03:44]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The cooking in games thread" , posted Wed 26 Jun 05:13post reply

I actually had to stop and think for a while about whether the English "cooking" requires using heat, unlike Japanese, or whether it's just because Western food is very oven/pot-centric.

Graveyard Keeper sounds delicious! More of this, or anything else!


Once more I get to mention this gourmet beat'em up!

Once more I also get to moan about how much I loathe mobile touch screen text entry, as this reply took literall minutes to write! How on earth can people tolerate these devices?!

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"Re(1):The cooking in games thread" , posted Wed 26 Jun 14:31post reply

Maou's allusion to Cooking Mama is as welcome as a timely rain, but any list about in-game cooking goodness is tragically incomplete without mentioning Zelda Breath of the Wild.

For some strange reason Nintendo selected Goat Butter as one of the ingredients for cooking Seafood Paella, but we can forgive them the gaffe because the game's cooking mechanics as a whole are such a fun, intuitive and useful system.

Even if you are one of those poor souls that haven't played the best game in the series since A Link to the Past, you can still try your luck at Hylian cuisine in this neat website! If you can make it past its tutorial, that is.

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand

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"Re(1):The cooking in games thread" , posted Wed 26 Jun 17:00post reply

How dare you forget Suikoden II, the greatest cooking minigame in the history of RPGs.

...okay it was more of a subquest and not a system (at least not as interesting a system once the subquest ends) but goddammit it was a highlight of the game and you must never forget it. The spices! The courses! The judging! HAI YO FIGHT ME!

Also for the hell of it I'd like to bring up Legaia 2, if only to keep things like this from being forgotten. The game had a camping system which had you cooking a meal every night for stat boosts. The charming part of it was that only certain party members could successfully make certain recipes, and if they tried making the wrong thing they'd screw up. It reminds us that we are not all master chefs and often times we'll do the best jobs with recipes that suit our own tastes.

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"Re(2):The cooking in games thread" , posted Wed 26 Jun 17:26post reply

This thread deserves an Image BBS thread of its own as a complement.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The cooking in games thread" , posted Thu 27 Jun 04:37post reply

This thread deserves an Image BBS thread of its own as a complement.

Etrian Odyssey is a game that got an ongoing sidequest system in one of the remakes in the form of a restaurant you could make meals at and unlock recipes at that sadly went away afterwards. It's from that my guild in EO
always carries the name of my restaurant: Gorgonzoa! "Gorgonzola" doesn't fit in the name length, but by dropping the "L" it's actually a much more fitting and appealing name to me!

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"Re(4):The cooking SaGa" , posted Thu 27 Jun 05:11:post reply

This thread deserves an Image BBS thread of its own as a complement.

What a delicious side dish from the proprieter of the MMCafe (five stars on Yelp and Tabelog). And how could I have forgotten Burgertime!?!?!

I am also shocked---shocked!---that certain Kawazu partisans have not brought up Makai Toshi SaGa and its monster meat system!! Even cooking celebrities are doing it! That's not a mistake I will make with my own proselytizing! In Fuurai, you are very invested in your food: you need to store your onigiri safely in pots in case a trap makes them rot, and you also need to pay the wandering chef 10,000 bucks to launch your restaraunt. It's even more fun when that unlocks a dungeon where you're equipped only with a meat cleaver to turn monsters into meat, which you can eat to both become these monsters and avoid starvation.

I still have happy memories of the communal aspect of cooking during Dragon's Crown raids with many of you here! Sorry that I took the choicest meats and kraken tentacles, leaving you with wererabbit.

My toughest cooking job was in Parappa the Rapper, of all places. Maybe it's because I found that level harder than the ones after and replayed it a lot, but I still cheerfully tell myself "Now M-I-X the flour into the bowl!" when I cook in real life.

Spoon's Gourmet Sentai Barayarou looks amazing! And it's by the Chou Aniki guys, which guarantees it's one way or another.

There must be some Harvest Moon fans here who can tell us if this is the most authentic farm-to-table cooking game.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 27 Jun 05:18]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(5):The cooking SaGa" , posted Thu 27 Jun 05:35post reply

I am also shocked---shocked!---that certain Kawazu partisans have not brought up Makai Toshi SaGa and its monster meat system!!

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were talking commensality, not eating raw skeleton meat directly out of a dead reanimated skeleton you just killed, like a proper savage.
I suppose that's what passes for a repas in those uncivilized states of yours?

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"Re(6):The cooking SaGa" , posted Thu 27 Jun 07:12post reply

I am also shocked---shocked!---that certain Kawazu partisans have not brought up Makai Toshi SaGa and its monster meat system!!
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were talking commensality, not eating raw skeleton meat directly out of a dead reanimated skeleton you just killed, like a proper savage.
I suppose that's what passes for a repas in those uncivilized states of yours?

I am happy to see the discussion of French meal culture metastasize into here, like a grumpy but refined cancer.

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"Re(6):The cooking SaGa" , posted Fri 28 Jun 01:56post reply

raw skeleton meat
I suppose that's what passes for a repas
C'est de la poudre de perlimpinpin! I cannot possibly bother to defend raw monster meat as "cooking" in the context of a national cuisine whose raw options can barely muster...steak tartare? And even that was orginally called steack à l'Americaine. But don't worry, I'm certain that one day even the grands cuisiniers will manage to grasp sashimi and cerviche! After all, as Lord Kawazu can tell us, freshly sourced raw monster meat is the key to longevity and killing god.

I'm having trouble finding a good English word for cooking that doesn't imply heat, even while there are amazingly specific words like baking for a particular type of oven cooking with heat. Help me, Cooking Mama!

5668th Post

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"Re(7):The cooking SaGa" , posted Fri 28 Jun 02:07post reply

Talking about eating raw meat, let us not forget what eating was like in Final Fantasy 8.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(7):The cooking SaGa" , posted Sun 30 Jun 01:45post reply


C'est de la poudre de perlimpinpin! I cannot possibly bother to defend raw monster meat as "cooking" in the context of a national cuisine whose raw options can barely muster...steak tartare? And even that was orginally called steack à l'Américaine. But don't worry, I'm certain that one day even the grands cuisiniers will manage to grasp sashimi and cerviche! After all, as Lord Kawazu can tell us, freshly sourced raw monster meat is the key to longevity and killing god.

This is some weak argument that only a apostle of thick pizzas with pasteurized cheddar injected into their crust could muster. If you can't swallow raw horse meat, maybe look down into the giant bucket of black cancinogenic sugarwater that you probably have in your hand, and as you peer into the darkness, maybe the darkness will look back and show you the errors of your ways.
No lesson shall be taken from a flock that looked at the most simple and healthy of meals such as the salade niçoise and decided the only way to improve it was to douse it in industrial mayonnaise.

I'm having trouble finding a good English word for cooking that doesn't imply heat, even while there are amazingly specific words like baking for a particular type of oven cooking with heat. Help me, Cooking Mama!


Back on topic: since I've been told the best armour (at least for the few hours) in Bloodstained is an apron, how's the cooking in that game? Do you hunt for rare drops of monster meat to cook healthy snacks your familiars can force-feed you in the middle of battle?
Too bad none of us is a MH fan, because the playful animation of roasting the monster meat along with the merry-go-round jingle is a thing of beauty.

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"Re(8):The cooking SaGa" , posted Sun 30 Jun 03:32post reply

Well, I suppose times were tough during the Siege of Paris, but I still think you’re closer than you think to having been the inspiration for Makai Toushi SaGa and thus the entire cooking game genre. Chef Kawazu remains displeased with your omission.

Still, it’s a far cry from basashi, and even that’s not very good!
No lesson shall be taken from a flock that looked at the most simple and healthy of meals such as the salade niçoise and decided the only way to improve it was to douse it in industrial mayonnaise.
Sacrebleu! I am fully ready to diverge into discussion about whether mayonnaise belongs on everything or nothing. And then we’d need to talk about how it’s totally different in both ingredients and usage by region. Is it a sandwich spread (US/UK)? A sauce (Japan)? A french fry dip (Netherlands)?

But instead we’ll need to talk about how Fuurai No Shiren is the best because with Bufuu’s Staff or the meat cleaver, everything can be made into meat. What do ghost and machine meat taste like???
Talking about eating raw meat, let us not forget what eating was like in Final Fantasy 8.

And this is why you don't arrive from space asking OCD Final Fantasy players to share their carefully hoarded Elixirs.


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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(9):Cooking Mama returns" , posted Tue 13 Aug 10:32post reply

From summoning Onsy’s ghost to causing a Dracula X re-release on PS4 by buying an expensive PCE copy mere days before the announcement, my record of accidentally making impossible things happen by taking about them is so strong that I’m not even ashamed to necro-post my own thread to tell you that COOKING MAMA IS COMING TO SWITCH

...with blockchain?! You know, one of my close friends works in blockchain and even she’s never been able to give me a convincing explanation of what it actually is. It’s always been hilarious that the field’s go-to “accessible explanation” involves telling you that it’s quote “a virtual ledger,” as if that could possibly mean anything to anyone.

Needless to say, I look forward to learning about both French cooking and accounting from Cooking Mama ASAP.

Lord SNK
374th Post

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"Re(10):Cooking Mama returns" , posted Tue 13 Aug 18:30post reply


...with blockchain?! You know, one of my close friends works in blockchain and even she’s never been able to give me a convincing explanation of what it actually is. It’s always been hilarious that the field’s go-to “accessible explanation” involves telling you that it’s quote “a virtual ledger,” as if that could possibly mean anything to anyone.

Needless to say, I look forward to learning about both French cooking and accounting from Cooking Mama ASAP.

I read that on Nintendolife the other day, and also knowing what a blockchain is I can't think of any reason why anyone would really want one in a Cooking Mama game or any game at all.
The few press release phrases shared seems like the usual buzzword collage made by clueless marketing people.

The most hilarious thing is the bit about tournaments hosted by third parties or something like that, is Cooking Mama now an eSport?
When will be added the 100 players battle royal mode?

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"Re(2):Re(10):Cooking Mama returns" , posted Tue 13 Aug 22:38post reply

I like that the phrase "Cooking Mama on Blockchain" is a phrase that very few people, including me, understand. Will I have to itemize my shopping list on a new extensive ledger system? Isn't blockchain also used in cryptocurrency? Will I be mining for bitcoins while chopping veggies? Does Mama have an at-home job where she sells drugs on the internet between meals? The suggestions this title brings up are endless.

I read that on Nintendolife the other day, and also knowing what a blockchain is I can't think of any reason why anyone would really want one in a Cooking Mama game or any game at all.
The few press release phrases shared seems like the usual buzzword collage made by clueless marketing people.

The most hilarious thing is the bit about tournaments hosted by third parties or something like that, is Cooking Mama now an eSport?
When will be added the 100 players battle royal mode?

Wow, that investor press release has so many buzzwords flitting about that I want to spray it with insecticide. The idea of eSports Mama is great. Now I want to see an area full of people cheering at a giant screen of Mama beaming rapturously after someone successfully cooks a soufflé.

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"Re(3):Re(10):Kentucky returns" , posted Wed 11 Sep 12:41post reply

To think I almost posted this in the Random Thread. I would've been remiss if I didn't note that the Cafe news section's occasional sort-of-mascot, Colonel Sanders, is bringing his Kentucky cooking glory to a dating sim with hot Jojo-looking characters. Get me a piece of that spicy chicken! Uh, or something.
is Cooking Mama now an eSport?
When will be added the 100 players battle royal mode?
Will I be mining for bitcoins while chopping veggies?

They should hand over the Cooking Mama series' rights to MMCafe, because all the best and funniest ideas are here, including an Iron Chef-style stadium esport.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(4):Re(10):Kentucky returns" , posted Wed 11 Sep 19:22post reply

is Cooking Mama now an eSport?
When will be added the 100 players battle royal mode?

Almost as stupid: Civilization 6 is apparently getting a 100 players post-apocalyptic battle royale mode.
I don't even understand how or why.
I'd rather a MOBA where you can have Gandhi and Ieyasu ganking with Montezuma as a jungler.

747th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Kentucky returns" , posted Wed 11 Sep 22:10post reply

The chilean brand of KFC has a promotion where all tuesdays where 12 chicken strips are sold for half the price, and since the game was announced on a tuesday I did reasonable thing and bought one for the first time just for myself

I'm the kind of idiot that is easily influenced by ads, as a matter of fact, my mom always mock me than my first word was "Samsung" also I remember that my trip to the coca cola factory when I was 5 was life changing, to this day I'm fan of the product, since they gave me lots of goodies, although in perspective, is fucking terrible to promote something like Coca Cola to little kids in a very brainwashing way

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(6):Re(10):Kentucky returns" , posted Wed 11 Sep 22:20post reply

Sexy Sanders is also Svelte Sanders. I guess he hasn't been eating his own fried chicken. Between this and the person who suckered Arby's into giving them control of the corporate twitter account it seems that modern advertising has taken a strange turn.

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"Re(6):Re(10):Kentucky returns" , posted Thu 12 Sep 02:46post reply

promote something like Coca Cola to little kids in a very brainwashing way

For once, we can't even lament the modern state of games, since Coca Cola was canon in the world of FFIX back in 2000.

The Kentucky game is pretty interesting since the most obvious demographic for Sexy Sanders is female and gay players, two groups who I do not associate with Americans' KFC consumption at all.

A Cooking Mama tie-in with Iron Chef seems like such an obvious move now. Who knows what will happen when she challenges the great Chairman Kaga?!
