'KoF 2019 Cafe Special' - R. 1 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"'KoF 2019 Cafe Special' - R. 1" , posted Sun 30 Jun 09:39post reply

Hello everyone! Welcome to "King of Fighters 2019"! While we wait for the real "XV", we have the fan special! Until then, we'll see if the eerie bears can defend the title or if we get a new trio of champs. The first round ends a week from today. So, go vote!

1 - Just a Person - Evil Teddies Team: Monokuma ("Danganronpa"), Shadow Teddie ("Persona") and WaruMonzaemon ("Digimon") - (^_^) vs. 8 - Capcom and Shuueisha - 2019 Random Select Boss Team: Vega/M. Bison ("SF"/the various Capcom series), Dio ("Jojo") and Sousuke ("Bleach") - (^_^)
1 - Just a Person - Evil Teddies Team
8 - Capcom and Shuueisha - 2019 Random Select Boss Team
How is there no evil team with Shermie or someone hot?!

4 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"FF"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"AoF"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Mahou Kishi Rayearth"/"Magic Knight Rayearth") - (^_^) vs. 5 - Just a Person - The French Blades Team: Oscar, André ("Versailles no Bara"/"The Rose of Versailles") and Lucia ("Devil May Cry") - (^_^)
4 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team
5 - Just a Person - The French Blades Team
This poll is not ideal for "Wedding Peach" Yuri. (´・ω・`)

3 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team: Faye ("Cowboy Bebop"), Ritsuko and Makoto ("The Idolmaster") - (^_^) vs. 6 - neo0r0chiaku - Dormanted Destructiveness Dominance Team: Alucard ("Gunbird"), Alucard ("Dracula"/"Castlevania") and Alucard ("Hellsing") - (^_^)
3 - Justice Kyo - Bamco Heroines Team
6 - neo0r0chiaku - Dormanted Destructiveness Dominance Team
Can I see Takane use a whip to beat Dracula instead? (・ω・)

2 - Sei's brother - Charlie's Angels, 2019 Remix Team: King ("RnK"/"AoF"/"KoF"), Talim ("Soul") and Yang ("RWBY"/"Blazblue Cross Tag") - (´・ー・`) vs. 7 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team: Hinako ("KoF"), Kokoro ("Dead or Alive") and Fuu ("Samurai Champloo") - (´・ー・`)
2 - Sei's brother - Charlie's Angels, 2019 Remix Team
7 - NeoRyu - Kawasumi Ayako-san Team
This is just as hard to see as seeing Nadeshiko Japan visiting Cancún now.


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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'KoF 2019 Cafe Special' - R. 1" , posted Mon 1 Jul 02:27post reply

Not going to vote for either evil team, but if needed, I'll switch my abstaining vote to the champs. I'm voting for mine, Justice Kyo's and my brother's though.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):'KoF 2019 Cafe Special' - R. 1" , posted Thu 4 Jul 03:08post reply

I'm happy that you guys are voting for my team, but must you also vote for the tougher matchup against the girls? I suppose that to be the best, you must beat the best. Well, that, and a legit fighting game boss hasn't made it to the finals yet. The bears are having the title hangover already.

Poor Neo Ryu. He now has trouble getting out of the first round if the score holds up. He hasn't even received a vote. If my brother didn't get the draw w/ him, I'd vote for the guy, but that's not the case.

Justice Kyo has the same scenario. The sad thing is that Faye, Ritsuko and Makoto were silver medalists the year before last year. I suppose that Alucard is such a noteworthy name.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):'KoF 2019 Cafe Special' - R. 1" , posted Sat 6 Jul 01:25:post reply

Current scores:

Boss 5 - Bears 2

Japanese Heroines 4 - French Blades 3

Alucard Cubed 5 - Bamco Heroines 3

Chuck's Angels 3 - Kawasumi-san kawaiiko-chan 1

The first round ends tomorrow! Vote if you haven't done so by now!

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 6 Jul 01:41]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"R. 1 Final scores" , posted Sat 6 Jul 23:29:post reply

Final scores:

Bosses 5 - Bears 2

Japanese Heroines 4 - French Blades 3

Alucard Cubed 5 - Bamco Heroines 3

Chuck's Angels 3 - Kawasumi-san kawaiiko-chan 1

Off to Round 2!

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 6 Jul 23:29]