'KoF 2019 Cafe Special', R. 2 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"'KoF 2019 Cafe Special', R. 2" , posted Sat 6 Jul 23:53post reply

For the first ever, the champs of the prior year have bounced out of the first round, and a random team has made it to the second! The other champs along with last year's runner-ups have managed to survive. So did the Alucard Cubed team.

Round 2 begins now! You know the drill! Vote!

4 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team: Mai ("GD"/"FF"/"KoF"), Yuri ("RnK"/"AoF"/"KoF") and Fuu ("Mahou Kishi Rayearth"/"Magic Knight Rayearth") - (^_^) vs. 8 - Capcom and Shuueisha - 2019 Random Select Boss Team: Vega/M. Bison ("SF"/the various Capcom series), Dio ("Jojo") and Sousuke ("Bleach") - (^_^)
4 - Seizya - Japanese Heroines Team
8 - Capcom and Shuueisha - 2019 Random Select Boss Team
We so need to see Ryuu vs. Kyou in this format.

2 - Sei's brother - Charlie's Angels, 2019 Remix Team: King ("RnK"/"AoF"/"KoF"), Talim ("Soul") and Yang ("RWBY"/"Blazblue Cross Tag") - (´・ー・`) vs. 6 - neo0r0chiaku - Dormanted Destructiveness Dominance Team: Alucard ("Gunbird"), Alucard ("Dracula"/"Castlevania") and Alucard ("Hellsing") - (^_^)
2 - Sei's brother - Charlie's Angels, 2019 Remix Team
6 - neo0r0chiaku - Dormanted Destructiveness Dominance Team
Mary would so thrive in a "Contra" game! (^_^)


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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'KoF 2019 Cafe Special', R. 2" , posted Sat 6 Jul 23:59post reply

Of course I'm going to vote for my team! I'm not going to let a random select team reach the Finals! Oh, and sorry neo0r0chiaku, but I'm voting for my brother's team. I'll vote for yours if the noisy bosses reach the Finals.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):'KoF 2019 Cafe Special', R. 2" , posted Wed 10 Jul 02:53:post reply

I better type this now. Seeing that the 2019 Boss Team was randomly chosen and not created manually (to the fullest), they can't win the tie breaker. So, in the event there's a tie, the Japanese Heroines Team moves on automatically because they have a representative for the tie breaker unlike the Boss Team.

To those thinking about being their representative this late in the tournament, I'll have to reject your offer unfortunately because you weren't the one to create the team in the first place. It was the spinner application that I used. If the spinner created a random team of Kyou, Shingo and Ippo, and they tied up with the girls instead, I'd do the same task by having them bounce out in the second round even though I don't want to seeing that I like Ippo and the rest of the guys.

[this message was edited by Seizya on Wed 10 Jul 02:55]

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):'KoF 2019 Cafe Special', R. 2" , posted Fri 12 Jul 22:21post reply

Tomorrow's the deadline for round 2's votes. Get to the polls if you haven't done so by now.

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PSN: SeizyaStarlight
XBL: n/a
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CFN: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Final scores of Round 2" , posted Sun 14 Jul 00:03post reply

Final scores:

Bosses 4 - Japanese Heroines 2

Alucard Cubed 4 - Chuck's Angels 1

Off to the 3rd Place bout and the Finals.