The end of a personal era - Forums

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2439th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The end of a personal era" , posted Sat 14 Sep 06:11post reply

In the past 18 years that I've been posting at the Cafe, I'm sure many of you have heard me describing the many exceptional qualities of my cat Mao from time to time. Sadly, this is now only possible in eulogy. I wanted to let the Cafe know that we've finally said our goodbyes.

While he rarely touched a controller, this cat had spectated hours upon hours of fighting games. He was a steady and calming presence whenever I was struggling with a particular combo or setup in some game's training mode, and I do feel that he appreciated the genre, at least on a purely visual level.

There's really no other place on the internet I'd think of sharing this. Thanks to everyone here for the kindness you've shown, and thank you for indulging my praise of a noble and handsome creature who was a top-tier pet by any measure.

/ / /

Just a Person
2149th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The end of a personal era" , posted Sat 14 Sep 07:00post reply

I never met him in person ( cat, I guess), but that's very sad news.

I hope you're doing well and that the pain of the loss never erases all the good memories the two of you had together. And Mao is certainly in a great place now, somewhere we can only hope to be worthy to go to when our journey in this life is over.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The end of a personal era" , posted Sat 14 Sep 09:41post reply

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your family member. Our time in this world is fleeting so who we spend our days with is very important. Mao was lucky to have you in his life and you were lucky to have him.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(2):The end of a personal era" , posted Sat 14 Sep 09:51post reply

Man, I am really sorry to hear that! While cats are often a mystery to me since I grew up with dogs, I have encountered some really cool ones and remember being impressed in other threads by Mao’s exploits. Needless to say, he had a great name, and I bet he was a better fighting games commentator than anyone but Yipes, if only I could understand cat-speak.

I like to think that he’s now a merry Irish mythical cat spirit, or cait sith (hey, I’m even on-topic for games!), still watching your gaming endeavors over your shoulder and keeping you company.

5706th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):The end of a personal era" , posted Sat 14 Sep 17:11post reply

Man, I am really sorry to hear that! While cats are often a mystery to me since I grew up with dogs, I have encountered some really cool ones and remember being impressed in other threads by Mao’s exploits. Needless to say, he had a great name, and I bet he was a better fighting games commentator than anyone but Yipes, if only I could understand cat-speak.

I like to think that he’s now a merry Irish mythical cat spirit, or cait sith (hey, I’m even on-topic for games!), still watching your gaming endeavors over your shoulder and keeping you company.

I am very sorry to hear the sad news. It was always interesting to hear the occasional heartwarming tidbits about Mao and we always felt his presence in your home! He was an awesome cat-- we will miss him too.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(1):The end of a personal era" , posted Sat 14 Sep 20:36post reply

I'm really sorry to hear that.
18 years, though! He must have obtained some crazy achievements with such a long and happy life! He was a very lucky cat to have you, and vice versa.

2441th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The end of a personal era" , posted Sun 15 Sep 02:45:post reply

Thanks everyone. Both Mao and the Cafe had been part of my life for such a long time that I felt it was appropriate to share.

To our best knowledge, he was 21 years old. He had quite a good run and had developed a surprisingly sophisticated palate. Berkshire/Kurobuta bacon was one of his favorites, and he was also very enthusiastic about whole roasted chickens. I suppose that the pigs and poultry of the world will have a slightly lighter burden now that he's gone.

Again, I appreciate the kind words.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sun 15 Sep 02:51]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The end of a personal era" , posted Mon 16 Sep 06:36post reply

I can only imagine how wonderfully frumpy a cat at that age level must've looked. I never met the cat, but Mao sounds like a wonderful companion.

1563th Post

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PSN: KTallguy
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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):The end of a personal era" , posted Tue 17 Sep 12:02post reply

My condolences. I'm sure Mao lived a great life and is now enjoying the sweetest kibble (gourmet soft food?) in kitty heaven.

Cats are a blessing. I grew up with a loving cat that would greet me at the door when I got home from school. Someday I want another cat (and maybe a dog too).

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):The end of a personal era" , posted Tue 17 Sep 13:59post reply

I am really sorry to hear the news. While I don't think that words can do much to alleviate the pain and the loss, at least you could find some solace thinking on all the good times you spent together. Both Mao and you were very lucky to be able to spend 18 years together. Man, 18 years is a very long time... Cherish all those happy memories with Mao. He'll be a part of you forever, I'm, sure of that.

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand
759th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):The end of a personal era" , posted Sat 21 Sep 14:41post reply

In the past 18 years that I've been posting at the Cafe, I'm sure many of you have heard me describing the many exceptional qualities of my cat Mao from time to time. Sadly, this is now only possible in eulogy. I wanted to let the Cafe know that we've finally said our goodbyes.

While he rarely touched a controller, this cat had spectated hours upon hours of fighting games. He was a steady and calming presence whenever I was struggling with a particular combo or setup in some game's training mode, and I do feel that he appreciated the genre, at least on a purely visual level.

There's really no other place on the internet I'd think of sharing this. Thanks to everyone here for the kindness you've shown, and thank you for indulging my praise of a noble and handsome creature who was a top-tier pet by any measure.

I'm sorry for your loss. the passing of a friend is always hard to handle.

6302th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The end of a personal era" , posted Tue 1 Oct 01:57post reply

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. As someone who has worked in the veterinary field, I saw first hand how much our pets are a part of people's souls. They're family.

Your cat sounded like a cool critter. He's spectating up there in heaven.