ATTN MAOU: Gunma's Ambition - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ATTN MAOU: Gunma's Ambition" , posted Sat 21 Dec 05:03post reply

Is this your doing?!

Maese and Professor, please provide your input.

5724th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):ATTN MAOU: Gunma's Ambition" , posted Sat 21 Dec 06:04:post reply

Is this your doing?!

Maese and Professor, please provide your input.

Either it's Maou or the doings of some secret organization that shares his same vision to unite all as Gunma and to turn everything into... well, Gunma.


[edit] nevermind added one in

 < ぐ ん ま け ん !

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 21 Dec 06:29]

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):ATTN MAOU: Gunma's Ambition" , posted Mon 23 Dec 11:53:post reply

Is this your doing?!

Maese and Professor, please provide your input.

I didn't know this thing existed, but now I kind of want to publish it overseas (without changing a single letter of it wonderful Engrish translation) so Imperial Gunma can expand its borders and conquer the whole world!

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand

[this message was edited by Maese on Mon 23 Dec 11:53]

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):ATTN MAOU: Gunma's Ambition" , posted Mon 23 Dec 23:19post reply

I didn't know this thing existed, but now I kind of want to publish it overseas (without changing a single letter of it wonderful Engrish translation) so Imperial Gunma can expand its borders and conquer the whole world!

How overseas do you want it? Both the US and Europe Nintendo web stores list it, with the Europe page listing the game's languages as English and Japanese.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):ATTN MAOU: Gunma's Ambition" , posted Tue 24 Dec 07:40post reply

Hello class.

Today we are going to talk about GUNMA. To warm up before we talk about the best prefecture, you’ll remember how in the mid-2000s, during his “Guillaume” period, Iggy-sensei taught you how to SAITAMA by reciting 2ch chants and ascii art around everyone’s favorite vaguely uncool Tokyo-adjacent commuter prefecture. First, let’s all SAITAMA together.


Good. Now, assuming you’ve all done your homework that consisted of reading the entirely true* (*huge lie) You Don’t Know Gunma Yet manga as your textbook and then wailing on your low-stakes rival North Kanto prefectures Tochigi and Ibaraki, you’re ready for today’s lesson. Let’s learn how to GUNMA!

What prefecture features world class onsen like Kusatsu and Ikaho without the irritating crowds of Hakone?


What prefecture has a mascot so splendid he won the 2014 all-Japan cute mascot grand prix?


What prefecture do people never visit even though it has produced four prime ministers and more good luck daruma dolls than anywhere else?


What prefecture has both liveable cities in the east as well as a large "city" in the north that is mostly an impossibly wide and forested expanse?


Which prefecture delivers not only all the iconic Mount Akagi scenary from Initial D, but also the most delicious yet obscure local specialty of them all?


Very good. And for your final exam, we are going to simply transform all of Japan into Greater Joumou. (You DID remember that Joumou is the old name for Gunma, didn’t you???). Certainly, as the game indicates, some sacrifices will need to be made to achieve maximum Gunma, such as the utter destruction of all other prefectures and their rebirth as Gunma. But don’t worry, it’s not like I’m telling you to do this because I’m secretly a terrifying otherworldly god of destruction from Lunar~Eternal Blue (which coincidentally is celebrating its 25 anniversary this very week), or anything remotely along those li....

Zophar: Gunma’s power is the power of creation. There can be no new creation without destroying the old. Unleashing the Goddess Althena's Gunma’s power on me will reduce this world to ash. Creation will start anew, but this time it will be the creation of my design. Worlds will rise to glory or wither to dust at my whim!


In conclusion, please be sure to buy this game or sensei will remotely brick your Switch.

Either it's Maou or the doings of some secret organization that shares his same vision to unite all as Gunma and to turn everything into... well, Gunma.

You say this as if they hadn’t always been the same thing, the entire time!
How overseas do you want it?
We shall not rest until the game is available in Esperanto, Urdu, and Pirahã!


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PSN: zonepharaoh
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CFN: zonepharaoh
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):ATTN SPOON: Maou's Ambition" , posted Mon 27 Jan 02:37post reply

You thought I'd forgotten the Most Important Mobile Game (Besides Gunhouse) of 2012-2020? For a while, I was content merely to be duly sentimental when navigating Gunma-chan to my old high school's train stop in the sugoroku mini-game. However:
"Gunma's Ambition - To be released internationally on Boxing Day on the Switch, is there anything that can stop Maou's ambition?!"
Spoon soon reminded me in the other thread that the real thrill is conquest. Now, Goddess Althena Gunma-chan, heed my command. Turn your pure light to blazing fire and decimate all who oppose me!


"Once everything has fallen into my hands (after collecting a sufficient number of local vegetables and playing enough sugoroku), the entire world shall be mine on a delicious half-shell!" In this analogy, your phone is the Magic Emperor, the rest of Japan is the White Dragon, and you are the heroine unless you download Gunma No Yabou as soon as possible.
