Happy New Year 2020! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Happy New Year 2020!" , posted Wed 1 Jan 01:32:post reply

Happy new year to all members of the Cafe including readers!
Here's to hoping that 2020 will be an year of prosperity and adrenaline for everyone!!

And acrylic stands. Once you get into them, they can start becoming a habit. Happy acrylic 2020!

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 1 Jan 03:41]


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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(1):Happy New Year 2020!" , posted Wed 1 Jan 03:56post reply

2019 ends as poorly for me as it has started and continued, with me fighting addiction for Path of Exile instead of an actual good game. Only a few hours to break free now...
Hopefully 2020 will bring us as many good games as 2019, as well as all the good things that 2019 forgot to bring along.

Dear all: stay safe, don't drink, play Disco Elysium.

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"Re(2):Happy New Year 2020!" , posted Wed 1 Jan 06:42post reply


Dear all: stay safe, don't drink, play Disco Elysium.

I will drink (even if I'm on antibiotics :).
I WILL play Disco Elysium, I promise, SOON!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(3):Happy New Year 2020!" , posted Wed 1 Jan 08:38post reply

A hearty thanks to the Cafe's generous proprietor, the Professor, as well as to all the posting patrons who make this the coziest corner of the internet!

Will the Year of the Mouse also be the year that Professor officially shares his latest artwork, now in acrylics (please)? Will Iggy start playing real video games (like Gunma's Ambition)? Will the Tokyo Olympics deliver an even better video game series than Izzy's Olympic Games circa 1995?!



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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Happy New Year 2020!" , posted Wed 1 Jan 23:13post reply

Happy New Year! My thanks to the Professor and all of you for making this place what it is.

I hope everyone rang in 2020 in a way that suited them. Around here I've recently been cajoled into watching Joy of Life/庆余年 so I spent the final moments of 2019 watching a isekai wuxia.

Lord SNK
407th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Happy New Year 2020!" , posted Thu 2 Jan 21:18post reply

Happy New Year!
Hoping it will be a better year than last one.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Happy New Year 2020!" , posted Fri 3 Jan 08:14post reply

Happy New Years!

With any luck, a gigantic psychic force will erupt out from the site of the Olympics in Japan and replace the apocalyptic apoplexy of our world with mere nihilistic non-conformity.

Regardless, I'm sure that we will sniff at the foibles of the world and ourselves over cups of coffee/tea/yogurt/boiled water here at the cafe!

1245th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Happy New Year 2020!" , posted Wed 8 Jan 06:39post reply

Happy new year, guys! 2020 starts off great for me as I've just found out Mame has been emulating Game & Watch games since 2017! I'm now busy catching up. I've been aching to play Goldcliff for a few decades! And 2020 has also brought me the answer to a question that'd been nagging me since 1987: what was the name of that game I used to play in arcade when I was a young Kikkoken, still wet behind the ears (now I'm more generally wet in some other parts), and Reddit said it for me (after a few months): Senjyo it was!!!!