Ah yes, the Tokyo Game Show... a.k.a, TGS. The enterance to the TGS kinda felt weird though, with the flags of Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and powerhouse NTT all on the same rope. If you don't know NTT, put it this way; they conqure all of Japan. They're a communications group that's unmatched, kind of like how Microsoft rules over computers. "All your communications, are belong to us."
This is...
Aruze's booth didn't have anything particular of interest orher than a short message that "SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters 2" is scheduled for release in Summer (no photos available). The reception desk had a mascot that looked awfully similar to.... but it's not though! It's original I tell you! .... emm. . . it's got a black nose... Yeah!! (look at the picture carefully. It really does.)
Toro, Toro, everywhere.. too cute. The definite highlight of the TGS: I saw Bill Gates, *real* close up. I never knew that Bill Gates was as tall as a basketball player, Scary. I saw him by pure coincidence, and the impossible event which happend next is one thing that I'll never forget for as long as about.. say, a warranty on a Microsoft product.
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