
Xmas gift from The Madman's Cafe- Rare SNK Illustrations
- 12.24.00
To visitors
of the Madman's Cafe- Merry Christmas!
The following are rare SNK artworks, most not yet seen in general public.
These Illustrations feature four artists- Kita Senri, Tonko, Shinkirou
and Hiroaki.
Artist & Art List:
Kita Senri
SNK female character lineup (x2), Samurai Shodown (x2)
Chang Kohan zoomin-face, Mai Shiranui Portrait, Metal Slug
Garou -Mark of the Wolves, Last Blade
HeavyD! vs Ramon
For the artworks, click the
thumbnails below.

106.29 Kb
700 x 832 |

62.11 Kb
650 x 519 |

149.16 Kb
1046 x 678 |

106.63 Kb
700 x 990 |

67.82 Kb
650 x 922 |

226.37 Kb
779 x 1011 |

170.92 Kb
667 x 953 |

62.96 Kb
650 x 915 |

135.54 Kb
503 x 953 |

158.23 Kb
634 x 949 |
Copyright SNK, 2000