I was thinking back on the English release of KOF2001, which will be coming simultaneously with the Japanese release on 3/14. I remember last year that the KOF2000 release created quite some contraversy since NGF-USA acquired the distribution license, and.. well, their name is synonymous to a curse word amongst hardcore fans.
This year, the English version release is going to be a 500 stock exclusive by Neo-geo.com(*1), which has a much better reputation than last year's distributor. Considering that it's a worldwide release, a limited 500 cartridges seems like an awfully small stock, but comparing to last year, it's 5 times the volume.
So is a limit of 500 cartridges worldwide small or large?
If you're a light user, Eolith's recent announcement will probably stop you from the investment.
But if you're a hardcore fan, you're proably screaming at yourself that you might be too late to reserve one, considering that pre-orders already began since the end of last year.
(*1) - An individual company. Not a subsidiary of SNK or Playmore.