News From 04/04/02

Short Comment- A few notes for the day

No real news today, but here goes a few notes I'd like to mention.

#1- Chupiler's "Rage Of The Dragons" Report translations
Once again, Chupiler has done a wonderful job in writing up even more translations of beta tester reports from "Rage of the Dragons". The game system sounds a bit frightening, but hopefully all the issues will be fixed by the final product. Be sure to check out Chups' full translation if you're interested in the first Neogeo Release for 2002!!
[ Chupiler Translations ]

#2- Sony Sued for Suicidal Man
A 21 year old man committed suicide, and his mom is suing Sony. The original article is from the Milwaukee Journal, but check the The Register's article as well- pretty funny the way they described the case.
[ ArticleM / ArticleR ]

#3- Bill Gates on April Fools
"Bill Gates fell silent when he heard what he thought was the Canadian prime minister insulting his Windows operating system." ( ...Humm. I tried checking the conversation (there's links to mp3s in the Talkbacks), but the whole conversation seemed really juvenile than anything. Still, check it out if you're interested. [ Article ].

#4- Old game footage
Replay Data Land" - the site that offered the Capcom vs SNK 2 tournament footages, also seems to have the old Japan vs USA SFA3 footage from back in the years when we were all still young. Special thanks to "Insert Coin" for the news. [ Footage Link ]

#5- Vanilla Coke
If this isn't an April Fools joke (Note the dates in the news list), people all over the world will be dying from a sugar high. Coke is sweet enough as it is!! [ News List ]. - Henry A. Moriarty