News From 05/25/01

Chupiler: Capcom vs SNK 2 E3 Videos part 2 -hosted by
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Note:'s CvS2 section is not linked directly due to the request of the site owner. The videos are accessible from the upper left CvS2 Banner at the site's index.

Chupiler has released 12 additional short "fair quality" videos of Capcom vs SNK 2 at the E3. The Mpeg Videos can be found at

Video 6- Athena's Phoenix Arrow, possibly counterable even after a hit
Video 7- Yamazaki's Hebi-damashi(Snake arm cancel), now faster than before
Video 8- Some Athena action- notice the new upward punch
Video 9- Rugal's Reppuken, with a lot shorter recovery time than before
Video 10- Mai's new short range sliding
Video 11- Toudou's new throw move
Video 12- Toudou's Kasane-ate
Video 13- Toudou's Anti-air Kasane-ate
Video 14- Toudou's Super Kasane-ate
Video 15- Toudou's Super counter throw
Video 16- Toudou's victory pose, with Kasumi
Video 17- Kyo's Doku-gami punch (only 1st action is presented)

Capcom opens Capcom vs SNK 2 section in Official site
[ Link: Cacom | Section ]

Capcom has opened its official "Capcom vs SNK 2" section in its site. While no new information is available, the section will continue to be updated in the future as well.

Final Fantasy X PlayOnline promotion site updated
[ Link: PlayOnline ]

Square has updated their promotional site for Final Fantasy X at PlayOnline. Additional movies and character introduction, gameplay details are now available. Updated sections are Character, System and Active.

Nintendo to fix GBA manufacture to Skeleton type only (Jiji Communications)
[ Link: Jiji communications | Article ]

(Jiji communications) Nintendo has announced on 5/23 that the production line to their portable next generation machine- Game Boy Advance, has been fixed to the singular color of "Milky Blue" since April in Japan. The change comes due to the popularity in sales of their portable machine with the translucent color, which allows users to see the internal structure of the machine.

Sony says the game is over for Microsoft (Financial Times)
[ Link: Financial Times | Article ]

(Financial Times) "Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony Computer Entertainment, on Wednesday declared Microsoft's Xbox "finished" in the battle for the next generation of video game consoles. "Microsoft was finished before it even got started. They have no games," Mr Kutaragi said in an interview with the Financial Times. "Microsoft has put itself out of the game. Retailers in the US are already disappointed."

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Xbox software going nowhere, Analysts Say (CNN)
[ Link: CNN | Article ]

(CNN) "TOKYO, Japan (CNN) -- Hit by development delays and buzz of boring game titles, analysts say Microsoft's gaming debut with the Xbox will be a rocky one. Microsoft has ambitions to challenge and defeat the current industry incumbents with its November 8 launch of the Xbox game console -- a machine that the company is touting for its superior technology. However, Microsoft may not have the gripping gaming content needed to seduce gamers away from Sony's PlayStation 2 or Nintendo's upcoming GameCube."

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McDonald's Apologizes for Fries (Associated Press)
[ Link: Associated Press ]

(Associated Press) "OAK BROOK, Ill. (AP) - McDonald's Corp. (NYSE:MCD - news) has issued an apology for any confusion surrounding the beef flavoring in its U.S. french fries, a practice that prompted a lawsuit this month by some Hindus and vegetarians. ``Because it is our policy to communicate to customers, we regret if customers felt that the information we provided was not complete enough to meet their needs,'' McDonald's said in a statement on its Web site. ``If there was confusion, we apologize.`` "

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New Fad From Land of Pokemon (Associated Press)
[ Link: Associated Press ]

(Associated Press) "TOKYO (AP) - When Ryo Yamada was in kindergarten, he loved the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers so much he had pictures of the helmeted TV-show heroes on his underwear. In grade school, his passion turned to Pokemon cards and video-games. These days, the 12-year-old is mad about Yu-Gi-Oh - the latest fad from Japan that comes with its own video games, animated TV show and lots of cards to collect.

If Ryo sounds like your child - and memories of scrambling for all things Pokemon are too fresh - you have every reason to be worried: Yu-Gi-Oh is coming to the United States in time for Christmas."

[ Full Article ]