A Special Thanks to Chupiler himself in the BBS for the news.
Note: Oreshiki.com's CvS2 section is not linked directly due to the request of the site owner. The videos are accessible from the upper left CvS2 Banner at the site's index.
Chupiler has released 11 additional short "fair quality" videos of Capcom vs SNK 2 at the E3.
Again, the Mpeg Videos can be found at Oreshiki.com.
Video 18- Kyousuke's useful Cross Cutter vs Guile's Sonic Boom
Video 19- Kyousuke's Raijin Uppercut
Video 20- Kyousuke's Gen-ei Breaker and Gen-ei Kick
Video 21- Kyousuke's Double Gen-ei kick, possibly for anti-air use only
Video 22- Kyousuke's Super Cross Cutter
Video 23- Yun's Sourai-rengeki
Video 24- Yun's Zesshou Hohou
Video 25- Yun's You-hou. Possibly only for Lv3
Video 26- Yun's Target / chain combo
Video 27- Haohmaru's Kogetsuzan (anti-air) & Senpu-retsuzan (unconfirmed if opponent can be attacked after a hit)
Video 28- Kyousuke's Air Burst starter
Video 29- Yun's Yang summoner super. Its usefulness is questionable