News From 05/29/01
Capcom vs SNK 2 Beta Testing to begin in Osaka
[ Link: Capcom Europe | Forum ]

Capcom has announced to begin beta testing of their upcoming fighter game, "Capcom vs SNK 2" in Osaka. The Beta test will take place at Chateau EX, From June 1 - 4. For the map to the beta testing location, check Capcom's site.

Short comment:
I'll be reporting from the Tokyo beta testing when it opens, but hopefully some reports will be released prior, by someone in the Osaka district. -H.Moriarty

Capcom vs SNK 2 European Release date scheduled at October 26th
[ Link: Capcom Europe | Forum ]

Special Thanks to psx2369 from the BBS for the news.

According to replies from Capcom Staff in their official forum at Capcom of Europe's site, the relase date of Capcom vs SNK 2 in Europe is currently scheduled at October 26th (subject to change).

Also likewise, the release dates for other games have been told to be as follows::
Mega Man Legends 2, MegaMan X5, Breath of Fire 4 (All PS) - June 29
Onimusha (PS2) -July 6
Code Veronica X (PS2) -August 31
One Piece Mansion (PS) -September 28
Maximo (PS2) -October 26th
Devil May Cry (PS2) -Novemeber: 30
(All release dates are subject to change)

For the original post, check Capcom of Europe 's Forum.(Staff messages are marked with a Yellow name.)

Tokyo Game Show 2001 Fall Announced
[ Link: CESA ]

CESA (Computer Entertainment Software Association) has announced the dates for the next Tokyo Game Show, Fall 2001. "Tokyo Game Show Fall 2001" will take place from October 12-14, in Makuhari Messe, Chiba.

The show will be opened to the Public on 1PM-6PM for Friday , and 10AM-5PM on Saturday and Sunday. CESA aims for 150,000 visitors.

Japanese Prime Minister to begin Mailing List
[ Link: Reuters | Offical Cabinet Secretariate Site ]

"TOKYO (Reuters) - Popular Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Tuesday launched a preview edition of an e-mail magazine, urging the public to subscribe to discover the real politician behind his trade-mark lion's mane coiffure.

"Many of you may know me only as a 'maverick' or as someone with a hair-style like a lion," Koizumi said in a preliminary issue appearing Tuesday on the Internet."

[ Full Article ]

Short Comment: Something Seriously Missing in CNN's Report (NES, GB, SNES?)
[ CNN ]

Special Thanks to Satoshi Miwa from the BBS for the news.

I've totally missed this myself when I posted it up. Check back on that CNN's XBox coverage Article from 5/25(Xbox software going nowhere, Analysts Say (CNN)) Aritcle|Mirror. Now... Read it, CAFEFULLY.

Gamers may instead opt for the creative strengths of Nintendo, the handheld gaming powerhouse known for its Mario and Pokemon characters.

Nintendo will introduce its cast of characters to the home console market for the first time with the GameCube launch on November 3.

. . . .... . ... HEH?

-H. Moriarty