(GameSpot Japan) Furuta Co.- a confectionary company in Japan, has announced to be releasing the "FinalFantasy Creatures" summon figure series. The FFX summon creature figures will come as a freebee for Furuta's candy. As announced earlier, convenience store Seven-Eleven of Japan will be releasing the limited edition "No.00 Valfare" as a bonus to pre-orders of FFX. Furuta will not release the No.00 Valfare, and begin their series from No.01.
"Final Fantasy Creatures" is scheduled for sale in Fall, priced 300 yen per pack.
Thus far, Siva, Diablo, Ifrit, Leviathan, UltimaWeapon, and Greiva(FF8 Midddle final boss) have been confirmed to be a part of the collection. [ Image ]