Namco has updated the official site for their upcoming Playstation 2 release, Tales of Destiny 2. In the update, additional images and details regarding the battle system now officially named "Trust & Tactical Linear Motion Battle System (TT-LMBS)" are revealed.
Spiritual Points- Spiritual Points is the new factor in the game which determines the effectiveness of attacks. With low SP, the hit rate of attacks
decrease, while the probability of enemy attacks hitting increas.e The SP decreases by attacking, and can be recovered by using magic, defending, or waiting time to pass by.
Battle Grade Points- By earning battle grade points, there will be bonuses, such as gaining a new Rank name. Details to the bonuses are not revealed.
Combo Attacks- Combination attacks still exist in the game.
Tales Of Destiny 2 is now 32% complete, a 2% development increase in 4 days. The title is scheduled for release in December.
For the official subsite, check Namco's site.
Special thanks to Rid Hershel for the News.