(Extremetech, Quoted)
" Gamespot.com, a popular games download site, is promoting a "download accelerator" which will place a digital-rights-management (DRM) and spyware package on your PC.
Although Gamespot's parent company, CNET Networks, announced in March that it would use a program called "Download Express" across all of its sites, the use of the "Download Manager Assisted Download" software is specifically tied to Gamespot, according to a CNET spokeswoman.
... The publisher in the enterprise can delete content after X weeks, limit its forwarding ability, limit the times it can be used," said Mark Szelenyi, director of enterprise marketing at Kontiki. "It is very flexible. It can play and delete itself, or not allow it to be forwarded, as well as limit the number of times it can be used on systems."
... the Kontiki software allows Gamespot or other customers to monitor the actions of users, down to the individual PC. "A Kontiki customer has the ability to track distribution of its content via the publisher and through the downloader: if it was used, if it was opened, et cetera," Szelenyi said. "
For the full article, check Extremetech.
Special thanks to EddyT for the News.
Short Comment- I heard it has 200+ Cydoor/Spyware strings, am I correct? Looks like they've gone lower than #GN. - "Madman" Henry Moriarty