News From 08/09/02

Square makes Official Announcement on Releases for Nintendo: "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle" and 3 GBA Titles (Mainichi Interactive)

[ Mainichi Interactive | Article ]

(Mainichi Interactive) Square has announced on the 8th that a new Final Fantasy title will be released for the Nintendo GameCube. Titled "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle", the game will interweave the use of Nintendo's GameCube console and portable machine, Game Boy Advance.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle will take place in a fantasy themed setting. The GC console will be used to show the game, while the GBA will show the player's data. By hooking up multiple GBAs to the console, players can help each other, such as replenish a player's energy when needed. Communication like an online game is aimed at in FFCC. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle is scheduled for release in the Spring of 2003.

Square has also announced three other titles for the GBA, as follows..

A game centered with a Chocobo as the main character is scheduled for release in the end of the year- the official title is undecided.

A fully arranged version of "Final Fantasy Tactics"- originally a 2 million hit seller on the Sony Playstation, is scheduled to be released during winter.

A new Seiken Densetsu (Legend of Mana) title is also scheduled for release in the winter. The title will be produced with Nintendo subsidiary Brownie Brown, the team responsible for the development of the original series. Square will be assigning the original producer to the series, which sold a total of 4 million copies.

Special thanks to Namae No Nai Heya for the news.

Short Comment- Mario in Playboy Magazine, Spraying over Girl

Someone in Nintendo has a really twisted mind. The latest Playboy magazine and other men centered periodicals currently feature an advertisement by Nintendo, where Mario is spraying his water over a girl. The ad reads

"Summer. Mario.It feels so good."

It looks innocent, but viewers with the kind of minds that read Playboy ought to interpret it a bit differently from Kids ..not that kids should be reading them. I would've never thought I'd see the day that Nintendo would advertise on an adult oriented magazine.

Check out Namae No Nai Heya for the article and photosnap of the ad.
[ Namae no nai Heya | Section ]

Special thanks to Zepy for the news. - Henry A. Moriarty

Short Comment- Ape Escape Merchandise Madness

For those of you who are real Ape Escape fans, check out this article in NTT EG that's infested with those boogely eyed monkeys. Ape Escape trading cards, tee-shirts, figures, keyholders... afro monkey. It's all there for the fanatics. [ NTT EG - Ape Escape 2 Merchandises ]

- Henry A. Moriarty

Short Comment- Love Hina, Author's Marriage Ceremony

I forgot to write about this, so it's a bit of an old news.
The author of Japanese manga/anime "Love Hina" got married last month on the 13th. Now, the question is... does this look like a marriage ceremony to you, or an anime convention? (Scroll down a bit for the images)
[ Ken Akamatsu Marriage Ceremony ]

W... weeird.... - Henry A. Moriarty