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JLG 90th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):Recommend me a comic" , posted Wed 20 Apr 12:56
Hm. I was going to recommend Alan Moore's Ballad of Halo Jones, but since DC killed the 2000AD line, it may be tough to find. Warren Ellis' Ministry of Space is brilliant, but might also be hard to find since it's selling like crazy. Ellis also has the Apparat that's worth checking out.
Y: The Last Man is the popular, obvious choice. It's been around a while, but you should still be able to get into it and I think there's some collections out too. BPRD and The Walking Dead are great, but are mostly horror. We3 just ended, but it's a quality series (nominated for an Eisner too!). On the manga front, more obvious choices would be Sgt. Frog which is more of a comedy, and Battle Angel Alita, which is hard sci-fi, is being rereleased with a new edition and is being continued in Last Order. Though you probably know or own most of these.
For "whatever," I highly recommend Wild Girl and Street Angel. That's all I can think of now...
DarkZero 1204th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):Recommend me a comic" , posted Wed 20 Apr 13:47
quote: I feel like reading a comic book; preferably a sci-fi/fantasy setting, but 'whatever' works. All I ask is that it isn't teeming with teen angst and can be easily found at a reasonbly stocked comic shop.
Fire away.
What I'm reading right now (that doesn't suck):
Hellsing: I missed the boat when this became popular, but relentless scans on 4chan finally convinced me to start picking it up. So far, I've burned through the first three volumes over the course of two nights. If you missed the boat like I did, it's a really badass gothic/horror/action comic about vampires, zombies, and crazy religious fanatics. It reminds me a lot of Devil May Cry.
Sgt Frog: Enter generic "This is the most funny/amusing comic I've read in a long time" recommendation here. The anime flows a lot better than the comic does, but it's an extremely amusing read.
Exiles: Marvel's "What If?" comics with a recurring plot, essentially the Marvel universe's equivalent of "Sliders". It's a pretty good read if you like superhero comics and alternate universes in general, but it's an excellent read if you're a Marvel geek who loves seeing tons of dead Marvel characters and a half dozen different iterations of Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four.