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GekigangerV 1493th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):Street Fighter 2 EX" , posted Fri 8 Feb 12:34:
quote: Well, because it's 3D, this is much easier to do, right? I imagine they'll be all manner of alternate costumes, ala KOF MI.
I still want to get my hands on it. The impressions from the Famitsu guys are relatively positive... they say it feels like the first time they played SF2, which is good and bad, I guess.
Yeah, I can't think of a 3D fighter that came out after SFEX3 that didn't have alternate costumes.
Here are some loose translations by me on some of the impressions
The first guy mentions its like playing SF2 all over again and Chun-Li and Zangief were just as he expected. Its mentioned again that the Saving System is still being worked on, but he gets the impression that because you can withstand an opponents attack, it was of importance for hindering regular attacks(Not too sure about that part). The bar won't build for a person who likes to jab for foot poke. C Viper has a long reach and fast air attack, there is something special about her Saving attack, I think it cuts down the waiting time or something(once again I am not too sure). She's easy to use so she'll probably be popular. The guy mentions that if you throw an opponent on the China stage some meat will fall down and a stray dog will come over and grab it. There will be three stages at AOU2008.
A bunch of the guys say it is like playing SF2 all over again, but it is still different. One difference that is pointed out twice is that jumping isn't as floaty as SF2 and it is faster.
One of the writers mentions that the saving attack is a good way to get out of a corner if you are being assaulted by projectiles and don't want to jump into a counter attack. They like the effects and stages as well.
There are some questions with Ono at the end of the article
- Although he is using SF2 as a base, he is till open to have characters from outside the SF series in the game.
- They aren't just going to remake SF2 stages, they will have new stages as well as stages like the ones from SF2
- He is not sure if there will be a car bonus stage yet. He gets the question a lot and says it was originally a way to extend play time at the arcade and get more money.
- Parry and custom combos won't be in the game, but SSF2T super gauge will be.
- There will probably be online fight records
[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Sat 9 Feb 00:53] |
Iggy 8360th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Street Fighter 2 EX" , posted Fri 8 Feb 18:52
I've missed the line about most of the backgrounds coming from SF2. Oh god.
quote: Maybe they'll include someone from SFIII. Fat chance, now that I've seen who's made it in so far.
Of course they will. You know, that popular character from SF3, Gôki ?
It's the third time the entire cast of SF2 come back. And as far as I can see, it didn't help SFZero3 or CvS1 to gather a broad audience amongst the older players. Speaking of which, the game will probably end up having the Capcom half of the CvS1 cast. Who were there ? The 4 bosses, Gôki, Cammy and Sakura ? Yeah, I'm pretty sure about it. Oh, and maybe they'll throw Dan in, if we're "lucky".
Just a Person 1059th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(2):Street Fighter 2 EX" , posted Fri 8 Feb 19:51
quote: Does anyone actually LIKE E.Honda? Seriously?
I do... he was the third character in SFII:CE who I played as the most in the game (only behind Chun-Li and Dhalsim). Never got interested about his SFA3 incarnation; however, he looks really cool in these SFIV screenshots.
However, I understand your complaints. Maybe some of these SFII characters could be unlockable instead of default. And while most of the SFIII characters wouldn't make sense to be in it, Oro, Hugo, Q and maybe Urien would fit nicely into the game, I think.
From the rest of the returning people, the SFII bosses (minus Vega/M.Bison) and the New Challengers have good chances to be in it, and maybe Sakura, Karin, Nash (since SFA3 didn't show him dying, so Ono could come with a lame excuse to justify him being alive) and R.Mika (although her chances are next to 0, unfortunately...).
Anyway, Wikipedia says that Gouki/Akuma is confirmed (although I don't know where it was confirmed), and Ono said that MAYBE Gouken (or "Sheng Long") could be in it, too. And some people at GameFAQs said that Capcom would reveal another new character today, but so far there is no news or pictures about this character.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 1060th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(4):Street Fighter 2 EX" , posted Sat 9 Feb 01:19
quote: I thought the idea of alternate costumes has been ruled out in a previous interview ? Am I messing things up ?
If I'm not mistaken, Ono ruled out the customization of characters (like in Tekken 5 or 6), not the alternate costumes themselves. He said it would be weird to put Ryu in some sailor suit and that it would ruin the iconic look of the SF characters.
However, Ryu wearing more casual clothes (say, a white t-shirt, jeans and some old tennis shoes) would fit with the character (unless he has no other clothes than his gi...). The same could be done with the other people, like Ken in some expensive clothes, Chun-Li dressed in her Interpol uniform, C.Viper wearing something normal, etc.
But since some pictures (not the HQ ones) already show Zangief wearing the same outfit but blue, and also Chun-Li wearing the same dress but red, unfortunately there is the possibility of no alternate costumes...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
ZamIAm 1693th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Cast" , posted Mon 11 Feb 14:23
quote: Does anyone actually LIKE E.Honda? Seriously?
I do... he was the third character in SFII:CE who I played as the most in the game (only behind Chun-Li and Dhalsim). Never got interested about his SFA3 incarnation; however, he looks really cool in these SFIV screenshots.
If you like E.Honda, then you support terrorism!!! (kidding)
quote: However, I understand your complaints. Maybe some of these SFII characters could be unlockable instead of default. And while most of the SFIII characters wouldn't make sense to be in it, Oro, Hugo, Q and maybe Urien would fit nicely into the game, I think.
That would be a lot more tolerable. Have some of the SF2 cast hidden, have 2-3 SF Alpha characters (but aged properly), one SF III character, plus a Final Fight character and few new characters. I mean Dudley could easily work both due to age and the fact that he didn't have any real story relevance to SF III. Karin and Sakura would please a number of fans and Karin would be fun to play. While I'm pretty sure that Dee Jay, Thunder Hawk, and Fei Long are screwed, I'm pretty sure that Cammy will return.
Just a Person 1068th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(1):Cast" , posted Tue 12 Feb 00:57
quote: If you like E.Honda, then you support terrorism!!! (kidding)
quote: That would be a lot more tolerable. Have some of the SF2 cast hidden, have 2-3 SF Alpha characters (but aged properly), one SF III character, plus a Final Fight character and few new characters. I mean Dudley could easily work both due to age and the fact that he didn't have any real story relevance to SF III. Karin and Sakura would please a number of fans and Karin would be fun to play. While I'm pretty sure that Dee Jay, Thunder Hawk, and Fei Long are screwed, I'm pretty sure that Cammy will return.
I don't know if Dee Jay, Fei-Long and T.Hawk are screwed... after all, their popularities aren't really lower than Honda's, for instance; plus, Ono said he wants to bring as many characters from SFII (and I guess that includes the New Challengers as well) as possible (Vega/M.Bison being the only impossible character to bring back, unless his appearance is non-canon or Ono made up a lame excuse to justify this return).
Dudley could indeed be in SFIV, although Mike Bison/Balrog seems to be a more popular boxing character (but Dudley is cooler, and they don't fight exactly the same way). And since Q appeared in Ken's SFII stage, he (or she, or it...) could be in it as well, maybe revealing some background for him (her, it...) for the first time. Even Sean could be in SFIV, since he gets to know Ken prior to SFIII (so this could be the time when they first meet each other).
About the Alpha/Zero characters, the most likely one to return is Sakura (and even though Ono doesn't want to change the fighters' looks, I hope he realizes that Sakura can't look like a young schoolgirl anymore). Karin and Mika both have plot potential to come back as well (although Karin has medium chances and Mika has next to no chances...). Dan has good chances of appearing (even though his story had a closure in SFA3), and since Nash was never shown dying in SFA3, there's a small chance for him (although I doubt that).
So many possibilities... unfortunately, there's a good chance that the Alpha and SFIII characters don't get included in SFIV (again, except for Sakura)...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Iggy 8365th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Cast" , posted Tue 12 Feb 01:40
To predict other possible returning characters, beside the obvious 4 bosses-Cammy-Sakura (like, NOT NEW CHARACTERS), it might not be a bad idea to check that other recent Ono game, CFJ. Urien, Alex and Yun; Karin, Rose, Guy. I still think Sagat is the most obvious of them all, but still. If this game doesn't want to take the slightest risks, it can as well become a big SF crossover. We never had Sagat vs Urien, after all.
Just a Person 1069th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(4):Cast" , posted Tue 12 Feb 04:41
quote: To predict other possible returning characters, beside the obvious 4 bosses-Cammy-Sakura (like, NOT NEW CHARACTERS), it might not be a bad idea to check that other recent Ono game, CFJ. Urien, Alex and Yun; Karin, Rose, Guy.
Considering how he seems to despise and be truly ashamed of CFJ, I'm not sure that he will get his ideas for SFIV's cast in CFJ...
quote: Considering Ono wants to party like it's 1991 I'm guessing that the four bosses are almost a certainty.
...So he'll either use the non-canon argument, or create a really lame excuse for Vega/M.Bison's soul not being in hell where Gouki/Akuma sent it to.
Maybe he possessed Cammy before being completely killed. However, that doesn't explain how she's still alive after SFII (she appears in FF:Streetwise)...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Baines 216th Post
Frequent Customer
| "Re(2):Cast" , posted Tue 12 Feb 12:04
quote: (Vega/M.Bison being the only impossible character to bring back, unless his appearance is non-canon or Ono made up a lame excuse to justify this return).
I'd bet Vega/M.Bison is a lock, and it will be considered canon. He's too definitive of SF to be left out of SF2^2. As for lame excuses, the entire SFA series is built upon them.
He's easy enough to bring back. For example: 1) Bison was too strong for Akuma to kill, though he was gravely wounded. 2) Akuma does kill Bison, but now it happens at the end of SF4 instead of SF2.
quote: About the Alpha/Zero characters, the most likely one to return is Sakura (and even though Ono doesn't want to change the fighters' looks, I hope he realizes that Sakura can't look like a young schoolgirl anymore).
I agree Sakura is the most likely Alpha character, but I'll bet if she does make it into SF4, she will still be a schoolgirl. They'll want her to look like Sakura. The theme behind SF4 is recognition of iconic designs. Making Sakura older means likely losing the sailor suit, and she isn't going to lose the sailor suit. Even making her look like an older student is questionable, though who knows how SF4's 3D modeling would favor her.
NARUTO 3615th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Cast" , posted Wed 13 Feb 18:31
quote: even CFAs was better in it was made in 2002. Even though I haven't played SF4, no.
Oh, yes...I did play CFAS and in those time he have more chances, that this SF2X2. Stuck between Game far superior technicaly like VF5 & TK6, and game with much more fan service like KOF98UM or ARcana and such...
quote: the graphics were better No.
They were similar and since CFAS is older, they were somehow better.
quote: the game system far more original No.
So far SF000002 have nothing particular at all in his Game system, when CFAs did bring original stuff, like the 3 life bars whit the DS like system, and the power bars system liked to the life bars. Some other stuff like the dramatic counter or dramatic finish as well...So it was much more original...
quote: this trash didn't deserve the title SF4. Yes.
So we did agree on something finaly...Sometime I wish that KOF12 coule be a great game. 1st for the KOF fans who would appreciate it, and 2nd just in order to ridiculise capcom and their SF crap (what ever it is SF4 or thr HD thing) just like NGBC somehow ridiculised CFJ...
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
Arngrim 325th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(5):new new character" , posted Fri 15 Feb 06:17
quote: Surprisingly enough he reminds me of that one character from that old Jaleco game Tough E nuff, just wish I could remember his name. Almost has the same distinctive looks but instead of the gi he was wearing a tanktop.
That's because he looks very generic. I'm really disappointed with the additions so far. First, a Falcoon KOFMI-reject character like C.Viper and next, the epythome of uninspiredness with Abel, from his portrait looking almost like a head-swap of Ryu, to the shoulder charge looking like Urien's and the somersault kick looking like Rugal's. I mean, even Gai Tendou on KOFXI looked more charismatic wearing only shorts.
There must be definetely something about this characters that I cannot grasp, because, otherwise, I can't see what the point of his addition is.
One of the main components of the hype before a fighting game is released are... characters. And, definetely, the erratic additions like these, taking into account the perspective where the fans and cosumers are, does not help at all.
 But I still want to quench your thirst. Because I am the one that put you into the desert.
Ultima 439th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(9):Cast" , posted Fri 15 Feb 12:07
NARUTO shat out:
> Oh, yes...I did play CFAS and in those time he have more chances, that this SF2X2. Stuck between Game far superior technicaly like VF5 & TK6, and game with much more fan service like KOF98UM or ARcana and such...
I admit the competition is fierce this time around. That said, CFAS was a pile of bad ideas wrapped in an eye sore. This one is neither.
> > > the graphics were better > > No. > They were similar and since CFAS is older, they were somehow better.
Get some new glasses.
> > > the game system far more original > > No. > So far SF000002 have nothing particular at all in his Game system, when CFAs did bring original stuff
Actually, I agree with you, except that the original ideas were all shit.
> So we did agree on something finaly...Sometime I wish that KOF12 coule be a great game. 1st for the KOF fans who would appreciate it, and 2nd just in order to ridiculise capcom and their SF crap (what ever it is SF4 or thr HD thing) just like NGBC somehow ridiculised CFJ...
That's some serious hate. Watch as SFIV outsells KoF12 by more than 5x.
Wow, there's some astounding ignorance in this thread. Lots of people who are ignorant of history, don't understand economics, or both.
-- Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron The Street Fighter Perfect Project
ZamIAm 1695th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Benjamins" , posted Fri 15 Feb 13:36
quote: Wow, there's some astounding ignorance in this thread. Lots of people who are ignorant of history, don't understand economics, or both.
I'd disagree. In fact I'd say that a lot of people fully understand both but dislike the result and thus are being very vocal about it. While SF IV may seem "right" in a technical and economical sense, it seems like it lacks a soul. I mean, they didn't even keep the art direction of the original SF IV trailer which would have been a nicely unique visual style.
Unless it gets leaked, CFAS is going to level of debate over whether it sucked as much as people claimed and was unable to be salvaged at all and had to be canceled outright. Personally, I was really looking forward to it.
Abel really seems like "Alex SF II" but that just makes C.Viper seem even weirder in design. Despite my many disappointments, I will cheer myself up with the fact that Abel has a 360 and C.Viper has glasses.
Edit/note/whatever: Is it just me, or does C.Viper sorta make you think of a white version of Sprocket (from Viewtiful Joe)?
Just a Person 1076th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(2):Re(10):Cast" , posted Fri 15 Feb 19:27:
Geez, you guys are really fast in getting news, aren't you? I wasn't even expecting for any news about SFIV today; let alone that we'd already have AOU info and news about KoF XII (which video I can't see from my job's computer, but people over here seem to have really liked it).
I liked Abel. He actually looks like a SFII-like character (although I also like C.Viper despite her looking like anything but a SFII-like character). And his fighting style looks interesting. Now I wait to find out what's his story and who are the new characters (sure, SFIV already has Abel and Viper, but just two new characters do not justify the name "Street Fighter IV"... it needs at least two more new characters and a new boss, just to keep up with SSFII Turbo...).
quote: > So we did agree on something finaly...Sometime I wish that KOF12 coule be a great game. 1st for the KOF fans who would appreciate it, and 2nd just in order to ridiculise capcom and their SF crap (what ever it is SF4 or thr HD thing) just like NGBC somehow ridiculised CFJ...
That's some serious hate. Watch as SFIV outsells KoF12 by more than 5x.
Well, that's likely to happen, sure... but just because SF is a bigger franchise worldwide.
But sales not always represent quality. I'm not saying that SFIV looks bad; actually I'm enjoying every news that appear about it. But I don't think we should disregard KoF XII; people over this board seem to consider the preview video fantastic, and we know how we are hard to be pleased with SNK sequels...
quote: While SF IV may seem "right" in a technical and economical sense, it seems like it lacks a soul. I mean, they didn't even keep the art direction of the original SF IV trailer which would have been a nicely unique visual style.
Edit/note/whatever: Is it just me, or does C.Viper sorta make you think of a white version of Sprocket (from Viewtiful Joe)?
I don't think SFIV lacks a soul; we barely know anything about it. And the screenshots so far look nice (sure, the game could get some graphical advances, but so far the reports from people who played the demo are positive).
But the art direction from that trailer was really nice. Maybe it could be used in the game opening or in the endings, or in cinematics during the game...
About your last comment, C.Viper's new artwork makes me think that she looks like an Asian woman. Then again, Ryu's one makes him look like anything but an Asian man...
EDIT: in Wikipedia's page about SFIV, Abel is listed as being from France, and C.Viper is listed as being from USA... is there anything at AOU mentioning this? Is this info true?
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Fri 15 Feb 22:03] |
Time Mage 2632th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Cast" , posted Fri 15 Feb 23:12
quote: and if you like the game fine with it but keep you fanboyism for you.
You of course are entitled to your own opinion, but, really, Naruto... You are the biggest fanboy here, so don't accuse people of being fanboy if you cannot see how fanboyish you are.
And I'm liking what I see from SFIV, with some reservations (some models look great, and others not so much). However, I hope they get rid of charge supers. If they really want to widen SFIV's audience, that's one of the biggest control issues new people have. I happen to be pretty skilled with those commands, but I know for sure most people, even those who are hardcore players, have problems with those motions. Specially Guile's one.
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
Nekros 1th Post

New Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Cast" , posted Sun 30 Mar 22:47
quote: I don't think SFIV lacks a soul; we barely know anything about it. And the screenshots so far look nice (sure, the game could get some graphical advances, but so far the reports from people who played the demo are positive).
You're right, but we have to deal with the intentions of Ono, very fanboys and mind-restricted about the project. First of all the mess started with the graphics: poligon over sprites may have been a wise decision if Street Fighter isn't a fighter. 3D fighters are way different from 2D ones. Poligonal engines can emulate the hitbox and patterns of 2D but the suck when it came to the mere collision. SF looks "puffy" when your high kick hits the enemy in mid-air, also look that when performing ground moves (the ones while press down on joystick). It all reminds me of SFEX series, that isn't REALLY bad, but isn't a real SF4 either. The timeline decision is also stupid, its only an exscuse to made all the 2 series cast make an apperance. The characthers, and the soul of a fighter in terms of originality, are incredibly lame. Ono is doing this in favor of Americans and other casual players who made contact with SF2 in the 90s, completely ignoring how far better the series had gone with SF3. The old charas are nice to view, but I can't stand them at all. After Capcom vs SNK 1, 2 and SVC Chaos I realize that those charas are REALLY OLD and stereotyped, especially compared with new ones from other games. Ok, SF isn't a Freak Show and some charas won't fit at all, but I think that SF4 deserves much more than a reash of the 2 series. The 8 originals are fine, but Sagat and Bison are a very childish addition to the cast, and I feel it was somewhat forced. Forced by Ono's devotion to SF2. Realising that, the HD remix may be have no point in its existence because of the release of SF4, both tribute and remix to SF2.
EddyT 657th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(5):Re(10):Cast" , posted Sun 30 Mar 23:03:
quote: I don't think SFIV lacks a soul; we barely know anything about it. And the screenshots so far look nice (sure, the game could get some graphical advances, but so far the reports from people who played the demo are positive).
You're right, but we have to deal with the intentions of Ono, very fanboys and mind-restricted about the project. First of all the mess started with the graphics: poligon over sprites may have been a wise decision if Street Fighter isn't a fighter. 3D fighters are way different from 2D ones. Poligonal engines can emulate the hitbox and patterns of 2D but the suck when it came to the mere collision. SF looks "puffy" when your high kick hits the enemy in mid-air, also look that when performing ground moves (the ones while press down on joystick). It all reminds me of SFEX series, that isn't REALLY bad, but isn't a real SF4 either. The timeline decision is also stupid, its only an exscuse to made all the 2 series cast make an apperance. The characthers, and the soul of a fighter in terms of originality, are incredibly lame. Ono is doing this in favor of Americans and other casual players who made contact with SF2 in the 90s, completely ignoring how far better the series had gone with SF3. The old charas are nice to view, but I can't stand them at all. After Capcom vs SNK 1, 2 and SVC Chaos I realize that those charas are REALLY OLD and stereotyped, especially compared with new ones from other games. Ok, SF isn't a Freak Show and some charas won't fit at all, but I think that SF4 deserves much more than a reash of the 2 series. The 8 originals are fine, but Sagat and Bison are a very childish addition to the cast, and I feel it was somewhat forced. Forced by Ono's devotion to SF2. Realising that, the HD remix may be have no point in its existence because of the release of SF4, both tribute and remix to SF2.
I felt similar to all of these sentiments. I was also stark-raving pissed about the move to 3D, the lack of new blood in the game, the possible fact that this would be SF2 EX2 with crappy gameplay, the ugly art direction from early screenshots and profile art, and feeling that Ono was talking crazy and had no clue on what he was getting himself into.
Then I actually played it in Osaka for the loketest last weekend.
I have never been so excited to play a new SF, ever. SFIV is very fun gameplay-wise, it is very solid in terms of movement (about the same speed as 3S, but feels nice), the graphics are actually very nice and great in motion, and they seem to be doing this game justice. I expected to play this game for 2 hours, get sick and frustrated and leave during the first day of the loketest. I ended up staying all 4 days, playing the first 3 nights until the arcade closed. I also ended up playing the most out of all loketest participants with 210+ matches. A lot of the pro SF tournament players in Osaka also gushed about the game and had no complaints about SFIV.
I am now bored out of my mind, with no other fighters interesting enough to capture my attention while I wait for this game. I was previously addicted to SF3:3rd Strike for 4 straight years until I saw SFIV, and now I don't even want to bother with 3S ever again.
If this doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what else could. I was literally feeling the same way you did as recently as 1-1/2 weeks ago.
I have to repeat how jaded I was before I tried this game. I changed my tune. Please at least try the game in full before setting your opinion down in stone. You may be surprised how well this game has been made.
[this message was edited by EddyT on Sun 30 Mar 23:05] |
EddyT 658th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(7):Re(10):Cast" , posted Sun 30 Mar 23:43:
quote: Fine, now I hope someone decided to import the arcade here. Sincerely, your words relieve me. I'm going to buy the console version of this game IN ANY CASE, even if it's crap, because I'm a huge fighter fan and because I want something to play online on my PS3. I cant' stand the wave of FPSs and I hope the console market take a new direction in the next 2-3 years.
My complaints about SF4, are focused on the artistic and graphics aspect, the ones that I can really judging haven't played the game. Playability-wise I found it interesting, just a bit disappointed for the removal of parry.
There has been many debates on parrying on srk.com, and why some people think that parrying ruined the SF series.
While it doesn't take away the amount of fun that I had playing 3S, I do think it was necessary to get rid of parrying for IV. It did make III too much of a parry/punish game, took away a lot of character's aggressive strong points not involving throws, encouraged too much hesitation and indecision on offense, and retarded most abilities to use projectiles to control space, one of SF's strongest points. Parrying was also, at times, random. It sometimes rewarded a bit of luck if you parried by accident, by quickly punishing after.
SFIV's Saving Attack remedies that. Using the same two buttons, you now have a more intentional move that can be stemmed from a strong hit that can stun, into a dash cancel to regain mobility. It really opens up a lot of doors offensively, and has potential to be one of the most unique additions to a fighter.
I was just really impressed on how fun it was to play this game, and it didn't feel like ST in 3D. For example, the fact that you can do EX moves straight out of SF3:3S really opens up offense and gives more options to older characters like Guile or Zangief.
It's crazy, but this game is actually brilliant so far. It had more than exceeded my expectations, it blew them away.
[this message was edited by EddyT on Sun 30 Mar 23:44] |
Grave 1030th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(8):Re(10):Cast" , posted Mon 31 Mar 16:25
The great impressions from the last loke test have gone a long way toward helping me keep optimistic about the game. Since day one I've wanted to be excited, and yeah, there's a lot I'm still not happy about, but what I hear about the saving system sounds like it'll be fantastically fun to play with.
I could never say parrying "ruined" SF (however it certainly ruined the projectile game, whether that's good or bad is up for debate), as 3S is still my favorite fighting game, but I do think it's good that we're seeing an entirely new system. I was worried that the game was trying too hard to appeal to SF2 fans only (and I still am, sort of, just less so) and to play just like that, but what I'm hearing saving totally disproves that. Like Maese Spt said, the roster is kind of boring right now but the two new characters we've seen so far have grown on me a LOT, but how many more will there be...? We haven't seen any gameplay footage of El Fuerte, and I certainly hope there's more than just three of them. The release is only a few months away, isn't it? So when will we see more?
I don't like when the game takes place chronologically, and I don't like the ignoring of the SF3 cast, but hey, it's SF4, and who really thought we'd ever see that? EddyT's impressions sound great, and me and Reno go back, so if he says it's good I believe it's good!
EddyT 663th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(9):Re(10):Cast" , posted Mon 31 Mar 16:40:
quote: The great impressions from the last loke test have gone a long way toward helping me keep optimistic about the game. Since day one I've wanted to be excited, and yeah, there's a lot I'm still not happy about, but what I hear about the saving system sounds like it'll be fantastically fun to play with.
I could never say parrying "ruined" SF (however it certainly ruined the projectile game, whether that's good or bad is up for debate), as 3S is still my favorite fighting game, but I do think it's good that we're seeing an entirely new system. I was worried that the game was trying too hard to appeal to SF2 fans only (and I still am, sort of, just less so) and to play just like that, but what I'm hearing saving totally disproves that. Like Maese Spt said, the roster is kind of boring right now but the two new characters we've seen so far have grown on me a LOT, but how many more will there be...? We haven't seen any gameplay footage of El Fuerte, and I certainly hope there's more than just three of them. The release is only a few months away, isn't it? So when will we see more?
I don't like when the game takes place chronologically, and I don't like the ignoring of the SF3 cast, but hey, it's SF4, and who really thought we'd ever see that? EddyT's impressions sound great, and me and Reno go back, so if he says it's good I believe it's good!
You know Reno? He's a great guy... he wants Zangief to be even better than he is now. LOL Zangief is waaaaay too good in this game, BTW.
Parrying isn't a bad thing... but it does change the dynamics of SF dramatically. I still like 3S a lot and respect the game, but I think it was necessary to go with a different direction in order for SFIV to morph into a new animal. Yet, Capcom was able to keep a familiar feeling by bringing back the WWs and keeping the feel of the gameplay similar to SF2. For them to add Saving Attack as well as bringing back EX moves, and then adding Ultras, it really adds some much needed spice to make IV stand out from the rest.
EDIT: Yeah, Reno and I think this game is very solid so far. We'll also try to make the KOF XII loketest, if possible.
[this message was edited by EddyT on Mon 31 Mar 16:47] |
Grave 1032th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(10):Re(10):Cast" , posted Mon 31 Mar 16:53
Yeah, we've never actually met, but we've known each other online for... uh, jeez, probably close to ten years now. Life might be placing me in Japan in the next year or two, so maybe I'll be there to harass you guys in person soon. I doubt I can hang, with the lame fighting game competition I get from my roomies. Of course, I managed to get one of them into KOF, which is more than I could say for the past roommates...
Really, as much as it sucks that SF3 fans are getting snubbed, the SF2 feel is really what SF is to the majority of people and as time goes by it makes more and more sense to me, I guess. What I see and hear does a lot to convince me that it is indeed going to stand out! But I am indeed worried that it's going to be treated as a "do-over" for SF3, even though technically it's taking place between SF2 and 3. Deep down, I'm still kind of afraid that something's going to make me terribly upset.
Time Mage 2648th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Re(10):Cast" , posted Mon 31 Mar 17:54
quote: I could never say parrying "ruined" SF (however it certainly ruined the projectile game, whether that's good or bad is up for debate)
Did it really ruin the projectile game?
I'm a Remy player, and I don't find his projectiles worthless at all. A parried projectile is an opportunity to dash in safely, grab them, etc. They're frozen in the parry animation, so, even if they don't get any damage, they're still locked down.
The projectile game would have been much more potent if parries weren't there, that's for sure, but I don't think parries really ruined projectiles.
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
EddyT 663th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(10):Re(10):Cast" , posted Tue 1 Apr 00:30
Did it really ruin the projectile game?
I don't really know, but it did alter it significantly for some players. For normal projectiles from characters like Ken, Ryu, Chun... it was difficult. It got to the point where only EX fireballs at point blank to half-screen range made an impact for at least Ken/Ryu. Of course, you use up EX meter for that, so it makes it hard to really zone with them until you built up a decent amount of meter.
Remy's projectiles are different IMO because he possesses almost no lag when he throws a projectile. I think he has the best projectile set-up in the game. But he's an exception to the rule most definitely.
Like I said, I don't think parrying is a horrible thing, but it's something that had too many nuances that kept SF from being SF. If it was in SFIV, I wouldn't complain, but I don't know if I would have liked it as much.
Time Mage 2650th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Cast" , posted Tue 1 Apr 05:34
quote: The Remy example did slip my mind, honestly, but yeah, I'd agree that his are quite useful and probably the best in the game.
Well, yeah, I guess Remy is special in this case. And yes, it's very true that projectiles are only useful from mid range to close range, so maybe that's a flaw of the system. Honestly, I think parries made the game fairer for the characters with no projectiles, which is a good thing.
Actually, I think it would be a pretty good experiment to make a ST with parries in it, just to see how the game would change.
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
Time Mage 2651th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Cast" , posted Tue 1 Apr 07:03
quote: I'd enjoy to see such a thing too, out of curiosity, but I'm afraid the rhythm of each game is way too different to implement something like that. I vastly prefer the way 3S plays to ST... O. Sagat TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER matches bore the shit out of me. But I've accepted that I'm in the minority, and all I can do is hope that SF4 doesn't reward that kind of play too much.
So far, it seems to reward Zangief players most of all! I can deal with that!
I could have written all of that, wow, I agree entirely.
People say that ST is a game of controlling space, but projectile characters make controlling space too projectile-dependent. O.Sagat is the extreme example, but other projectile characters spam them with generosity, also. I prefer much more the encouraged mid/close range fights with diverse pokes to beat parry attempts of TS than seeing a character moving slowly against a barrage of projectiles just to do something.
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
EddyT 669th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(1):" , posted Tue 1 Apr 21:17:
quote: The whole point of there being multiple SF series is for each of them to feel different. That's why I don't see how parries made the 3 series feel less "like SF".
I mean, look at custom combos in the Alpha series. They were both systems that significantly altered the gameplay of their respective series, but I always thought that was the point.
In one series projectiles will be more useful than in others. In another series footsie games would be more useful...etc., etc.
In the end, they're all SF, but they are supposed to be different enough from each other to warrant them being different series.
Which I'm sure is why that they didn't include parrying or CCs in IV. Those were the main major changes in gameplay for their respective series, but at the same time they weren't rock-solid enough to stay in IV. Those parts of gameplay defined their respective series, but if it had worked extremely well, I'm sure it would have stayed in IV. The EX move from SFIII is a great example.
Parries, it goes beyond just projectiles that it affected (and really, SFIII was the only series in SF that changed projectile properties dramatically), it penalized aggressive players too much. Yes, there's some moments where it's cool (see Daigo parrying Justin Wong's entire Chun-Li super with Ken), but many other moments where it just makes the game uneven with parry/punish.
IV's Saving Attack may not be a parry per se, but it's much more fair. You can only parry one hit when charging it, and it grays out your bar with the damage that you would have taken, had you taken the hit normally. It can still help you out of a jam, but there's actual consequences now. The SFIV crew had said that this is the "parrying" of the game, just modified.
3S felt like SF2, but parrying did change it enough. If the III series didn't have parries and Universal Overheads, and the Zero series didn't have Custom Combos and Zero Counters, wouldn't it feel more like SF2 again? There's your core "SF" gameplay (although I should had said "SF2" to be more precise).
The SFIV crew wanted to make this game simpler and more like SF2 to bring back the old SF2 fans, so parrying had to go because it was more of a intermediate to advanced technique. CCs were definitely an advanced technique, so that had to go. Things like Ultras, EX moves and Saving Attacks are just simpler to use and easier to understand their uses.
If the loketest is any indication, I can see IV as having the most polished gameplay out of all the SF games out there... and who wouldn't want that?
[this message was edited by EddyT on Tue 1 Apr 21:27] |