
For discussions, check the Madman's
Cafe Bulletin.
Sega and Square to work on Amusement project
- 2.10.01 |
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In an interview conducted by Softbank publishing, Sega's Co-COO (Co- Chief Operating Officer) Tetsu Kayama has revealed that Sega is currently in progress to create an amusement/arcade game in partnership with Square.
While details have not yet been mentioned, Kayama quotes;
"It's still in its planning stage, but we're working with Square on an AM project. It'll be something incredible, that can only be played at the arcades."
The interview can be read in Softbank publishing's Dreamcast magazine, dated 2/23/01.
(Note: Softbank's "Dreamcast Magazine" is not that of the American magazine, published by Imagine Media.)
Square to restart publishing FF strategy guidebooks
- 2.10.01 |
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According to the The Japan Industrial Journal, Square has announced to restart its guidebook publishings, related to the Final Fantasy series.
The guidebook to Square's Final Fantasy IX; "Online Ultimania", was released for free on the world wide web to strengthen the value and establishment of Square's online business.
However,Game guidebooks, selling a few million in copies for popular titles such as the Final Fantasy series, are a major source of income for game companies. Guidebooks also strengthen the sales of game titles themselves, acting as a source of advertisement and information. Square analyses that one of the reasons to Final Fantasy IX failing to sell over 3 million copies was due to the lack of information regarding the game.
Beginning from Final Fantasy X, guidebooks will be released again in published form.
For Japan Industrial Journal's internet site, check;
http://www.jij.co.jp/ |
PS2 version of Sakura Wars not to be a DC conversion, two titles to come for the DC
- 2.10.01 |
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In an interview by Softbank publishing, Sega's Co-COO (Co- Chief Operating Officer) Tetsu Kayama has Quoted that the Playstation2 version of Sakura Wars will not be a Dreamcast port, and that an estimated two fan-service Sakua Wars titles will be released for the Dreamcast. Quoted by Kayama;
"...The PS2 version of Sakura Wars will not be "Sakura Wars4". It's nothing in that direction. It isn't concrete, but there are ideas for a gaiden(side story) to Sakura Wars 3 -it won't be something stupid like a port of Sakura wars 1 and 2. There's a lot of ideas, such as an Director's cut version of Sakura Wars(1) with the edited two chapters included. As the Saturn's sold 700,000, there is an aim this time for 1 million to be sold."
"If there is to be a fan service for Sega fans, this time we will be having Overworks to create about 2 Sakura Wars titles for the Dreamcast. This is promised."
Capcom opens official page for "Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 5"
- 2.8.01 |
Isao Okawa donates 4 company Stocks, Gives authority to Sega
- 2.07.01 |
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According to Bloomberg Japan, Sega CEO Isao Okawa has released all personal stocks of 4 companies within the CSK group ,as a part of the 85 Billion Yen of assets to be donated to Sega. The 4 companies are Sega(1.9 million stocks- 3.27 billion yen), CSK(3.65 million stocks- 890 million yen), Nextcom(2.8 million stocks- 2.14 billion yen), and ASCII(1.129 million stocks- 74 million Yen).
Okawa -the founder of Sega's parent company CSK, will lose authority as the top stockholder over CSK, and as the second to top stockholder over Sega, Nextcom and ASCII.
Together with the stocks, the authority which Okawa possessed will now be passed on to Sega itself; Sega will now hold 5.89% of CSK's share (previously under 1%), 35.02% of Nextcom's share (previously 1.32%), and 12.35% of ASCII's share (previously 9.34%).
Sega comments to have no intention to sell the stocks donated by Okawa any time soon, and will begin on considering what actions to make with them.
DreamCast "Love Hina" to be sold by Limited Edition Sets Only
- 2.7.01 |
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Sega has announced their next gal-game release; "Love Hina -Smile again". "Love Hina -Smile again" will be the first game on the DreamCast to be sold only as limited edition sets.
Originally a manga in the weekly "Shounen Magazine" (Koudansha publishing), this will be the second release of Love Hina as an Adventure game for the Sega DreamCast. Likewise to the previous game, "Love Hina -Smile again" features all the characters from the manga, and an original character for the game; Mizuho Fujisawa.
All copies of the game will include the following set of goods;
Neckpiece (Neckpiece, 3 mascot figures)
Lunch set (Luncheon mat, chopsticks, chopstick rest)
Onsen set (Bath towel, Bath bowl)
"Love Hina -Smile again" is scheduled for release on 3/29, priced 8,800 Yen.
For more details, check Sega's Official site at:
http://www.sega.co.jp/ |
SNK Changes Bonuses due to overwhelming orders
- 2.5.01 |
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Due to overwhelming popularity, SNK has announced to change the special bonuses included in the online pre-order versions of "Super Real Mahjong Premium Collection". The changes have been made due to the pre-orders exceeding the stock of bonuses scheduled for distribution to reserved customers. The changes will go as follows:
For Game +
Game machine (NGP color) reservations before 2/2/01 8PM JST:
Mousepad + Phone card set + 5 set Mini book
For Game only reservations before 2/2/01 8PM JST:
5 set mini book
For Both Game only and Game + Machine reservations before 2/2/01 8PM JST:
For more details, check SNK's official site at:
http://www.neogeo.co.jp/ |
Capcom and Namco to release "BioHazard Fire Zone" -Beta test begins
- 2.2.01 |
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Capcom has announced their next release for the popular "BioHazard" series- BioHazard Fire Zone.
BioHazard Fire Zone is created in collaboration of Capcom and Namco. The game will be an arcade release, featuring gun shooting throughout a freely moveable 3D field.
BioHazard Fire Zone will be on public beta
testing on 2/3 - 2/4, at Capcom Plaza, Tokyo, Japan.
Public Release |
Sega reported to "lay off small number in US" relating to DreamCast
- 2.2.01 |
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Softbank owned online news site ZDNet News, reports Sega to have "layed off a small number of jobs at its US headquarters".
According to ZDNet, Sega's Spokesman Charles Bellfield did not make clear as to how many workers were cut, but that there remain about 125 employees remaining in hire. The jobs cut were marketing and quality assurance workers, tied to the Dreamcast console.
For the article, check ZDnet's site at:
http://www.zdnet.com/ |
Images of Virtua Fighter 4 characters released
- 2.1.01 |
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Sega has released image of characters to be in Virtua Fighter 4. Images of three characters- Akira, Lau and Pai have been released, with Lau and Pai both having changes in their costumes.
Virtua Fighter 4 will make its debut in the AOU show on 2/24/01. Although it has been made clear that
a demo movie which will include the playing screen of the game will be shown, Sega has not announced the game to be actually playable at the show.
Virtua Fighter 4 is scheduled for release on Dreamcast and Playstation 2, with first release in Arcades -Naomi 2.
Naomi 2 (left) & Naomi | Akira | Iau | Pai |
Sega to drop Dreamcast Price over 50%
- 2.1.01 |
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Sega of Japan has announced to lower prices of the Dreamcast, from the current 19,900 Yen to 9,900 Yen. The change in 10,000 Yen will be effective from 3/1/01, due to Sega having the same number of Dreamcast consoles in stock for the next fisical year, as the number sold for this fisical year.
For more information, check Sega's site at:
http://www.sega.co.jp/ |
Guilty Gear X Magazine collaboration to begin, novel released
- 2.1.01 |
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"Guilty Gear X" -the recent game released for the Arcades & Dreamcast by Sammy and Arc System Works, will have an original section under a magazine by SoftBank publishing. The section, titled "Guilty Gear Xtacy", will be published not in Softbank's weekly "Dreamcast Magazine", but their other magazine; "The Playstation".
"Guilty Gear Extacy" will be written with full cooperation of Guilty Gear X's producer/illustrator Daisuke Ishiwatari. The monthly section is planned to provide "a dream collaboration project" between fans and the producer. The section will also include fresh drawn illustrations by Ishiwatari as well.
Quoted from Guilty Gear Xtacy- "This is the ultimate in a section for fans, with its final purpose to port Guilty Gear X to the Playstation 2".
"Guilty Gear Xtacy" will start its section in "The Playstation", beginning 2/2/01.
In related news to publishing,
Guilty Gear X's novel has been released in 1/22/01. Published by Enterbrain Co, Guilty Gear X's novel features storyline written by Norimitsu Kaihou and illustrations drawn by Daisuke Ishiwatari.
Guilty Gear X's novel is currently on sale, ISBN#: 4-7577-0276-0, priced 640 Yen.
GGXtacy Illust | GGX Novel Cover |
Portable phone site game services begin- Sega opens "Sonic Cafe"
- 2.1.01 |
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Sega has opened a site named Sonic Cafe.
Sonic Cafe, a site compatible to NTT's web service I-mode, is designed for viewing under portable/cellular phones. By becoming a member of the site and paying a monthly fee, members can play games on their portable phone. The game programs are fully assembled with Java(currently 10KBytes max), providing smooth graphics and sound.
Multiple number of companies also have in plan to provide games for the I-mode as well, with Namco and Hudson soft already releasing games such as ports of their hit games "Pac-Man" and "Star Soldier".
As stated in the previous article "SCEI and NTT to deliver Playstation < > I-Mode services worldwide", NTT will also be porting their I-mode services in partnership with SCEI, for use in North America, and other countries.
Sonic Cafe | Nights | Pac-Man | Star Soldier |
Sega Officially announces Virtua Fighter 4, site opened
- 1.30.01 |
Square to use customized language for PlayOnline contents
- 1.30.01 |
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According to the press release of Square's meeting held in 1/22/01, Square will be using their own, customized language - PML, for Play Online contents.
which stands for PlayOnline Markup Language, will have higher processing abilities than the standard HTML language used for the WWW. This will allow faster viewing of contents, "like flipping through a comic" according to Square.
Likewise, Square will be releasing the PlayOnline Viewer and Navigator to be used for its viewing. E-mail and chat will also be supported by the program(s).
For Square's Press release, check Square's Official site at
http://web.square.co.jp/ |
Square announces Year 2002 to be "Final Fantasy Year"
- 1.25.01
Image from previous Coca-cola tie-up |
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According to the press release of Square's meeting held in 1/22/01, Square will be projecting a full scale promotion in 2002, named "Final Fantasy Year".
"Final Fantasy
Year" will be a collation of numerous promotions, in order to create a synergy of the brand name "Final Fantasy", and the numerous media to be released during the period, including the online service "Final Fantasy XI" and "Final Fantasy -the movie".
No details have been released as to what "Final Fantasy Year" will be consisted of, but
industrial tie-ups has been announced as one of the methods of promotion.
Coca-Cola corporation has been announced as one of the companies to tie-up with Square for Final Fantasy XI, likewise to Final Fantasy VII - IX. Cola-Cola co. will also be tying up with Square on Final Fantasy X as well.
Whether Final Fantasy Year will be projected only to Japan or worldwide, is not known.
For Square's Press release, check Square's Official site at
http://web.square.co.jp/ |
Mcdonalds to enter the videogame business - 1.25.01
Image from press release |
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Mcdonalds has announced to release stand-alone Video Game Kiosks "McMagination" in a number of their restaurants, allowing children to "play the latest video games via an in-store computer system".
The game kiosks are created between Mcdonalds and Compaq, based on Compaq's Deskpro PC featuring a 700MHZ Pentium III, 128M SDRAM, 9GB Ultrawide SCSI, and ATI Rage Pro. The monitor is a 17 inch S710 model, also by Compaq. In addition, Nintendo will provide hardware for the McMagination- namely, the Nintendo 64. The kiosk will feature the shape of Mcdonalds character such as Ronald Mcdonald and Grimace.
Mcdonalds aims the McMagination for children ages 4-7(kids), and 8-15(teenagers). For "kids", the McMagination are designed to suit their height, and for "teenagers", the games feature more "grown-up" graphics, controllers and monitors to suit their height.
McMagination games are scheduled to be updated every 6 weeks.
For more information and the press release kit, check Compaq's site at
http://www.compaq.com/ |
Square announces Title of Theme song to Final Fantasy X
- 1.25.01 |
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Square has announced the theme song title of Final Fantasy X to be "Suteki da ne" in Japanese. The phrase, translated to English, means "It's wonderful".
For information and song samples of FFX's theme song vocalist RIKKI, check the official site.
Office RIKKI'
http://www.amami.com/RIKKI/ |
releases "Tales of" series site, limited time only
- 1.24.01 |
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Namco has opened its official site
of the popular "Tales Of" series (Tales of Eternia, Tales
of Fantasia, etc).
TalesWeb.com -the promotional site, features a number of interactive
sections such as a chatroom featuring its game characters, make-you-online
manga, and personality checking.
Membership to use the site's features is free.
Tamesweb.com is scheduled to be opened for a limited time until March.
For the TalesWeb.com site, check
http://www.talesweb.com/ |
Sega stock rises 18% after media release
of Playstation 2 news
- 1.23.01 |
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According to Bloomberg
Japan, Sega's stock ended today (1/23/01) at 1263 Yen- a rise
of 193 Yen, or 18.04%. The rise occured due to reports on the 22nd
by a number of media, that Sega will be releasing game software(s)
to Sony's next-generation machine, Playstation 2.
Sega 's public relation comments to reports from the media; "We
have announced in November that we will be taking a multi-platform
strategy, porting games to the PC and other hardware. However, we
are still considering on which hardware(s) to supply to."
According to the Jiji Communications,
the decision to port games to the Playstation 2 comes as an effort
by Sega to recover business performance, leaving Sega to also consider
releasing games for the Microsoft corporation's X-Box as well.
Jiji Communications also reports that Sega is planning to release
a public announcement on their drastic business restructure plans
by the end of the month. |
Images & Details on Jojo's Bizzare
Adventure Part 5
- 1.22.01 |
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Capcom has released more detail on their
upcoming game, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 5. The news was released
in the magazine which the series is published in; the Shounen Jump
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 5 will not be a fighter game as the
previous Jojo Part 3 was, but a 3D action game for the Playstation
No release date or price has yeet been scheduled.
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure is currently
running its 6th chapter in the Weekly Shounen Jump; Shuueisha publishing.
Image 1 | Image
2 | Full Scan |
Street Fighter Zero Upper promotion art released - 1.19.01 |
Dreamcast to be re-architectured against
Copy Software - 1.17.01 |
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Sega has announced
their decision to begin a new production line of re-architectured
Dreamcast consoles. The newly engineered Dreamcast consoles, will
have protection against playing back CD-R.
The change of hardware comes due to current Dreamcasts being able
to play games burnt to CD-R, with the use of special software. As
a side effect, MIL CDs will no longer be useable in the new Dreamcasts.
Sega has already begun retailing Dreamcasts with the new architecture,
beginning from the "Limited Edition Sakura Wars" set, released
12/28/00. |
Street Fighter Zero Upper announced - 1.17.01 |
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Capcom and Sega
has announced to release Street Fighter Zero Upper,
for the arcades. Street Fighter Zero Upper
will be the Naomi version of "Street Fighter Zero 3 -Saikyouryu
Dojo", previously released for the DreamCast.
In addition to Survival mode, Dramatic battle and Final battle useable
from the startup screen, Characters created with the Dreamcast version
of SFZ3- Saikyouryu Dojo, can be used in SFZUpper with the use of
the VMU.
Street Fighter Zero Upper will be developed by Capcom, and distributed
by Sega starting Febuary.
Grand Tursimo 3 to be delayed to April
- 1.17.01 |
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SCEI has announced
the additional delay of Grand Turismo 3 -A Spec, to April. Originally
planned for release in 2/15/01, SCEI explains the delay to be caused
by "additional cars announced this year, and the improvement
of the software quality".
The exact date scheduled for April release, has not been specified.
For more details and information on
Grand Turismo 3, check GT3's site at
http://www.scei.co.jp/sd2/gt3a/ |
for Final Fantasy X theme song Announced by Square
- 1.10.01 |

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Square has announced Japanese singer RIKKI
(Ritsuki Nakano) to be their official vocalist for the theme some
of their upcoming Playstation 2 RPG, Final Fantasy X.
Final Fantasy X's theme song (not yet released
to public) has already been completed by the series' music composer,
Nobuo Uematsu last year in 10/4/00, and its lyrics in 11/3/00.
Song samples of RIKKI are available via her production web site- |
Office RIKKI'
http://www.amami.com/RIKKI/ |
SNK HeadQuarter moves to Tokyo, Japan
- 1.10.01 |
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While delayed news, SNK's headquarter has
now been changed to Tokyo, Japan. Its address now matches that of
Aruze Co., with the exception of being located in a different structure.
Likewise, the former SNK Headquarter, located in Osaka, Japan, is
now labeled as "Osaka Office".
Together with a number of other companies under the Aruze Group label,
SNK Headquarters is now located in Ariake, Minato-ku of Tokyo Japan.
Other companies under the Aruze Group label include Eleco co., Mizuho,
SystemStaff co., Adars, and Seta co., known for their Mahjong games.
It is not clear if this change of location is only for document purposes
due to the acquisition of SNK by Aruze, or if the Headquarter has
physicially moved as well. |
Latest in X-Box Revealed at CES,
"This is a breakthrough device. It's a new thing for Microsoft."
- 1.7.01 |
List of SNK Artist Sites
- 1.7.01 |
Released prior in the Madman's
Cafe Bulletin, the following
is the latest update in the listing of SNK artist sites.
In most cases, the artists use names different from their work nicks. |
The Site of Eiji Shirai, who most SNK fans should know as the official
illustrator for the Samurai Shodown series. Currently does Freelancing.
The site of Tonko, known well as the artist of the Last Blade, and
Garou- Mark of the Wolves-. Currently works at "a company that
makes Pachinko and Games".
The site of Yuujirou, whose works can be seen in a number of endings
and gallarie options, such as KOF98. |