

- Square Announces Final Fantasy X Spinoffs, Company Restructure to take place

- Short Comment- More Short Coverage of E3, Nintendo president calls it Quits

- Short Comment- Short Coverage of E3

- Short Comment- E3 Coverage

- Additional Final Fantasy XI issues Arise- Useless Registration Codes packaged with Software
Rage of the Dragons, Scheduled to be released 9/26 for Home NeoGeo ROM
Additional "The Rage of the Dragon" footage, Interview with Playmore Official
Additional Soul Calibur 2 Beta Testing Footage Released (Ruliweb)
Final Fantasy VIII Vocalist Faye Wong, Earns spot in Guinness Record
Short Comment- Limited Edition "GunGrave" to come with Kaiyoudou Figure

- PlayOnline to Still Experience Issues, Services to be Free until July
Capcom president to become new CESA Chairman
Sega gains Exclusive 7 Year contract on All Osaku Tezuka Copyrights
"BeatMania THE FINAL" to be released, Currently in Beta Testing
Soul Calibur 2 - Additional Beta testing footages

- Square PlayOnline Troubles from Launch, Crashes on Second Day
- Matrix Reloaded- Official Teaser Trailer Released
- Soul Calibur 2- Namco releases additional Images, Default Moves List
Capcom makes Final Update in GameCube BioHazard1 Site
Playmore/SNKNeoGeo releases Wallpapers, Garou and Last Blade 2

- Microsoft to Slash price on Xbox- 199$ in US, 24,800 Yen in Japan (Reuters)
- Sony's Saru Gecchu / Ape Escape, to become Movie
- Sony Music Entertainment to participate in Food Business
- Rage of the Dragons to be released on June 6th (Gfront.com)
- Steven Spielberg to Graduate College this Month (Reuters)

- Short Comment- Something to Happen to Site, Soon.
- PS Broadband Units, Reported to Disable Memory Card Manager and CD Player
- Sony Announces PlayStation2 & PSX Price Drop in US and Japan
- Nintendo Announces Modem for GameCube
- Kingdom Hearts English Voice Actors Announced, Haley Joel Osment to play Main Character
- Tekken 4, Three Wallpapers Released (Gpara.com)
- Short Comment- And yet again, the Square manga Continues...
- Short Comment- What woulld happen if Hellsing hit the States
- Short Comment- Different places, Different Pocky.

- Soul Calibur 2- New Promotional Footage Released
- First Photos of "Matrix Reloaded" Released, Trilogy to be Released within Year (TIME.com)
- Sony PlayStation2 Reaches 30 Million in Sales (Reuters)
- Namco Tales Of Fantasia and Mr.Driller footages Released (IGN.com)
- Tekken 4 - Playstation2 Tournament Footage Released (Impress Gamewatch)

- Konami releases Future Plans on Title Franchises, "Metal Gear Solid Substance" Announced
- King OF Fighters 2002 Scheduled for Early October, New Power Instinct within Year
- Final Fantasy Orchestra Concert Recording to be Released on CD
- Bandai Announces new WonderSwan Model "Swan Crystal"
- Rage of the Dragons- Additional Screen Shots, and Wallpapers, Art Released
- "The House OF The Dead" - Official Movie site Opens
- Nintendo And Namco Announce Upcoming Cooperation Titles
- "Guilty Gear Watch" - Weekly Guilty Gear XX Online Journal To Open
- Antonio Inoki to become CG Animation Movie
- Short Comment- More CvS2 Video Goodness
- Short Comment- Strike a Pose for the Camera! ...KOF's Angel?
- Short Comment- The Pepsi-Cola Blues

- Short Comment- Beware of the KLEZ Virus for tomorrow.

- Additional "Rage of the Dragons" footage Released by Evoga
- SNKNeoGeo/Playmore to Release KOF99 and Metal Slug X for PSX
- Short Comment- The Japanese KFC Tradition- Colonel "Samurai" Sanders Returns!
- Short Comment- Warning to Winamp Users: MP3 Virus Bug

- Capcom announces Titles to be revealed at E3
- Sega E3 Titles Released (Dengeki Online)
- Square begins Online Newspaper "Vana'diel Tribune" for Final Fantasy XI
- Short Comment- What happens when the "JoJo's Bizzare Adventure" Artist does Fan-Art...
- Short Comment- The Square manga Continues...
